Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ying 濯

Recently, with the full release of Chinese epidemic prevention measures, the new crown epidemic has almost shown a tsunami outbreak.From northeast to southwest, from southeast to northwest, from Beishan, Guangshen to the old and young, and poor, large -scale infection has generally occurred.This result is beyond the imagination of most people.You know, more than a month ago, in late November 2022, Chinese society was still prevalent for over -epidemic prevention, and there were strict guards everywhere. Unexpectedly, suddenly, the policy turned in December.Infection, fever painkillers and new crown therapy medicines are difficult to find, it has continued to this day.

From the perspective of Chinese online public opinion, many people have opinions on the rapid turn of the policy.Although many of them are supporters of open policies, they hope that there are smooth and orderly opening under preparation, rather than the current sudden opening.

They will quote the suggestion of Dr. Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Department of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University in March 2022: "We must use the rare opportunity period and window period brought by the society that will come to the society., Prepare a more complete, intelligent, and sustainable response strategy. These strategies include: the third inoculation of the elderly, and a better vaccine and vaccine vaccination strategy.Widely provided home testing agents, obtained effective training and preview hierarchical diagnosis and treatment strategies, the process of home isolation in the future, the next larger scale input and the preparation of sufficient medical resources when the large -scale input and local epidemic are superimposed. "They will also list recently in rural areas of China ’s medical resources, economic backwardness, and a large number of old and weak people, and they have a hand -to -hand with the new crown virus with the lack of preparation.

It should be said that such criticisms can be understood that the rapid turn of the epidemic prevention policy really lacks preparation of considerable number of people, especially rural residents and middle -class people.A fever and analgesic drugs and new crown therapy medicines are difficult to find. The hospitals are overcrowded. The rumors involved in the hospital are flying, and the supply of funeral services is in short supply. To a considerable extent, the management of China's release process is somewhat insufficient.There is a gap in the longing of Shanzhi.For China, in addition to summing up the lessons and lessons in the process of liberalization, the key is to increase the supply of therapeutic drugs as soon as possible, care about medical needs of rural residents and middle and lower class, and protect the fragile people.

It cannot be ignored that the rapid turn of China's epidemic prevention policy has both realistic pressure and a "fast peak" strategy.Real stress refers to the three years of epidemic impact on economic and people's livelihood. It has reached the point where the epidemic prevention model has to be changed. Many companies have layoffs or closures, and many families have declined sharply.Before letting go in December, the negative emotions of a considerable proportion of the people about excessive epidemic prevention were close to the critical point.The strategy of "fast peak" is to shorten the time to get out of the epidemic as much as possible, allow the society to return to normal as soon as possible and revitalize the economy.At present, many big cities such as Beijing have basically carried the first wave and began to restore the past car water, and the recovery trend was obvious.However, the side effects of the "fast peak" strategy are also obvious. The sharp increase in the number of infections in a short period of time caught many people caught off guard.

At this point, Chinese society can only take remedial measures to protect the fragile people as much as possible, focusing on backward rural areas, and summarize experience lessons on the other side, and look forward.China is a large country with a vast territory and a large population scale. The conditions of different groups, different classes, different regions, and urban and rural areas are different. In addition to considering unity, the formulation of any policy should also be considered.Due to the system of people, the specific analysis of the specific situation cannot be generalized.One of the most profound lessons for three years of epidemic prevention is to increase and cut it.Past experience guide for the future.Only by summing up the lessons of three -year epidemic prevention can we avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

From the current trend, unless the new crown virus has a new dangerous strain, China has become a finalist.Like many overseas countries and regions returning to normal after experiencing large -scale infections, China will finally survive and return to normal life after all.From January 8, 2023, China no longer adopts the management measures of quarantine infectious diseases such as entry -oriented personnel and goods, and re -interconnection with the world is irreversible.At this moment, in addition to taking remedial measures in Chinese society, so that the outbreak process is less regrettable, but also look forward, fight for the economy as soon as possible, and improve people's livelihood.