Huang Yizhan

The US Department of Energy's scientist announced on December 13 that a major breakthrough in the technology of nuclear fusion (also known as nuclear fusion) technology, humans will have the opportunity to use the incompetent clean energy and energy minister of Energy in the future.Langhom said at a press conference that this is an epoch -making result and can promote more research and discovery.

What exactly is the fusion of nuclear, and what is the magic of this thing that is known as the "artificial sun"?In fact, humans have long mastered this technology. The hydrogen bomb made as a weapon in 1953 was the first nuclear fusion response on the earth, but the response process was too severe.If you want to apply to general energy supply, the focus is on how to accurately control the process of releasing energy, rather than explosion.

The so -called nuclear fusion is different from the "nuclear division" often hear. The latter is the nuclear power plant that everyone is accustomed to avoiding it.The heavy atoms will be split into two lighter atoms, and energy will be released during the process; the principle of nuclear fusion is just in turn. After the two lighter atoms (such as hydrogen) collide, forcing them to "stick" "sticky"Together, energy will be released in the process, and there are four times the nuclear division.As for the source of energy to release energy, both come from the quality of the reduction of atomic division or fusion during the reaction process, that is, Einstein's famous quality exchanges: E = MC2.

A little quality change, the energy generated is extremely huge.Taking the division of uranium-235 in the nuclear power plant as an example, 1 gram of uranium-235 completely fission, the reduction of about 0.09%, that is, 0.9 mgIs the noun too abstract?It doesn't matter, if you convert, if the standard thermal value of the average coal per kilogram of coal is 7000 calories, and the 1 large caller is about 4180 Jiaoer, the uranium-235 of only 1 gram is equivalent to burning a standard coal of 2.76 metric tons (2 can provide 2 provided 2Ten 2500 degrees), let alone a nuclear integration response with greater energy release rates.

As for the explanation of nuclear fusion, we can first science the description of the micro -world of high school physical chemistry: The world is composed of atoms, it consists of an atomComposition, proton and neutrons are at the core, and electronics around the circle.In the scale of quantum mechanics, in addition to electromagnetic force, the atom will also have a force called "nuclear force" (put on the macro scale, let it be metaphorized by the gravitational gravity between the planet), which can produce the material to the materialeffect.

The particles with the same potential can reprimand each other, so to force the two atoms to touch together, the "nuclear force" must be greater than the electromagnetic force of the scolding.The best raw materials, the first puzzles with the most surviving hydrogen atoms in nature and the universe.The principle of collision is actually the same as the sun generates energy. It can have endless energy. This is why nuclear fusion is also known as "artificial sun".Besides, compared with the nuclear division of the current nuclear power plant, the product of the nuclear fusion is relatively "clean".According to its reaction formula: "+ + 氚 → 氦 + neutron", the pupa itself is not dangerous. Although the released neutron may be absorbed by other substances, which leads to radioactivityCompared with uranium-235, it does not cause significant harm to the human body.In addition, even if it is radioactive, it is only 12 years in the half -life. Even if the leakage occurs, it feels that it is still controllable.

Since it is so great, why hasn't it been fully commercialized?The reason is to control the stable energy release, which is too difficult.You must know that the hydrogen bomb test that year also triggered nuclear division and created a sufficient high temperature environment to allow nuclear fusion to occur, and further produce a chain reaction to release huge destructive energy.It is necessary to control this force in a long way to release the power. At present, there are several mainstream methods in the scientific community: ring magnetic machines, national ignition facilities, ion beam fusion, fusion and cold fusion.It is the national ignition facility tried to use by Lawrence Fohamo National Laboratory.

Regarding several other ways to control nuclear fusion, this article will not repeat it. Recommend a book to friends who are interested.Energy for Future Presidents, the book introduces the opportunities and challenges such as ring magnetic machines, ion beam fusion, fusion and cold fusion.What does the country ignite the fire facilities?That's not really "fire", but to rush more than 190 ultra -high -energy laser to a container with a top -pinned and hydrogen -containing isotope, so as to create a high temperature environment of nearly 100 million degrees, allowing to allow the high temperature environment to allow allowsAtomic integration reactions.

Readers with sharp eyes may find that focusing laser is also quite energy. If you use N+1 energy input, only N's energy output is generated.Publicity, their experimental results this time, in their nuclear fusion response, generated 3.15 trillion coke ear (MJ) energy, which was greater than the energy used by laser 2.05 trillion jiaoer, and for the first time reached the so -called "energy net gain".However, this statement is a bit stealing, because only the "direct energy consumption" of the use of laser is calculated, but the energy consumption of the driving laser device and the entire system is not calculated.Jiao Er, the energy conversion rate is only about 1%, and there is still a lot of effort to large -scale commercialization.

This is also a joke mentioned in the book of the President's Energy Course in the future: nuclear fusion is the future energy, and it will always be future energy.Of course, each experiment will accumulate the experience and efforts of the predecessors, and as the governments and the people have increased their investment, such as the "International Thermor THERMONUCLEARERIMENTAL REACTOR" (Internet Termonuclear Experimental Reactor, which is raised by the 35 countries.ITER) and other plans, I believe that after several "major breakthroughs", human beings do have the opportunity to master nuclear fusion technology to supply the power required by most people.

Since the Paris Climate Agreement has been settled in a clean and zero carbon row is a necessary path for sustainable development. It is natural to reduce petrochemical fuel and carbon dioxide. It is natural to increase the proportion of green energy.At this stage, solar energy and wind energy have the limitations of watching the sky, and the nuclear energy and natural gas that barely listed as green energy by the European Union also have obvious defects.Definitely a big bonus.

The author is the United Nations Advisor of the Information Technology Department

Each experiment will accumulate the experience and efforts of the predecessors, and as the governments and the people have increased their investment, such as the "international thermal nuclear experimental reaction furnace" of about $ 22 billion in the 35th government, it is believed thatAfter several more "major breakthroughs", human beings do have the opportunity to master nuclear fusion technology to supply the electricity required by most people.