Source: Hong Kong 01 "01 Society"

Three years since the crown disease epidemic, although Hong Kong and the mainland are only separated by a river, they have been implemented in the entry quarantine any case, under the requirements of centralized isolation and home quarantine, many people between the two places have not went north and south.Some people have not returned to visit relatives for three years, and some people have to stay away from their families for a long time because of their work. More than 20,000 cross -border school children can only learn online, and some even fail to catch up with their relatives and friends.Relatively speaking, it is a trivial matter for three years to fail to go south or play in the north.

The Chief Executive Li Jiachao announced on Thursday (5th) that it opened the Hong Kong and Macao terminal, the China -Hong Kong Wharf, the Wenjindu and the Luimazhou branch. After the three land ports, the online appointment was enthusiastic.Within one day, more than 340,000 people in Hong Kong made an online appointment to go to the Mainland, and most of the reservations before the Lunar New Year.The most popular is the twenty -nine year, and then the age of eight and 30 years.Even on the first day of opening, the appointment limit was about half, which means that more than 20,000 people decided to go north within three days after the customs clearance was announced.Considering that the mainland and Hong Kong are still adding a large number of crown disease every day, the people's intention to cross the north and south of the two places can be described as hot.

Clearance is not a reply but a creation

For customs clearance, not only do the citizens stand up, but government officials also have high hopes.Li Jiachao said, "The role of boosting the economy is very, very large," and overseas countries will also enter the mainland through Hong Kong, so that "Hong Kong lives again, moves, and distributes color on the international stage."Said that the customs clearance "will bring greater support for the exports, tourism, retail and catering industry, etc."; Qiu Yinghua, director of the Business Economic Bureau, and Xu Zhengyu, director of the Treasury Bureau, pointed out that "manufacturers or small and medium -sized companies can reply to face -to -face 'face -to -face.'Capital and trade exchanges "and" help connect the Mainland and Hong Kong capital markets more efficiently, and enhance the industry's services to mainland customers. "Even the Civil Service Bureau, the Civil Affairs and Youth Bureau, the Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau, the Labor and Welfare Agency, etc., also pointed out that customs clearance can bring significant benefits to related areas.For a while, Hong Kong seemed to have no reasons for prosperity and flourishing.

But anyone knows that the three -year crown disease has changed the appearance of the world. From economic models to social activities, there has been significant changes before and after crown disease.It is as if the business online meeting is more normal than ever. Many companies simply do not rent offices, and online shopping has become the living habit of many people.Even after traveling, after more than two years of local holidays, even if it relaxes the restrictions on epidemic prevention, will it be different from the travel habits before the crown disease?Under the economic structure of internal circulation, it is believed that the business activities of the mainland have also changed. Hong Kong has to adjust its positioning to confirm business opportunities.Clearance can indeed restore the flow of people between the two places and drive the flow of logistics and capital. However, exchanges between the two places must not simply respond to the crown disease epidemic, but to move towards the new model and normal after the crown disease epidemic.

Not to mention the exchanges before the epidemic, which originally needed to innovate and transform.Nearly 20 years ago, Hong Kong and the mainland signed a arrangement of more close economic and trade relations (CEPA). The free administrative policy has driven Hong Kong's tourism and retail industry to boost the Hong Kong economy in a short period of time.However, the lack of discovery to high -quality tourism in free travel has not only made Hong Kong's tourism and retail industry a single, but also the cities in the areas of competitiveness are increasingly backward. It also derives the problem of parallel imports and directly affects the lives of residents.The situation was improved until "one -signing and multiple lines" in 2015, and the situation was improved.Today, Hong Kong and the mainland have resumed customs clearance, but the customs clearance is not only CEPA, so that Hong Kong can "lie down" to prosper and flourish. We need to learn from the experience of CEPA and use the exchanges between the two places to promote Hong Kong development, not not the development of the two places instead of the development of the two places instead of the development of the two places instead of the development of the two places instead of the development of the two places instead of the development.Behind others in ease.

Not being fused but leading the Greater Bay Area

In fact, as early as 2017 Hong Kong society was still entangled with Liang Zhenying, Lin Zhengyue, or Zeng Junhua, the central government had proposed to deepen the cooperation in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and formulated urban agglomeration development plans.Although Lin Zhengyue mentioned the "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area", although Lin Zhengyue mentioned the "Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area", he said that he would "make good use of the advantages of Hong Kong, seize the opportunity of national development", and signed the deepening of Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao cooperation on the same day -promoting the construction framework of the Greater Bay Area.Agreement, but the progress of five years is obvious to all.The Luimazhou River Set District, which is used in the development of Hong Kong Shenzhen Innovation and the Science and Technology Park, has not been completed for five years.Even the controversy of the Shaling funeral facilities reflects the lack of strategic planning thinking about the Hong Kong government on the New Territories North and the mainland. It was not until Lin Zheng's last politics report during his tenure that the concept of planning in the northern metropolitan area was proposed.

Although Hong Kong has not been positive, the Greater Bay Area is not a policy of being planned and fused in Hong Kong.The nine cities in the Greater Bay Area have a population of more than 80 million, and the economic GDP is close to US $ 2 trillion (S $ 25670 billion). It is definitely harmless to the development of Hong Kong.Although in the outline of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area in 2019, Hong Kong and Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen were listed as the core engine of the Greater Bay Area, but Hong Kong's per capita GDP, the proportion of tertiary industries, exports, and foreign direct investment are bothLeaving the other three cities, leading the economic development of the Greater Bay Area by Hong Kong is definitely well deserved.The question is whether the Hong Kong government has a macro vision and the strategic blueprint required.

In contrast, Guangdong and Australia are more aggressive and aggressive than Hong Kong.Shenzhen has set a goal last year. In 2025, it will become a financial technology center city with international influence, and listed companies will exceed 600.In addition, they are also not satisfied with large shopping malls such as Vientiane City and Yifang City. They are building a world -class landmark business district, which will accelerate the construction of Futian Central Business District, Houhai Super Business District and Luohu core business district.

The coordinated Hong Kong is an internal and external circulation contact

We should be fortunate that Hong Kong, Guangdong, Australia, and Australia have never been a competitor that eliminates the same long. The significance of the Greater Bay Area is to help each other and benefit together.The joint development of Hengqin in Macau and Zhuhai shows that it is not that in Macau to win and lose Zhuhai.The cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen in Heba District and Qianhai should also benefit the two places together; Huo Yingdong has invested in in the early years and cooperated with Hong Kong to contact Nansha.Hong Kong universities can enter the Greater Bay Area to bring high -quality higher education to other eight cities. In turn, they can provide important forces of scientific research and production to supplement the highly financial limitations of Hong Kong's economy.

Although Hong Kong is the Asia -Pacific headquarters of multinational financial companies such as JP Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase, Singapore, which is often used to compare, has also been settled by Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and other technology companies.But if we add the advantages of Shenzhen's founding, the talents and consumer population of seven cities in the Greater Bay Area, how can Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area want to dominate the Asia -Pacific region?The problem is that the Greater Bay Area is still in the construction stage, especially the cooperation between Hong Kong and the seven cities of Guangdong and Australia is famous and unrealistic. Qianhai has not developed.Hong Kong is still Hong Kong, which is still 7 million people and has the advantages of financial and professional services, and has not become Hong Kong, which has been blessed by Shenzhen Chuangke, Macau Resort, and Guangzhou Advanced Manufacturing.

Hong Kong specially ranked the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group for the State Council. After taking office, Li Jiachao established the supervision team led by him and the director of the head of the head of the national development."Incorporating the overall situation of the national development" hangs outside the mouth, we have not seen specific strategic deployment.Like the issue of external lawyers in the Guoan case, the SAR government has no good use of mechanisms and legal power response. The cost is to explain the central government and take a wave of waves;Unexpectedly, the specific goal and the actual strategy are the cost of development opportunities and living standards of 7 million people, and even the drug attraction of social turmoil.The Li Jiachao government not only does not have a honeymoon period, but the customs clearance is not a "rush" factor that can be calm and optimistic.On the contrary, in the new stage of circulation and logistics, the Hong Kong governmentThere is no reason not to promote the transformation and development, and rely on the unique international city status to the outside world, it has become the Cross -Bay Area and even the country's foreign circulation.