Source: Bloomberg

For some of the most tight Chinese companies, the worst period may have passed.As the Chinese government promised to support the private sector and alleviate the property market crisis, more and more signs show that the financing channels of these enterprises are improving.

Recent development development shows that the financing environment of private enterprises has improved significantly: a top developer is preparing to repay US dollar debts, a large enterprise group is trying to obtain credit quotas, and a medium -sized developer plans to issue the first bond to obtain a national guarantee.

This is the latest evidence of China's policy steering, and this requires healthy private sectors to create a large number of employment positions.From the cancellation of epidemic control measures to adopting a more friendly attitude towards Western countries, the return of economic pragmatism has enhanced investor confidence and promoted the rise in China's stock market and exchange rate.

"It is easier for private developers to issue debts, indicating that the government has strengthened support for the industry and the heavy growth pressure under the current situation," said Gary Ng, a senior economist of French French Trade Bank French Trade Bank."China's real estate developers may not be able to reproduce the glory of the past, but the liquidity will be improved."

In the offshore credit bond market, which is plagued by breach of contract in China, the development of a happy person is that according to the news from Bloomberg News cited people on Tuesday, Country Garden has raised funds for the principal and interest of the US dollar debt in January in JanuaryEssence

According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, the top Chinese housing company faced the largest repayment test in months in January, with a principal and interest of nearly $ 700 million in US dollars.

Since the end of October last year, the stock price of Country Garden has doubled. As the policy of alleviating the liquidity crisis of the real estate industry has accelerated, it has led Chinese real estate stocks to rise.The company launched a radical fundraising activity. Since July last year, three distribution transactions have been conducted, and RMB bonds that have been guaranteed by state -owned entities have been issued.

At the same time, according to people familiar with the matter, a key subsidiary of Fosun International, a large private group in China, is close to the 10 billion -level scale led by the State -owned Bank of China.

People familiar with the matter revealed that Shanghai Fosun High -tech (Group) Co., Ltd. is conducting in -depth consultations on a CBRC of approximately RMB 12 billion ($ 1.8 billion). The loan is led by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.People familiar with the matter are unwilling to have a name, because they have not been authorized to comment.