The Sounds

I contacted her friends in China last month. She was worried. It turned out that her roommate was "Yang", and she was worried about being infected.

I was trying to comfort her to relax, and then she said "after all on the weekend" and made me sip.

In China, the National Master's Graduate Admissions Examination (Examiner) is the main channel for the qualifications of a master's degree to obtain a master's degree.Participate in the re -examination left and right.

The first test of graduate students in 2023 was held as scheduled from December 24th to 25th last year. The number of applicants across the country was 4.74 million. My cousin was one of them.This year is the third year he resigned at home.

In 2017, the number of postgraduates exceeded 2 million for the first time, and this number has doubled in five years.According to the data released by the Ministry of Education of China, the admission rate is generally about 30%, and in 2019 and 2022, they have fallen below 25%; in 2022, only 1.107 million are admitted in 2022, Can be described as "thousands of troops and horses crowded the wooden bridge."

Such a big test, no one wants to infected in the critical period.At present, the ibuprofen fever medicines in almost all pharmacies in China are sold out. In some areas, patients in some areas can only receive two ibuprofen in the hospital.

These candidates who have prepared for several months or even last year for the postgraduate entrance examination tightened their nerves at the end of the juncture. The sudden liberalization of the epidemic policy was as if the gates that originally blocked the torrents instantly collapsed, and the stormy waves rushed at the end.The total score of the postgraduate entrance examination is 500 points, and the politics of the must be 100 points. In mid -December, it is the golden stage of the review of political questions. It is also a sprint stage for the review of professional courses.

The Beijing News said that the candidates were running in "Racing with the crown disease". The reporter interviewed a senior life at Peking University.Seven days did not study.This is not only a physical battle, but also a psychological war.Will the postgraduate entrance examination be temporarily adjusted?Will the epidemic prevention policy be repeated again?Will there be problems with the implementation of measures?There are many questions, but they are not worried.

Suddenly relaxed epidemic prevention policy and the number of confirmed diagnostic people may surge in the backstream.The written test of the national civil servant, which was originally scheduled to be held from December 3 to 4 last year, was suddenly announced on November 28th. It was not until December 18 that it would restart from January 7th to 8th of this year -whether the graduate exam will be the test students willAlso follow the dust?No one is sure.

I think liberalization of epidemic control is a major trend, and economic recovery will inevitably bring more opportunities to young people.Under the horrible waves, it is actually vitality everywhere, but this does not mean that the reef hidden in the waves can be ignored.At the "last mile" of the epidemic prevention gate, prepare for the storm, the transitional "flood discharge", adjust the policy requirements with gradients, provide a base guarantee for groups that need it, at least provide support in the drug, benefit from the benefits,It is not just a group of postgraduates.

Today, these candidates have "hard landing" in the epidemic, but their campaigns have not stopped. Quite a number of candidates must be re -started from one place to take the road of job hunting or re -examination.In addition, there are quite a few fresh graduates in this year's postgraduate army. They have entered the school in September 2019. After 4 months, the epidemic is coming. The three -year epidemic is difficult to leave the school gate.Xiang Master's ivory tower, but "Yang" was at the last moment.In addition to developing greater development space for young people, their mental health also needs to be taken care of.

The ivory tower is beautiful, but the tower is also a siege. The epidemic force countless students to reflect on the significance of studying.

The only wooden bridge is difficult to go, but the recruiter only increases, and it is imminent to provide young people with more opportunities.This year, under this crumbling monopoly bridge, the torrent rolled over. The students were as thin as ice.This is a subject that Chinese society needs to think urgently.

(The author is [email protected])