At the 2022 international situation and the Chinese Foreign Foreign Affairs Seminar in 2023, Wang Yi, then the current foreign minister and the current State Councilor, proposed the six major tasks of diplomacy in 2023. Among themWith neighbors as the peripheral diplomatic policy, we will deepen the integration of friendly mutual trust and interests with neighboring countries.Although the speech did not directly name Ya'an, whether in terms of geographical neighborhood and economic closeness, Asians were the priority of diplomacy around China.Especially during the epidemic, Asianan not only continuously replaced the United States and the European Union, and jumped into China's largest trading partner, but also worked closely with China to resist the concept of the community of destiny.As China announced the opening of the country on January 8, the community of China -Asia's Destiny Community will also usher in a transfer.

Before discussing the construction of China-Asia's Destiny Community, the author wanted to share a re-of China-Southeast Asia Relations in Light of the Covid-19 under the context of the construction of the Chinese-Asian-Asianian destiny community.Pandemic).The book was written by the author and a number of Southeast Asian scholars. In February 2021, it was published in Springer Nature (Springer Nature). Recently, it also won the first prize of the China Think Tank Index (CTTI) 2022 think tank.

The author pointed out in the book that the epidemic has a dual impact on the community of the Fate of China -Asia's Danian, that is, the initial economic and trade cooperation and the damage to China image, but long -term economic cooperation will not only restore normal conditions, but also become closer.At the same time, political mutual trust between the two sides will gradually increase with the common resistance.Therefore, after the early epidemic shocks, the Chinese -Asian Destiny Community will resume construction.Of course, this depends on the end of the epidemic.

Other scholars point out that the epidemic has increased domestic grievances, but it is generally controllable.The epidemic has also blocked the border trade, which led to the postponement of the Belt and Road project and the broken flow of Chinese tourists.In addition, the South China Sea during the epidemic was not calm, and it was urgent to take effective control measures.

Overall, the epidemic does have a negative impact on the Chinese -Asian Destiny Community, but it is difficult to stop the pace of the community construction.Many scholars also proposed that China and Asia's Daan countries will strengthen cooperation in the fields of epidemic prevention and control, Belt and Road, infrastructure, border trade, and digital economy in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic.

Nowadays, the Asianan countries have opened the border, and the Chinese national gate is about to be reopened. Everything seems to be recovered.Nevertheless, it is difficult to achieve the problems accumulated during the epidemic.In other words, after nearly three years of the epidemic, China and Asians need for a period of time to make policy adjustments and psychological adjustments to transition to the new normal.

As mentioned above, at the beginning of the outbreak, almost all Asianan countries have taken restrictions on Chinese tourists.Now that China is open to the country, will the Asianan country open up and welcome Chinese tourists immediately?You must know that after China announced that it is about to open the country, Japan and India immediately released restrictions on entry isolation for Chinese tourists. The United States has also adopted new entry control measures for Chinese tourists.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin called on various countries to prevent epidemic prevention measures and moderate scientific and moderate, and should not affect normal personnel exchanges.

From this point of view, although the epidemic is nearly ended, the by -products of the politicization of the epidemic still exist.In this context, the Yaxian State will be worthy of attention to what immigration management measures are taken for the upcoming Chinese tourists.At present, Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia have stated that they will not formulate additional epidemic prevention measures for Chinese tourists.These countries are supporting the normal personnel of China -Asianianan with practical actions. This is a key step for the Chinese -Asian Destiny Community to step forward after the epidemic.

In the early stage of the epidemic, some Belt and Road projects were postponed. Subsequently, China and the country along the line established the green channel and fast channel during the establishment of the epidemic to ensure that the necessary personnel and equipment were transported, and the trend of the Belt and Road project delay.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning also said on December 26 that the Belt and Road Initiative has steadily advanced this year and frequently passed on.Not only also five countries signed a co -construction of the Belt and Road cooperation documents with China, a large number of iconic infrastructure construction projects have also been successfully completed, including the first high -speed railway test operation operation of the Asian Diandan high -speed railway, and the first highway in Cambodia in Cambodia.Formally open to traffic.

However, the news of the derailment of the Yawan high -speed rail still wakes up the China, which is known for its infrastructure, that is, the construction safety cannot be underestimated.After all, the Yawan high -speed rail is a benchmark project of the Belt and Road Infrastructure project, and a little carelessness will have a negative impact on the project.

Considering the strong needs of economic recovery after the Yajian state epidemic, the Belt and Road Infrastructure Project will also usher in new growth.This is also an important part of deepening interconnection and interconnection, consolidating the geographical connection of the Chinese -Asian Destiny Community.However, including hiring local labor and old issues that meet environmental standards, and the new tricks that deliberately discredit the Belt and Road Initiative in the United States, the United States is still a series of challenges facing the successful implementation of Southeast Asia after the epidemic.

Out of the needs of the epidemic prevention and control, China has suspended the border trade with neighboring countries, including the China -Myanmar border electronic isolation wall that has attracted widespread attention.On the one hand, it has led to a cliff -like decline in the border trade, and the production and life of the border people on both sides of the border is affected; on the other hand, the economic development of the border areas is weak and security issues are increasingly prominent.After reopening the country, the border trade will inevitably rise in the short term, but the risk of input risks of the epidemic and the pressure of sharp border inspection is also a realistic challenge to restrict whether the border trade can continue to grow rapidly.In other words, in such a short period of time, is the relevant border departments ready to deal with the upcoming trade climax?

Finally, China and Asian'an are about to restore normal personnel, and consultations of the South China Sea Conduct can finally advance face to face.It is just that the South China Sea is still undercurrent, and the external environment facing consultations is not good.On the one hand, the United States also proposed that China has expanded unmanned islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands; on the other hand, it has frequent actions such as the South China Sea dispute country.Vietnam has recently reached an agreement with Indonesia on the issue of the exclusive economic zone around the Na Naland Islands. External analysis believes that this may promote some Asian nations to form alliances on the South China Sea issue.The Philippine Machaus government "hardened" on the South China Sea issue, not only threatened to refuse to let the soil, but also publicly expressed the willingness of unilateral oil and gas mining in the disputed waters.However, after opening a large number of investment and trade orders to start the trip to China, Maccous will also restrain the South China Sea issue.

Overall, China's re -opening of the country brings an opportunity for the construction of the community of destiny. All parties must plan to prepare in time, accurately respond to demand, properly control the differences, and stabilize this transition period.Construction opened a good bureau.