Source: Ming Pao

The "Ukrainian Defense Liaison Group", which is composed of more than 50 countries led by the United States, held a defense meeting in Germany on Friday (20th).(Leopard 2) The main battle tank is released, but it has not happened in the end.The newly -appointed German Defense Minister showed that it would be difficult to assert when it would make or the answer, but denied that it was obstructing the West's supply tank to Ukraine.Poland took the lead in putting pressure on the meeting before the meeting, warning or not waiting for the virtue to provide "Leopard 2" to the Ukraine.Russia warned West to not provide heavy weapons that can fight against Russian territory, otherwise the situation will rise to a very dangerous situation.

This meeting was held in Ram Stein Air Force Base, Germany.Boris Pistorius, German Defense, told the media during the conference that "we still cannot explain when we will make decisions and what decisions will be made."Regarding the outside world questioned Berlin's hinders of tanks for Uku, Pisto Lius denied that he had ordered the Ministry of Defense to take stock of leopard tank inventory, so as to facilitate the rapid follow -up when making "positive decisions" in the transportation.

The hesitation attitude of Germany on Leopard 2 for Ukraine has aroused dissatisfaction with European and American allies.One week ago, the United Kingdom promised to provide the Urpical Master Tank with the "Challenger 2". It was explicitly aimed at promoting Berlin's imitation. France was reportedly considering supplying the LECLEL's main battle tank.However, German Chancellor Tsutz hinted on Wednesday that the United States must take the lead in supplying its main battle tank, and the Germans followed up simultaneously.The United States CNN quoted senior officials in the United States on Thursday to complain that Germany's practices made it "difficult", emphasizing that the US "Abrams" tank and leopard tanks are different in performance, specialties and weaknesses.Can't generalize in Aidu.U.S. Defense Secretary Austin did not talk about whether the United States would provide the main battle tank yesterday. It only emphasized that this was a "critical moment". The Russian army was re -assembled and armed."Dig deep)".

Lithuania: Some countries must be granted Ukraine

The Netherlands, Poland, and Finland have sought "Leopard 2" for their own inventory, but in principle, the move of Sublin is the first.Poland, which does not bite strings in Germany, took the lead in strengthening pressure.Prime Minister Moravitzki said in an interview on Wednesday that even if Germany refused to agree to the foreign "Leopard 2" at the conference on Friday, Warsaw still did not rule out the handling of the tank to the Ukraine, emphasizing that the Ukraine received the military aid in time in time to receive military aid in time.In the face of principles, Berlin "is the first to be a secondary."Poland has repeatedly stated that it will only provide the main battle tank with other countries.In the conference on Friday, Lithuanian Defense Minister Anushascas hinted that it might follow, "some countries will definitely send a leopard tank to Ukraine. This is a sure thing."
Russia warns the West, do not make up a high weapon

"The situation will become extremely dangerous"

Ukrainian President Zelezky published a video speech at the conference on Friday, and once again called on Western allies to "accelerate" weapons to pay.The Russian Cremlin spokesman Peskov urged the West on Thursday to provide Ukraine with heavy weapons that can fight against Russian territory and warn NATO as the deployment of the main battle tank and the long -range missile system in Ukraine, which will upgrade the situation to "extremely dangerous", May threaten "global and European security."The vice chairman of the Russian Federal Security Conference and former President Medvedev hinted on the same day that if the Russian side was defeated, it would trigger a nuclear war.

In addition, the U.S. Department of Defense announced a new group of US $ 2.5 billion against U -military on Thursday, including 90 Stryker armored soldiers for the first time, and 59 additional Bredeli war vehicles, butIt does not include tanks.About 11 European member states such as Britain, Denmark, Poland, and other NATO meeting in Estonia on Thursday, promising to provide more weapons to Ukraine, including missiles, armored vehicles, howitzers and air defense artillery fires.