Wu Jungang column

"White -haired fishing in the river, used to see the autumn moon spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine meets each other, how many things in ancient and modern times are in the middle of a smile."

It is said that the two fishermen have not met for a long time due to a crown disease. Now the control measures are relaxed.After a while of greetings, I couldn't help but talk about the world.

Yu: Brother, in the past two years, it is really a great change in the world.I wonder what you think?

老: The old words are not cloudy, the world is great, and it must be in harmony with a long time.Although history will not repeat itself, the development of things has a certain rule.The difference between the country between the country is nothing more than the changes in mutual interests.In the past, China and the Soviet Union had evil, so there were cooperation between China and the United States. Today, China and the United States confrontation, China and Russia stand by one.

Fishing: Indeed.After the Cold War, the old and the United States dominated the world. In the past few decades, China has risen, and China and the United States will rotate against the enemy.The New Cold War has become a fact.But is China and the United States that is really incompatible with water and fire?

大: Competition of great powers, internal primary impetus, and many theories of political scholars.But theory is generally just shame.In fact, it is just the contradiction of interests.There is a theory that a great power of the world and a rising country must have a war.But why is it necessary?

Fishing: It is reasonable.In the United States, the flags of cracking down on terrorism, defending human rights and democracy, and sold troops everywhere, making chickens and dogs restless.Now it is also faked in the name of national security, restricting high -end technologies such as chips to export China; also launched a trade war and trying to suppress China's rise. It seems that the basic motivation is to maintain its international vested interests and territory.

老: The old man said.When Western countries dominate the world, aren't they vigorously advocating globalization?Globalization allows Western capital to occupy markets around the world, and can also use cheap workers in other countries to reduce production costs and maximize benefits.What theory was used at that time?Why do you want to reverse globalization today?To put it bluntly, their capital was invincible in the international market, but now facing strong competition.

Fishing: It seems that it is difficult to coexist in peace between China and the United States.But unless one party has a must -win grasp, it can only be suffered by the result of hard touch. Why is this bitter?

是: Yeah, it depends on whether political leaders have sufficient wisdom and mind to become dangerous.After all, the single -pole world is unsustainable, accepting multi -pole, coexisting peace, and finding common interests is the right way.But I can only watch the grass people.Let's do a few cups.

Fishing: dry!Sure enough, good wine.Brother, after nearly three years of crown disease, we have not been so happy for a long time.Fortunately, although we have all been infected, we have only mild symptoms due to basic protection due to the completion of the vaccination, and there is only mild symptoms.

: Brother, is not so lucky elsewhere.In the past three years, how many people all over the world have died of misconduct.Based on the statistics of data that can be obtained, the World Health Organization has died 6.65 million.But the official data provided by countries in the world are incomplete.Because there are many cases of death without official statistics, many poor countries do not even have official statistics.Therefore, how many people actually die, only God knows it.Some researchers have inferred that the actual crown disease may be three or four times more than the number of WHO.

Fishing: In any case, everyone said that this is a century plague!Countries around the world have also adopted the strictest sealing measures we have seen in our lifetime.China has been in three years, and it has not decided to open up recently.As soon as the solution, the epidemic broke out immediately.Both the hospital and the funeral home were in a hurry.

: Well, it seems that the crown disease is too powerful.I ca n’t see it, but the communication and lethality are so strong, and the economy of the entire world is suddenly destroyed, leaving the world's supply chain break and inflation unprecedented sequelae.China has been dead for three years and is still broken by the virus.It seems that it is necessary to deal with the virus, but strict preservation is not good!Although China can stay at the end, the price (including the economy) is too great.However, from another perspective, it can also be described as a contribution to a large population country that can control the epidemic until the disease and mortality rate of the virus drop to the low point, which is also a contribution to the world.

Fishing: Brother, plague is a natural disaster. Originally, human beings should work together to fight against it, but in fact countries are like a plate of scattered sand.Sad!Narrow nationalism and capital interests are really harmful.Is this the common business of human beings?

非: I know it.But the nature of human nature seems to be vicious.For example, greed is the nature, it is difficult to remove.With capitalism, it has encouraged people's greed.Individuals are profitable, the company is profitable, and the country is profitable. Didn't Mencius say that the world is on profit, and the country is in danger.

Fishing: The so -called gentleman loves money, and it has a way.Can't interests and justice be balanced?Everyone was stunned by Li Zi. The words of morality were already aside, and the word credit was also thrown out of the clouds. It is no wonder that the scammers all over the world are running around.

这: This is something I can't control.

Yu: Brother, this year of the tiger seems to be really unlucky.In addition to the plague, there are various disasters brought by extreme weather, affecting the global supply chain, and also caused the loss of many people's lives and property.But countries around the world are also unable to cope with virtues, and the future of the earth is worrying.Human beings seem to be not enough. Regardless of the frequency of natural disasters, they must also desperately create various human disasters.You see, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has led to nearly tens of millions of war refugees displaced. I don't know when this battle is going to fight?In addition, if you see in Africa, where are there no tens of thousands of refugees in the Americas and Asia.

: Brother fisherman is really compassionate.However, many leaders of great powers are more concerned about strengthening new weapons with more powerful military reserve and developing lethality.It can be described as mad.Maybe they need to create various wars so that there is a weapon market.Otherwise, those large weapons manufacturers will have no business.

Fishing: This is indeed a major source of chaos in the world.We have a stricken in Southeast Asia, which is basically exempted from war, and we don't have to fight against the agent of the great powers. It is very lucky.However, recently, the Taiwan Strait has been intensively upgraded. If there is an incident of wiping guns, the consequences are ruthless, and our area will not be affected.

是: Yes, the Taiwan Strait is more geographically closer to us than Ukraine. If we set off a strong wave, we will be affected by pond fish.The issue of both sides of the Taiwan Straits is a tail of the tragedy of the Chinese nation's civil war.Looking forward to the next year, I hope that Taiwan's political situation will change and develop in the direction of negotiations for cross -strait negotiations.Of course, it is also hoped that China and Asiabei will be able to complete the negotiations of the South China Sea Behavior Code as soon as possible based on mutual trust to further ensure that regional peace and the sea roads are smooth.

Fishing: There are Qi Qi in my heart.I waited for Cao Min to come to this world after World War II. It was a blessing and should be grateful to live for more than 70 years.Of course, we also hope that our descendants can live as stable.Ren Yinnian, this tiger is too fierce, hoping that Gui Yuli Jade Rabbit will bring peace and auspiciousness.Countries can also cooperate more to fight against the high inflation rates that have been seen for decades.

但: I hope so.Well, brother, it's not earlier, don't pass it there, let's talk about it in the coming year, take care.

Fishing: Okay, it will be later.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress

I waited for Cao Min to come to this world after World War II. It is a blessing to live for more than 70 years. It should be grateful.Of course, we also hope that our descendants can live as stable.