The US Pentagon has recently sent a message saying that it is preliminary planning for the visit of the new House of Speaker McCarthy, including may visit Taiwan this spring.Perosi, who was about to step down in August last year, visited Taiwan. The concession of the US -China wrestling and the turbulent situation of the Taiwan Strait triggered the potential explosion of McCarthy Taiwan.Although US Secretary of State Brillings plans to visit China in February, the Minister of Finance Yellen also plans to visit China. From the recent observation of the US government's measures to China, the pace of the United States and China has not slowed down, but has become more aggravated.It can be predicted that the US -China relations may be difficult to improve in the year of the Guili Rabbit.

The Pentagon Building has the purpose of managing and controlling the expectations of all parties for McCarthy Taiwan.After 15 rounds of voting hard, McCats New Officials, who was elected as the Speaker, took three fires. After working, they immediately expressed their strong stance on China.China's virus traceability survey.He wanted to realize the political commitments of the Speaker of the Campaign to visit Taiwan. It did not highlight the shortcomings of the former opponent Pelosi until the eve of the departure, and improved his position in the American politics that he was highly consensus on the two parties in China.

The news that the military's visit to Taiwan was released, which was meaningful.It shows that Washington is very clear that this trip will inevitably force Beijing to make a strong military response. Therefore, the US military must plan the itinerary in detail beforehand, especially security considerations.It also shows that Washington may be intended to borrow Taiwan cards to stimulate Beijing, and thus further consolidate the currently ongoing sword that is currently on the Indo -Pacific League campaign, including acquiring the Japanese expansion of Japan, providing Australian nuclear submarines, attracting the British to intervene in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea dispute.Encourage India and Vietnam to take over the supply chain withdrawn from China.It is obviously a part of the overall layout of the United States for increased national defense budget and arms procurement.

McCarthy's toughness in China, which ranked third in the US power structure, is based on the increasingly distrust of China's public opinion to China.It is reported that a manuscript published by the Congress Mountain News on January 21, which is reported by the US Congress, is typical.The title of the article is straightforward: Chinese Liu He is in Davos: Every word is a lie. Describes the "China Come" in the World Economic Forum Annual Conference on January 17th, emphasizing that China welcomes foreign capital, Will not go back to the old road of the planned economy, full of "dishonesty and care of him."The article believes that Liu He's speech is essentially an information war, the purpose of paralysis of the West's wisdom to threaten China.

Liu He met with US Treasury Minister Yellen on January 18, and described the atmosphere of the talks afterwards, and the results were positive.Yellen emphasized that the two sides "have the responsibility to prove that China and the United States can properly handle differences to prevent competition from evolving into almost conflict" and reveal that they intend to visit China this year.However, when Yellen visited Zambia in Africa on January 23, China described China as an obstacle to solving the debt problem of Zambia, and his finger pointed directly at the "Belt and Road".Zambia became the first African country to default debt after the crown disease epidemic was outbreak in 2020. More than one -third of the foreign debt was held by Chinese creditors.The Chinese Embassy in Zanbia will post the next day.

Pressure to China is still a persistent policy of the U.S. government. The Bayeng government released the wind through the media on January 24, saying that it has provided evidence to the Chinese government, showing that some Chinese state -owned enterprises may provide support for Russia's war in Ukraine.And try to determine whether Beijing knows these activities, threatening is strong.After the outbreak of the United States and the West in the Russia -Ukraine War, it took unprecedented economic sanctions against Russia and warned Beijing Ruojun to help Moscow will face serious consequences.The media on January 24 did not have the intention of giving China Malaysia. At the same time, it was expected to set the "results" for Blink to visit China in February.

All signs show that China ’s righteous maps that stop the clearance policy reverse the economic downturn, and at the same time are busy with the economic and social impact of the spread of crown disease, and frequently release the beauty of beauty.However, the United States has adopted a two -handed strategy. On the one hand, it continues to talk to China's senior executives, especially to ensure that Russia cannot get actual assistance in Beijing in order to frustrate the Russian army on the Ukrainian battlefield., Even at the expense of Taiwan's issues to stimulate Beijing and strengthen China's negative image in the international community.Those who have good expectations for US -China relations may be disappointed this year.