Shu Don

Last Saturday, a 17 -year -old girl in the local area shared the Charles Keith bag that her father bought to her on Tiktok, excitedly that this was her first "luxury bag", and then set off a message on the Internet.EssenceSome people do n’t know what to count on luxury bags, and many netizens have supported her; Mrs. He Jing, the Prime Minister, also said, “The gifts of their parents are priceless”.

When I was in middle school more than 20 years ago, there was a similar experience.Grandpa gave a citizen watch. At that time, if I got the treasure, I felt more advanced than various teenager electronic watches.I did not expect that one day when the "famous watch" was proudly talked about at school, it was splashed with cold water by the teacher.The teacher is not malicious, but her sentence "This is not a brand" is like a good.After growing up, the world's world of "distant viewing" watches finally understand that the more difficult to read the original name, the more difficult to read.Thinking back to myself, I was indeed ignorant, but as I got older, I became ignorant.

What exactly is luxury?Different people will have different answers because they have different growth experience, financial resources, aesthetics, and situations. The same person will have different values at different lives."Luxury" is material, and "luxury" is feeling.No one is qualified to have a luxury head -based on others, and only the feeling of understanding the luxury only by themselves.Strictly speaking, the 80 yuan bag does not meet the objective understanding of luxury goods, but if it can bring a sense of luxury, it is subjective luxury.Don't let poverty limit your imagination, and don't let the prosperity erode your mind.

I chatted with my peers not long ago, and found that everyone had "lost" material consumption in a few years before entering the workplace.Some cabinets have not yet been discontinued but have never used famous clothing. At first they thought it was worthwhile, and it was a treasure that could be "spark joy" for a lifetime. As a result, few of them could really be trueAlways give you that spark.Even the top branded brand is by no means a casual product that can last for a long time and can't tire of it.

It is not the depreciation of those famous brands, but that I have seen the material gifted tube, and realized that real luxury has nothing to do with money.Luxury is not the designer's clothes but a beautiful figure. It is not Samsung Michelin but a sensitive taste bud. It is not a first -class air ticket but a trip that walks.

Step in a blink of an eye, walking towards middle age, some people's financial roads are completely opened, and consumption upgrades in all aspects; some people quickly accumulate wealth, but they still have simple lives; some people are steadily fighting, occasionally paved, but they also start to enjoy flatness;Some people have encountered changes and re -study their lives in careful calculations.

There is also a luxury called longing.In recent years, the "FIRE" popular among young people (FINANCIAL IndEPENDENCE, RETire Early; Freedom of Wealth, Early retirement) Movement is to reject all luxury in daily life.Freedom that you can no longer work.

Speaking back to Tiktok's girl.She and her father had been invited to have lunch with the founder of Charles Keith.This can also be regarded as a very successful end to the incident.She is only 17 years old, and the biggest luxury in her hands is youth.If her "showing off" is not the way to pursue a brand -name brand, but to always feel the mind of her parents, she will have any happiness that the brand cannot bring.If this is just the beginning of the pursuit, all the pleasure will eventually shatter.I also hope that one day in the future, when her luxury dictionary becomes richer, she will not forget the excitement at this moment.

Real luxury is not chasing.Really beautiful is not forgotten.

(the author is the Digital Director of the Morning Post, [email protected])