Source: Taiwan Economic Daily Society

Bayeng government's economic and trade policy for mainland China is becoming clearer now, not only inheriting Trump's tough economic and trade policy on the mainland, but also blue than blue, but more than blue., Tighter to key industries.

U.S. Guoan Consultant Su Liwen's speech in September last year, it clearly mentioned the strategic competition of the United States in economic and trade. He pointed out that in the past, the US industrial policy was ahead of the world's rival "in relative advantages"."Several generations", but the current strategic environment is forcing the United States to "maintain the lead as much as possible" in certain industries. In other words, the better, the better.

The means used by the Bayeng government have already exceeded the Trump administration's tariffs, but include: government bills, administrative orders, and Congress legislation.These industries include semiconductors, biotechnology, and green energy reduction.

The Bayeng government is about to announce a new administrative order, restricting American companies that are not allowed to invest in high -tech industries in mainland China, but also the administrative orders that restrict China's APP such as Tiktok to collect US users' data information.In Congress, a similar bill of consistent between the two parties includes the review of investment from mainland China, project restrictions on investment in the mainland, and restrictions on Douyin.

Bayeng government measures are divided into two levels. One is to protect the surface, preventing China from obtaining administrative orders for high -end chips, restricting foreign companies in American companies, or using American technology, and must not invest in high -level production in mainland China in mainland China.Chip, even Americans cannot work in the Chinese chip industry.The second is the promotion surface. The inflation reduction method that takes effect from January. Among them, the relevant electric vehicles such as electric vehicles must use a certain percentage of parts and raw materials produced in North America to get subsidies.

The strategic competition in the United States is of course targeting mainland China, and this decision has been affected by several things. First, the crown disease epidemic began three years ago.It must be imported from mainland China, which is a great weakness for national security.

Secondly, the Russian and Ukraine conflict that started a year ago, because it relied on Russia's oil and gas, it was not easy to unite Ukraine to fight against Russia. It was not easy.If the Taiwan Strait crisis occurs, will mainland China use the economic and trade chips on their hands to block the US troops?

The third is that in the past 30 years, the United States had originally expected that the free economy will form a middle class, which will eventually lead to the changes in the mainland and have fallen.The more affected by the government, the investment, technology transfer, and even economic and trade exchanges between the United States and the mainland will only make the military industry profit, so it must be strictly restricted.

Trump is a naked protectionism, annoying other countries, Biden's strategy, Bittan's cleverness, establishing a national alliance mainly based on a market economy, shaping its own strategic industry supply chain to fight againstBeijing, this is the idea behind the "Indo -Pacific Economic Architecture".

The words are beautiful, but it is a very painful process to remove countries from the current economic system and existing supply chain. Although it is mainly targeted at China, other economies cannot be affected.The chip bill hit Taiwan, and the inflation reduction was injured to the European Union and South Korea.

Because Taiwan and South Korea rely on US security protection, they dare not say that the US domineering is dare to say, but France and the European Union expressed dissatisfaction through public and private channels.Disclosure, hoping that the United States can agree to the exemption of European companies, just as the United States has given Mexico or Canada, French President Macron was proposed to Biden when he visited the United States, and there is no result so far.

What the United States is doing now, setting up investment barriers in disguise, is definitely protectiveism. Although it is conducive to the United States, it will make other countries face the possibility of emptiness in domestic industries.Not only does the global impact, the domestic free trade faction, but also worried that if this trend continues, it will become the prelude to the Cold War. Any exchange and cooperation between the United States and mainland China will become a "enemy" to form a second McCarthyism.This is not the blessing of the United States.