Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

From the local public office of the nine -in -one election to the legislators of Taipei City, the ruling party lost three consecutive losses. What was the reason?From the political fundamentals to the technical aspect of the election, you can find various reasons, which are all reasonable, but economic factors cannot be ignored. The macro overall economic environment is often regarded as an important indicator of governing performance.Voting.Although Taiwan's "economic voters" are not as sensitive as European and American countries, at the moment when the economic situation has changed violently, it should have a certain impact on the voting behavior of some voters.

President Tsai lost unwillingly. She thought that her economic achievements had good achievements, but there was a gap between various governing figures and the actual feelings of the people.She said on Facebook that the government emphasizes the overall policy of governance, and the people's feelings are the decisive factor in voting. The gap between the governing results and the actual feelings of the people is indeed the government should review and review.She held the National Security Conference for this. Recently, she has repeatedly emphasized that Taiwan's "economic transformation, energy transformation" is smooth.Over $ 30,000, it is expected to surpass Japan and South Korea.If these economic performance fabrications are collected and people are also impressed by data performance, the DPP should win a lot, but the actual election results are just the opposite. Where is the problem?

There are many economic data and complicated economic data. You cannot just look at the interpretation of limited data simplified and simplified.Data will be used for thousands of miles, and even thinks that they do not know the suffering of the people.Therefore, economic data must be fully taken care of, and the people's lives should be actually focused. Otherwise, the governors may feel good at themselves and use them to make large internal propaganda.

In recent years, most people have experienced the biggest impact of the crown disease. Many industries and practitioners have been harmed, and inflation has greatly pushed the cost of living. Many people feel poor.The governing official focuses on the overall performance of the Taiwan economy, and it has grown up against the trend. The main reason is that the export -exit industries are given, especially the performance of the technology and semiconductor industry. The domestic demand industry, especially the service industry, is seriously created.The livelihood of the people.

Export growth and the atrophy of the domestic demand market have occurred. The growth of the beneficiary's wealth is reduced and the victim's load is reduced and the same occurs. The bright figures of the overall economy and the dark level of the micro level are present.The party's ruling is full of confidence, but now it is the dream of dreams. How can we reappear?The ruling official only looked at the front without looking at the back, just praised the glory and ignored the darkness, so he could not accept the election results, but was ruthlessly ruthless by the people.

The good achievements of the governing officials are often uncomfortable. For example, the average resident income exceeds $ 30,000, and the main reason is that the export growth rate is high. The key factor is the appreciation of the Taiwan dollar exchange rateEssenceMost people did not actually feel the increase in income, but felt that the income was reduced because the substantive income could not keep up with the increase in price.However, the official selectively promotes some proud data without comprehensively exploring the multi -end connotation of the data and its reasons, and not to perceive the real realities of the people. As a result, not only is far away from the real public opinion, but even blindly blinded by themselves.

To make matters worse, the official economic data promoted by the governance often see the forests, see the tip of the iceberg without seeing the whole picture underneath. As a result, it flows to others.For example, after the DPP is fully governed, does Taiwan really no longer "rely on a single market"?In fact, the amount of trade on both sides of the strait has doubled in ten years. In 2015 before the Malaysian government left in office, Taiwan's export dependence on the Chinese mainland market was 39.4%, which increased to 42.3%in 2021. It shows that Taiwan's trade with mainland trade is underlying.Living high.In addition, Taiwanese businessmen have invested in the growth of the mainland, showing changes in large projects and increasing scientific and technological content;The DPP government preach the need and achievement of "anti -Chinese love" in a state of inconsistent truth.

Economic data can bluff people and deceive people. I hope that the governors will be observed and spread objectively. The people should particularly brighten their eyes, and must not be misleading and blinded.