Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

China and Japan and South Korea are disputed. The State Immigration Administration has suspended the issuance of South Korean and Japanese citizens to visit the China Port Visa. The transit visa -free policy is also called stop.After mainland China ’s foreign switch, many countries have tightened the restrictions on the inbound epidemic prevention of tourists in mainland China.Beyond a reasonable range and discriminatory.The number of people in the airport is subject to the number of flights. The number of people entering Japan and South Korea from mainland China every day is quite limited, and will not significantly increase the epidemic and medical loads of the two places. Moreover, the virus strains popular in the mainland are seen from all over the world.For variants, China takes countermeasures to require the two countries to withdraw from unreasonable personnel to restrict the restrictions. It is understandable. Instead, South Korea dragged Hong Kong to the water and set up restrictions on Hong Kong flights and Hong Kong people's transfer. The practice is unreasonable.South Korea withdrew early.

Tighten the entry requirements

Don't discriminate against unfair

Since the beginning of last month, the mainland has successively canceled the strict control measures under the "dynamic clearance" policy, as well as regulations on quarantine isolation in the entry, and the epidemic has spread rapidly.Although many international health experts believe that the probability of reappearance of coronal virus is not high, but the US State Department took the lead in taking the lead in hype this risk in mid -month and initiated the public opinion offensive, claiming that "the out of control of China's epidemic may produce new virus varieties to affect the world", Questioning the incomplete information of Chinese epidemic.Before and after New Year's Day, a group of countries, mainly American allies, tightened the regulations for entry quarantine in mainland China, including Japan and South Korea. As for non -Western camp countries, most of them did not follow.The mainstream virus strains are still OMICRON. There is no need to set limits for China. Thailand Deputy Prime Minister even welcomes Chinese tourists to visit.

The definition of overly narrow infection and death after the mainland is unlunted, which makes the official death number lack reference value and makes people criticize. As for the lack of epidemic dissemination data, in all, many countries regard the crown disease epidemic as a local disease.There are no longer strict statistics; the mainland is vast, and it is difficult to provide a precise infection number after abandoning large -scale nucleic acid testing.At the end of last year, WHO complained that China had insufficient information on the Chinese epidemic, and experts on both sides launched a series of exchanges.Chinese experts emphasize that there is a continuous monitoring of the virus. At present, the virus strains appearing in the mainland have long been seen from all over the world. Among them, XBB.1.5, which has recently spread rapidly in Europe and the United States, responded to WTO's greatest concern about whether the virus is variable.WHO Fan Kaofo talked about the problem of mutation in the virus this week. In addition to calling on China to provide more details, it also specifically mentioned that many "high -income countries with critical attitude towards China" also need to share with WHO to share with WHOSorting data of virus strains.It is not fair for China alone.

The world moves to the post -epidemic era, and Hong Kong no longer requires entryrs to test nucleic acid testing. Clearance with the first stage of the mainland and add nucleic acid negative certification requirements.People in the south are sick and may increase the medical load in Hong Kong. For countries that are not connected to mainland China, they will only receive Chinese immigrants at the airport, 48 or 72 hours nucleic acid negative proof. In fact, because the class has been restrictedThe number of people in the country, about a thousand Chinese passengers entering the country a day, even if there are more than a hundred people infected, they will not increase the local epidemic or medical load.The European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated at the end of last year that it is not reasonable to force Chinese passengers for compulsory nucleic acid testing.At present, the United States, Canada Australia and other countries require Chinese passengers to hold negative proofs, and barely can be regarded as "buying insurance" measures. In contrast, some restrictions on South Korea and Japan have indeed exceeded the scope of reasonable integration and are discriminated against.

South Korea's measures for Chinese travelers have been upgraded again and again in the past two weeks. In addition to the negative proof of boarding the aircraft, there are also all the test of nucleic acid testing, Chinese flights only landed in Incheon Airport, etc.At the end of this month, the most eye -catching.The Korean side pointed out that China has a high positive rate of passengers in the country and insists that measures are "scientific basis". The reality is that the relevant positive rate has fallen from more than 20%to 4%within a week, not to mentionThe downshift and short -term visa are serious discrimination measures and obstruct the exchanges between the two places.In Japan, in addition to negative proofs, like South Korea, it is also targeted at mainland Chinese passengers, requiring landing testing, and setting up flight landing restrictions (only 4 airports).

Looking at other major countries that have tightened their entry measures to China, most of them are mainly negative proof requirements. There are also countries such as the United Kingdom who choose to randomly draw.Exchanges; India requires landing testing and positive isolation, but the arrangements are not targeted at Chinese travelers alone, and the same is the same as those of Star, Japan and South Korea.Japan and South Korea's entry restrictions are unreasonable. It is not difficult to understand that the approach to Chinese travelers to identify the identification card. It is not difficult to understand that the suspension of visas to the suspension of visas is not difficult to understand.

South Korea dragged Hong Kong falling water

Special Zone must strive for reason

Under the fierce pity of China and the United States, Sino -Japanese relations have poor in recent years; although the official relations are still available, the eight years of the South Korean folk having the emotions of China have indeed heated up.If it is not good, it may affect bilateral relations.The tourism industry in China, Japan and South Korea is going to recover. I believe that all the industry in the three places hopes that this storm will calm down as soon as possible.South Korean Prime Minister emphasized yesterday that the short -term visa of Korean citizens' suspension of Korean citizens will not be regarded as "retaliation". Whether it intentionally cools down for disputes, to be observed. However, after the report on the suspension of China on Tuesday on Tuesday, the Korean side will immediately announce that the restrictions have been expanded to Hong Kong and Macao to Hong Kong and Macao to Hong Kong and Macao to Hong Kong and Macao.Flights are also prohibited from transferring Hong Kong and Macao passengers at Incheon Airport to drag Hong Kong to water.Hong Kong people love to travel to Japan and South Korea. As a result, the two countries have received a lot of accounts. Earlier, Japan will be limited to the Hong Kong flight. The SAR government will immediately negotiate and eventually withdraw relevant measures.Faced with the unreasonable practices of the Korean side this time, the SAR government must strive to ask the Korean side to withdraw the disadvantaged decision as soon as possible.