Source: Global Times

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The Russian conflict, which has been in the world for nearly a year, has brought a huge impact on the global energy pattern.While Europe and many other countries are plagued by energy price turmoil, Japan, which seriously relies on external energy supply, is also "uneasy", and even began to worry about the energy dilemma encountered in the first oil crisis in 1973.After the first oil crisis, Japan's official industry -university -research jointly promoted the "Sunshine Plan" with energy replacement as its main goal, adjusted the energy strategy and achieved many breakthroughs in new energy technology and technological innovation.The transformation answer.But this time, when the Russian -Ukraine conflict still cannot see the signs of the end and the deterioration of Japan and Russia's relations may cause the Russian energy to be broken at any time, can the Kishida government restart the new version of the "Sunshine Plan" to help Japan "turn in crisis" for the second time.Intersection

Japan selects the exterior development path after World War II, and uses external conditions such as cheap energy in the international market to promote national policy such as "trade national" and "technical introduction" and the implementation of energy from coal to oil to achieve economic recovery and even high speeds.increase.But as the first oil crisis swept the world, Japan also chewed the real crisis for the first time after the war.In Japan, there was a trend of economic depression. Petroleum products and electricity prices were high, overcapacity, decreased output value, and unemployment increased, and industrial competitiveness shrunk sharply.The increase in crude oil prices enabled Japan, which imported nearly 90%of the imported energy from the Middle East at that time, and a serious international revenue and expenditure deficit occurred.

In this regard, the Japanese government introduced the "Sunshine Plan" in 1974, including promoting the diversification of energy imports, and successively invested huge amounts of support funds. According to the "national policy private", construction and operation nuclear power plants were promoted.Applications, etc., are called new types of energy that can be replaced by oil before 2000.The plan brought a series of new changes to Japan. Japan's optical panel was once global, and the number of nuclear power stations exceeded 40. The chip industry technology leaps leap, and it has stimulated other energy -saving and emission reduction industries to achieve leap forward.

Taking the opportunity of energy dilemma caused by the first oil crisis, Japan turned the crisis through the "Sunshine Plan".However, in the subsequent development, Japan's cost shortcomings on new energy development such as photovoltaic panels are highlighted, and during the popularization of mass production, it has been continuously surpassed by China and South Korea. Nuclear energy also accounted for in Japan's total energy proportion due to Fukushima nuclear accidents.With a straightforward decline, most nuclear power plants have suspended for more than 10 years due to security. Such dilemma has caused Japan to choose to continue to rely on the Middle East energy sources and expand the LNG imported from Russia as a supplement.

Since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, Japan, which has followed the US and European sanctions on Russia, has once again faced the pressure of energy increases in energy price increases and possible Russia's possible energy supply.At present, Middle East energy is as high as 92%in Japan's energy imports. When the first oil crisis is exceeded, domestic Japan is worried that energy security risks will exceed the warning line again.

Faced with such a trend, the Kishida government tried to expand the diversification and stability of traditional energy supply through economic diplomacy. At the same time, combined with global climatic governance, it proposed to invest 150 trillion yen within 10 years (1540.55 billion yuanSingapore) The idea of building a carbonization society, which is called the new version of the "Sunshine Plan" by the Japanese media.However, Japan's development of the above -mentioned new energy facing multiple competition pressures such as Europe later and China took the lead in mass production. There are still many variables whether it can be turned into a machine again.

Japan's left -handed collision that gets rid of the dilemma of energy also provides warnings for other energy consumer countries. Once a dependence on a certain traditional energy supply path is formed, it may seriously affect the innovative enthusiasm for new energy development, and the culprit can promote the boat to advance the boat.The perseverance of low -carbon development.At present, the spillover effect of Russia and Ukraine has led to repeated or even short -term energy policies in many countries. However, in the long run, continuing to promote clean energy development will be a subject that will not be avoided in the future.In order to respond to the reappearing energy dilemma this time, Japan restarts a measure similar to the "Sunshine Plan", but these series of attempts to persist and achieve the results of the soft landing and low -carbon development of the energy pattern are obviously yet to be observed.