Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhou Yangshan

At the beginning of last month, the gunpowder library on the Balkans broke out again.In order to resist the compulsory measures of the Government, the Serbian settlement district in northern Kosovo changed the original Cyevo license plate to the new Cosovo license and protested that the former police officer was arrested.Military police enter.Without a rotation, a comprehensive confrontation crisis has soared suddenly!

The President of the President claims that they "have been forced to the wall" and have to send heavy troops to the Sai and Science Border. He accused Kosovo's official and the United States lacks respect for previous agreements, forcing the local Celestials and the Sai Guo government toTake emergency response to maintain Serbia's territory, sovereignty and dignity.Can't help but worry, will it be another "Russia and Ukraine War"?Will northern Kosovo become the second "Wudong theater" and bring new threats to peace in Europe?

Kosovo was originally an autonomous province in southern Sai State. It has been backward and poor for a long time. At present, there are about 2 million people. Among them, about 90 % of the Albanians who believe in Islam, less than 10 % of the Serbians who believe in Orthodoxism.Since ancient times, this place is a Serbian sacred place with many East Orthodox world cultural heritage and attractions.However, in the past 40 years, Kosovo has been seeking independence, demanding that it has been separated from Yugoslavia and the successor, and intends to merge with neighboring Albania.As a result, many bloody conflicts broke out, forming serious humanitarian disasters.

From 1996 to 1999, the Sauslav security forces were the main body of the Cyclide, and the Kosovo Liberation Army composed of the Acevo guerrillas appeared, resulting in the death of more than 13,500 military people, of which about 1,200 were sacrificed.Science Army is estimated to be 1500 to 2100 people.In the war, 90 % of ASEAN was forced to migrate, and 200,000 Sai people left their hometown.This is a war without a winner.

From March 24 to June 10, 1999, in order to sanction the official Yugoslavia, without the approval of the United Nations Security Council, NATO has launched a violent air strike on Serbia for 78 consecutive days, resulting in more than 2,000 civilians killed, more than 40,000 more than 40,000The house was destroyed.On the evening of May 7th, the U.S. B-2 bomber launched five precise guidance missiles to hit the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, resulting in three reporters Shao Yunhuan, Xu Xinghu and Zhu Ying killed, and injured dozens of people.The US President Clinton apologized publicly, saying that it was an accidental accident; but immediately caused large -scale anti -American demonstrations in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and other places.In the end, the family members of the United States and the Chinese government were compensated.This is the "May Eight Incident".

The late Harvard professor Fu Gaoyi once served as a national intelligence officer in the Collinton government and is responsible for East Asian affairs. He pointed out that the China Intelligence Bureau claims that the saying "mistaken" because the map positioning is wrong.The result of the instruction bombing is not a policy decision.In the truth, this incident has indeed had a serious and lasting impact on the relations between China and the United States.

On February 17, 2008, with the support of NATO, the Kosovo Parliament announced the formal separation of the Saic State through an independent declaration, but Serbia refused to admit it.So far, Kosovo has been recognized by nearly half of the United Nations member states; but due to China and Russia's opposition, it has not yet joined the United Nations.As for EU member states, including Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Romania, etc., due to Kosovo's "autonomous province" positioning, it may trigger a minority chain effect of ethnic minorities in various countries, but refuses to support it.As for the Segonic government, although facing various forms of challenges, they still insist on fully sovereignty against Kosovo and continue to compete with the United States and NATO.This is exactly the main reason for the Kosovo crisis.