Zeng Yongchang

The Chinese private economy accompanies the rise of reform and opening up. If there is no institutional privilege shelter, state -owned enterprises cannot do private enterprises, private economies are prosperous, and China is prosperous; private economy has died, China has died.Now the central government is high -profile and supports private enterprises, but there is still a threshold at the gate of private enterprises.The problem of the threshold is not solved, or the supporting role of state -owned enterprises, or the fate of the retreat of the country.After 40 years of reform and opening up, for a few days, private companies have been stable?There are always people in China that discriminate against private enterprises. In addition to giving the private economy cyclical, it also firmly put private enterprises into cages, controls it in high walls, and blocks the development of private enterprises like state -owned enterprises like state -owned enterprises.The West and India and Vietnam do not have the ownership of China, so the private economy can develop rapidly and become the main force of innovation.To say that the gap between China and them is the fundamental gap.

After the Central Economic Work Conference at the end of 2022, after the "two unshakables", some people began to expect the network celebrities who bombarded private enterprises in recent years to apologize.it's out of the question."Two unshakables" is a version of the theory of the primary stage of socialism. It is a kind of persistence without apology. At least it shows that their groups think they are not all wrong, and they are at most early.Many of the current problems in the Chinese economy come from the reform after the reform enters the deep water area. There is a problem with the root.If you think about the problem of not apologizing for web celebrities in this latitude, you can see the sensitivity of China's ownership issues.

The private enterprises are all gray, the Internet celebrity refuses to ask for sin

Therefore, to interpret the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, of course, it depends on the analysis of the content of the bulletin, and it depends on the institutional transaction cost of achieving goals behind it."Demand shrinkage, impact of supply, and expected weakness" is not a new proposition this year. Because the cost of achieving the goal of the goal is too large, the Central Economic Work Conference was proposed last year.Whether it can be solved this year does not depend on subjective wishes.It is pleasant and not optimistic at the time of time.

How to get out of the economic crisis in China, regardless of the geopolitical game, de -globalization, de -Sinicization, and the challenges of the Western industrialization, only internal people and the fear are a problem.If the country of land in the land has destroyed agriculture, rural, and farmers, the economic national and civilian retreat will be a large number of private enterprises.Farmers have a population of 600 million and more than 300 million private enterprises (now no solid data can be found). In recent years, the population that has been damaged in China and the hit may have been as high as 60%.This time, the Central Government held an economic work conference at the end of the year to correct the problem of "two unshakables" in the society in recent years, which is a bit similar to the rectification of the 7,000 -person conference in 1962.However, given that private enterprises are gray, the Internet celebrities have refused to invite sin, so objectively, this meeting failed to repair the destruction of confidence in reform and opening up.

In 1987, the 13th National Congress of the Mainland Government established the theory of the primary stage of socialism, and used public ownership as the main body and multiple ownership development as the basic economic system.In 1998, Zhu Rongji launched a state -owned enterprise restructuring for three years, and generally retired from the country.In 2002, the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the "two unshakables" and endorsed private enterprises.In 2004, Economist Lang Xianping threw out the "nanny theory" to bombard the Corporal Corporal Corporation, and took the lead in starting the war of retreat from the country.The reform and opening up of the Deng era is the relaxation of political control in the Mao era.No discussionism, no controversy of politics, and guiding ideology is to reform, let go, and engage in six words.The key is to let go, let go to work, and work to work on the economy.Deng Xiaoping said during his lifetime that "reform and opening up will not change, it is impossible to change, and it does not need to be changed."

Change, the political system inertia.Some people in China like to use all systems.Over the years, the organizational ideas of wool -type ideology have been organized, and the old ministers who chase the Deng -style ideology are about to set up a private company to die.The private economy accounts for the "five six, seven or eight -nine" of the Chinese economy, contribute more than 50%of taxes, more than 60%of the total domestic product, more than 70%of technological innovation, more than 80%of urban labor employment, and more than 90%or moreNumber of enterprises.A country to solve the job of solving the employment of 300 million people into another volume, how much hate to these people need to hate these people!

Deng -style theory does not controversy, and does not mean that the theory does not exist.China is a socialist country, and the private economic descent is not correct. From the beginning, it was full of uncertainty.When Deng -style personal authority was ancient, the person who pursued the theory of hair still changed the arrangement of Deng -style.Of course, the expectations of private enterprises can only increase the cost of institutional transactions, and the state that is lost in the end is still the country.The policy "left", they were regarded as a street mouse. As long as the surnames were surnamed, no one could raise their heads to do things.Therefore, large private enterprises have been strictly reached under the crackdown of anti -monopoly and cracking down capital expansion, rectification platform economy and the Internet industry, and they have no way to live in the teaching and training industry and private schools under the "double reduction" policy.

Therefore, many private entrepreneurs have given up their assets and stepped down as the company's position or retire or go abroad to make birds and beasts.As for the stimulus of small and medium -sized private enterprises, under the stimulus of geopolitics and zero -zero policies, the orders have decreased sharply.The national financial finance is not rescued, and the confidence of private enterprises has fallen to the bottom, and some private entrepreneurs cannot bear suicide.Therefore, solving the problem of "unchanging" the reform and opening up policy is useless to rely on personal commitments, and can only rely on political transformation.

The essence of development is people rather than things. Only by mobilizing private enterprises to pursue the prosperity of the people and the country, instead of teaching private enterprises to have a home first and then, sacrifice the ego becomes the whole self, and the development will form a joint force.If the government can understand that the government exists for all enterprises including private enterprises, so that private enterprises can feel that they are indeed the owner of this country, and they will exert their wisdom from the bottom of their hearts.Of course, this is impossible.China's development is a government affairs. The government holds state -owned enterprises, monopolizes the market, dominates the allocation of resources, and wears small shoes for non -public ownership enterprises everywhere. It also wants to run and want horses to not eat grass. The clever and intelligent private enterprises have already strangled the internal fighting.

Official speeches are popular with "top -level design", "strong country planning", "stronger and stronger state -owned enterprises", try to avoid the difficulties of private enterprises, what kind of property is open and free of medical treatment, which is exempt from talking.Everyone encounters difficulties and detours, and they don't worry about the good news, and there are more and more lies.When it was really critical, the problem broke out.For example, manufacturing in China has no production capacity for pharmaceutical medical care; chip trillion yuan has invested in Super Britain to catch up with the United States, but Huawei's smartphone has no chips, so, and so on.

Xinhua News Agency, "the political system of decline in the United States", saying that the United States "political disability, economic imbalance, and social disorder". In short, one money is worthless. We believe it.However, last year, the Central Political Bureau of the Mainland Government and the Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the economy, and they have also gone through the expansion of domestic demand policies. According to past experience, this will definitely make the capital market soaring, and the stock market has risen hundreds of points. However, the stock market will not rise and fall.The transaction value is quite sluggish, why?The reason is that it is market -oriented and market -oriented, and private enterprises have nowhere to complain. Now few people really want to work officers.

Destroying private ownership is the great ideal of communism

Now the economic market is still sinking. The central government has to be chaotic anyway, and the "two unshakables" to appease private enterprises to refresh their confidence.Apologize to private enterprises.The private enterprises know that they are clear and disheartened, and they do not work hard. Now it is the stage of relying on the central government to strengthen the needle to maintain life.Mainland Government General Secretary Xi Jinping supported private enterprises at the Central Economic Working Conference, saying "I have always supported private enterprises" and "two unshakables" and "long -lasting strategies, not expedient measures."The meeting stated that it was necessary to deny the incorrect discussion of "two unwavering" in the society, bright attitude, and unambiguous struggle.But so far, there is no such thing as "asking people" to look at it.

In fact, the negatives are large and there are people. For example, in recent years, publishing "Communists can summarize their theories as a sentence: eliminate private ownership", and criticize economicists such as Zhang Wuchang and Wu JinglianThe Professor of the People's Congress Zhou Xincheng (Kunlun Cebang), promoting Wu Xiaoping (People's Daily), who promoted "the private economy has completed the development of the public economy, should gradually leave the field," Wen Tiejun (CCTV News), a professor of the People's Congress of the People's Congress of the People's Congress, and the people's economy.Liu Chuanzhi, who transferred a large number of specialized state -owned enterprises, was transferred to Li Guangman, who was transferred to Liu Chuanzhi, as well as Li Guangman who bombarded the disorderly expansion of capital.

Someone once asked the above -mentioned public public to sell the number, to be prohibited, and in the end, it was helpless.The reason is simple, because their over -fire approach is just a method, not a position.If you punish them, it will be the problem of changing the flag, and no one can afford it!

As a socialist country, the elimination of private ownership in China is the great ideal of communism, and the theory of primary stages requires employment and taxes for private enterprises. It is a helpless choice.As a Tao, in strategic and politically, China must eliminate private ownership, and only adhere to the state -owned economy as a "unwavering"; but as a technique, it is necessary to "vigorously develop private enterprises" in micro and economically.After flying, the government must make compromises. In the political report, it is stated that supporting the private economy must also add a "unwavering" to adhere to the private economy.The phenomenon of this "two skin" is a problem.The problem of root is not solved, and all problems have no solution.

It must be seen that Chinese private enterprises have finished their lives in the political game of ownership. From generation to generation, vitality has been injured.State -owned enterprises have privileges, there is privilege. Privileges no longer have expectations, no medium and long -term plans, and no longer require protection of private property.In short, if you can go out, go out for development, and those who cannot go out will be over.This time, private enterprises were not injured. How can such a mental state bear the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the economy?

The author is a retired economist and researcher in Sichuan China