Gu Erd

Most countries will maintain a certain military force and implement different military service systems. Even neutralization and Switzerland will also have professional soldiers and voluntary national militia.The surrounding relationships around the 21st century are getting slower, and they have patrolled the Malacca Strait with Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, but they still maintain a two -year voluntary service. In contrastThe "military training service" for four months, until the end of last year, the leaders declared the one -year voluntary service.Why is Taiwan so short in the past?Why did Tsai Ing -wen extend the military service?How does this affect Taiwan's defense?

In the past 30 years, the changes in the Taiwan military service system have been affected by factors such as international, cross -strait, and domestic elections: After the Kuomintang defeated Taiwan, Chiang Kai -shek also held the dream of "counterattacking the mainland".It was not until the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s that troops were reduced and the service period was shortened.Under the imagination of the "counterattack" during the Cold War, Taiwan's troops were dominated by the army; in fact, the large number, old equipment, and outdated organizational structure have long been not in line with the strategic needs of defense Taiwan.Therefore, when Li Denghui served as the president, he began the "ten -year troops construction plan" in 1991. In 1995, he proposed a "consequence" with the goal of "streamlining the high -level and enriching the grassroots" and began disadvantaging.

President Li Chen Ma San for the election compression service period

So far, the Taiwanese military members have dropped from more than 500,000 in the early 1980s to about 200,000.After promoting the "refined case", the compilation of the army can be reduced, which can absorb the amount of voluntary service, which has also reduced, causing the enlisted vehicle, and also affects the employment and promotion plan of the service men in the future.Therefore, Lee Teng -hui has shortened the period from two years to 10 months a year.

In about 20 years after, Chen Shui -bian and Ma Ying -jeou wanted to abolish their obligations and transformed them into a volunteer recruitment system.However, according to the constitutional people of the Republic of China, it has the obligation to serve military service. Unless the constitution is amended, it is difficult to abolish the obligations.Therefore, Chen Shui -bian decided to promote the direction of "recruiting troops (volunteer service), supplemented by recruitment (alternative)", and reduced the voluntary service period from 10 months to one year year by year.When Ma Ying -jeou governed, it was more actively promoting the recruitment system.When he was running for the president in 2008, he proposed the "full recruitment system" political opinion. By the end of the second term, he completely abolished the one -year voluntary service and changed to four months of "military training".The next army will serve.

In fact, the training of professional soldiers cultivated in the military system is relatively complete and has high combat effectiveness.The problem is that Ma Ying -jeou's promotion of military recruitment in the era was not good. Originally planned to adopt a full -scale recruitment system in 2013, but it was unable to implement it because of insufficient recruitment. It was postponed until 2016 and did not implement the full recruitment system until 2018.In particular, Hong Zhongqiu, an obligation officer in 2013, was abused in the army, causing large -scale demonstration and protests, making it more difficult for recruitment.

The result of the implementation of

The implementation of the "military training" is that the military training accepted by the service men is not solid, and the incomplete recruitment has caused the military's amount to be insufficient for a long time ("compilation than" is too low).The research report of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan Budget Center pointed out that the number of volunteers in Taiwan at the end of 2021 was more than 164,000, and it was only about 85%of the compilation ratio. Moreover, nearly 20%of soldiers retired early training, retired from camp, and waste training resources.In addition, in 2022, more than 118,000 men at the age of 19 at the age of 19 have fallen to a new low in nearly 10 years.

Interestingly, when Taiwan recently argued that the problem was extended, the two former presidents accused each other of the disaster that caused the other party to cause Taiwan's insufficient sources of soldiers.Chen Shui -bian said that Ma Ying -jeou forcibly pushed the recruitment to create a evil result; Ma Ying -jeou hit Chen Shui -bian's earliest to promote the recruitment system.In fact, both of them have a responsibility, and Ma Ying -jeou has a greater responsibility.

As early as 2015, the Malaysian government announced that the original scheduled to implement a full -time fund -raising ticket in the following year.One year, which seriously affected the army's combat power, it must make the Malaysian government promote the recruitment system.This is a sophistry.The one -year military service affects the combat power. It can indeed be used to increase the recruitment of the army, but it is not necessary to rush to implement the full -fundraising system. Is it more improving the combat power to turn the voluntary service into a four -month "military training service"?If the one -year service period is insufficient, why does the Malaysian government not extend the service period for two years?

It is said that from Lee Teng -hui, Chen Shui -bian to Ma Ying -jeou, there are elections considerations.Because most men are complaining about being boring, learning things, and pure waste of life. In order to please service men and their parents, these political leaders are willing to shorten the service period. If they want to extend the service period, they are swallowing politicsPoison, no one dares to do it.Ma Ying -jeou's check was too large, which led to severe blood loss in the Taiwan army and long -term insufficient sources of military sources.Of course, he was anxious to dismiss his obligations, and he did not mean to extend an olive branch to Beijing.

In contrast, Tsai Ing -wen has a courage to make a decision to extend the service.Even though she will have no worries, the DPP's legislators and candidate officials still want to please voters and oppose the sound of extension.As far as public opinion is concerned, the investigation released by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation last December showed that about 70 % of the people supported the extension of the service period to one year.However, it is worth noting that 35.6%of people aged 20 to 24 are in favor of the extension of the service period to one year, and 37.2%do not agree; the favor ratio decreases by more than 20 percentage points compared with March last year.Young people are an important source of votes for Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP.

On December 27 last year, Tsai Ing -wen brought out a complete and more fulfilling service plan than in the past to persuade young voters, including: the monthly salary of soldiers was raised from the current 6510 yuan (NT $ 284, the same below) to it to it to to rose to to to to to the240,000 yuan, close to Taiwan's basic salary level; the Ministry of National Defense will work with the Ministry of Education's research measures so that the service men can complete the university credits and complete the military service within four years.In addition, in the past, training was still in rifle shooting, and even unrealistic thorns. In the future, we need to learn new equipment such as rockets, missiles (missiles), and implement various training through the simulation system.Men born after 2005 have been serving for one year in accordance with new measures in 2024.

After the new plan is released, Taiwanese society is generally supported, including the Kuomintang Central Committee also supported, but only requires supporting facilities to improve service quality.Only Zhao Shaokang and others, such as deep Lan Tong, strongly opposed, Zhao Shaokang claimed that "the Kuomintang was changed after governing." It also aroused the confusion of the United States Association (AIT) in the Taiwan Association (AIT) and concerned about why the Lan Camp spoke to the Kuomintang.The Kuomintang Central Committee is busy clarifying that "Zhao Shaokang is a personal opinion does not represent the party."

Why did the Cai Yingwen government promote the reform of military service until the end of the term is about to end?Just like the problems faced by the previous presidents, the Tsai government also had election considerations. When she announced the military service policy, she said, "I must admit that this is a difficult decision." However, in the past two yearsHigh, enhance the awareness of the public's defense, and support the reform of military service.In addition, another important promoter is the United States.

The US -China confrontation has risen, the Taiwan Strait has risen tensions, and the United States also attaches more importance to Taiwan's defense capabilities. Among them, the service period is too short and insufficient forces. It is a major focus of concern in the United States.In July last year, the former US Minister of Defense Esper visited Taiwan and publicly called on Tsai Ing -wen to extend his voluntary service to one year.Since then, the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan has carefully planned the reform of military service.

The United States may build a table as a military reserve library

In addition to paying attention to the issue of military service in Taiwan, the United States has also increased paid military loans and unpaid military aid for Taiwan. This is the first time in Taiwan and the United States for the first time since the interruption of Taiwan and the United States.The US Senate passed the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA 2023) in December last year, including:From 2023 to 2027, the State Council of State Council provides Taiwan for unpaid military aid for unpaid military aids per year through the "Foreign Military financing" (FMF) plan; in addition to providing a 12 -year military sales loan of up to $ 2 billion per year.

But "authorization" does not mean "funding". In the final budget of 2023, there was no unpaid military aid for Taiwan's $ 2 billion.EssenceThe interpretation of the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs is that the budget is too late; the other possibility is that the United States does not want to stimulate Beijing too, so this year first suspended military aid for Taiwan for free.After the NDAA 2023 passed, the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it was "publicly interfered with the serious political provocation of China's internal affairs."

After the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, the United States cares more about the strength of Taiwan's self -defense determination; after the introduction of the recruits, AIT also said that this "shows Taiwan's commitment to self -defense."Tsai Ing -wen, who has high compressive resistance, finally solves the conflict of military service issues. This will help strengthen the United States' trust in Taiwan and is willing to provide more military aid for military sales."Regional strain military library" of defense weapons.

The author is a senior media person in Taiwan

The Lord of the New News of the Internet Media

Cai Yingwen's decision to extend the service period is quite courageous.The Democratic Progressive Party's legislators and elected officials still want to please voters and oppose the voice of extension.However, in the past two years, the PLA has risen to Taiwan, allowing people to support the reform of military service.In addition, another important promoter is the United States.