Source: Guangming Daily

Author: Ji Yong

Buy a few members and spend nearly 1,000 yuan a year; there are various types of members. Once you buy it wrong, you can't see the show you want to watch ... Some media reports, some of the built -in member system of smart TV service providers is too complicated,And the TV side, mobile phone end, etc. are not compatible, and the "Set Water -style Member" makes consumers trouble.Judging from the reporter's investigation, such situations are common in many video platforms.

At present, it is very important to expand domestic demand and promote consumption, and it is even more urgent to solve consumers' troubles.With the development of the Internet platform, video content membership payment models have become one of the pillars other than the revenue other than hardware and advertising in smart TV service providers.However, some service providers "set meals" into "routines", which is largely due to the existence of information gap between consumers and service providers.Smart TV and video service providers are holding video resources. They are the makers of the consumer rules of the video platform. Compared with consumers, they are in a strong position.In addition, when a group of service providers can "routines" consumers with light cars, consumers' choices and so -called "voting with feet" are extremely fragile.

At present, some smart TV service providers are keen on playing "routines", which is due to many aspects.On the one hand, smart TV hardware service providers have long rely on content revenue, while online content platforms are eager to monetize traffic with their brand status and user scale to obtain economic benefits.On the other hand, competition between smart TV service providers is fierce. Due to the "head effect" of the Internet platform, service providers urgently need to win in the competition of "horse race" to gain the advantage of the market.The lack of interest sharing mechanisms between service providers will lack the motivation to open up platform resources.Even within the service provider, it may also be in the interests of the department and the interests of the development team, and artificially set up the barriers to watch the movie to circle consumers in different "package".

The other side of the suppression of consumer selection is the expansion of the service provider's profit -seeking behavior.I have to say that the service provider "juggle" is more played, and "routine" has played too much. It can indeed get a lot of benefits in the short term.If you can obtain benefits with the rules of the game, then the company's product innovation and user experience are not so important.In the long run, such acts such as service providers not only chilling the hearts of consumers, but also that the service provider will lose the motivation to innovate.In the competition competition, since you have chosen a leaf -obstructing, exhausted and fishing, you will inevitably lose the opportunity to strengthen the main business and serve.

It is difficult to imagine that a product that uses troubles, looks awkward, and experiences poor experience can eventually be favored by consumers.Some people think that the service provider occupies the top of the supply chain, and consumers can "do what they do"?Yes, there may be the effect of "inferior coins to expel good currency" in the market, but I am willing to believe that if there are companies and services that attach great importance to user experience, their rise in the industry will be disruptive.of.At that time, a free anti -virus software company emerged, and the iteration of the service model will produce a huge "catfish effect".

Smart TV services are not too new, and should form a standardized and orderly market as soon as possible.For the competent authorities, how to establish a unified market order?How to formulate service providers' access standards?How to guide enterprises to form a scientific member classification system and establish a reasonable price system?How to punish the behavior that harms consumer rights and interests?There must be a few "hard bar".For enterprises, if it is not only about "one trick" fast forward and fast out, it should establish a product and member service system with consumer demand, reasonable price, and good experience as soon as possible, so that consumers clearly consume, clear consumption, clear, clearFresh and refreshing experience, create a "golden signboard" that can develop sustainable development.

The author is a media commentator