Source: Taiwan Newspaper

Author: Li Yizhong

Not long ago, the New York Times revealed that Republican MP George Santos many academic experience background fakes caused a series of storms.Due to the voting considerations, he has publicly opposed the LGBTQ bill, and even made the statement of hostility of homosexual activities. His "different appearances" and then led to a dismissal of his dismissal in full swing.A big lying family like Santos became the latest case of American political system failure on the occasion of the New Year.

Last year's U.S. mid -term elections, the Republican Party made significant progress in New York State. Santos won nearly 10 percentage points in the Long Island area where the Democratic Party was.The increase in New York State's seats allowed the Republican Party to gain a majority in the House of Representatives, and eventually won the position of the Speaker. In this regard, Santos did have its achievements.

But the image of his self -fabrication quickly made himself ashamed, and the content was more bizarre than one, especially to combat American democracy and prestige.Anyway, everything can be compiled.

A lie on Santos, in addition to participating in homosexuality shows and anti -homosexuality, he once said on Twitter the 9/11 incident to take his mother's life.The 9/11 incident is the permanent pain in the hearts of the New York people. For those who were the victims and rescued, New York customers hugged infinite sympathy and admiration. Santos' tweets can be imagined how many people have touched.However, in contrast to his different tweets, his mother became a senior director who worked in the South Tower of Gemini Building, and was lucky to survive in 9/11, but later died in the confrontation with cancer.However, there were subsequent media investigations. On the one hand, he did not find evidence of his mother's death in cancer. Second, according to the official US immigration record, on the 9/11 day, his Brazilian mother was not in the United States.

In addition, Santos has organized "Friends of Pets United", saying that he has saved 2,400 dogs and 280 cats.After raising 3,000 US dollars (S $ 3954), the dog died, and the money was unknown.What's even more weird is that when these animals were "charity", Santos was not called Santos, but another name was Anthony Devolder.

Relay New York Times, other media have chased out: from 2020 to 2021, Santos worked in a company accused of "Ponzi scam" by the US Securities and Exchange Commission in the Atlantic Harbor City;The volleyball stars of the Academy and led the team to win the league championship, but in fact Santos was not on the list of players at the time. After a Brazilian woman was exposed to deceive voters in Santos, she came forward to identify that he was more than 10 years ago and cheated her away in Brazil.People who deposit and jewelry; Santos said he was "half Jews" (of course, he also pleased Jewish votes), and also said that his grandparents were survivors under the Nazi Massacre, but his grandparents were born in Brazil, and there was no any any ofJewish background; Santos said that he had worked at Goldman Sachs and Citi Group before politics. He was a "experienced Wall Street Financialist and investors". After Goldman Sachs and Citi both denied, Santos said that he was "indirect".Too deal with these companies did not work in their group; he also said that he graduated from Baruk College, New York, and found out that there was no such thing as a beautification of his education. Finally, he even said that he had four employees.In 2016, a total of 49 people died of Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, it turned out to be fake.

In order to win the recognition of voters, politicians have no time to avoid self -exaggeration and beautification. The reason why Santos causes uproar, because he is simply distorting the facts, but he can deceive the party, voters, and even the media all the way.But it really happened.Santos constructs his own self -constructing himself as a collection of compassion, care of animals, high education, high education, high -level business people and Jewish descent, and then win members of Parliament in Long Island District, New York, and move forward in Washington.More than 10,000 people chose a liar together.

Some New York media gave a comment to this scam, namely: "A pathological liar, entering the story of Congress through a scam, providing us with a very ironic high -class social comedy, but the audience laughedThe sound stops, no one will like it. "

Even if the media revealed Santos' lies, it still requires at least two -thirds of the House of Representatives to vote for consent in order to expel him from Congress.It is impossible to take the initiative to make a precious seat in New York State.Of course, the best way is that Santos should resign with shame, but if he is interested in maintaining his reputation, how can he deceive to this day?