Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

The Russian and Ukraine War has lasted more than 300 days.People may still remember that at the beginning of the war on February 24th, the United States once had a proposal to help Ukraine President Zernezki from escaping Kiev, but was rejected by the latter.If there was no such decision at the beginning, the war may have ended.

Today, when the war is stalemate again, after visiting Donetsk's front line Bakhmut, Bakhmut has been able to keep a five -month -old soldier.Flying to Washington for just 10 hours of visits.During the consistent olive green war, Zelei Micianky met with a face -to -face meeting in the White House and the suit.Speak.After a hurry, Zelei Sky brought back to China, in addition to being a patriot missile, but also the seemingly firm war support in the United States.

Before the two people met, Zeleianzki sent Biden the cross badge representing the achievements. The badge came from a Ukrainian frontline officer.In your hand.Biden also described Zellennki with "Great Leaders" and mentioned that he was also (Magazine in Times) in the United States.

At the press conference after the meeting, Biden reiterated that "Putin has not intended to end this cruel war" "The United States promises to ensure that the brave Ukrainians can continue to defend the land under Russia, no matter how long it takes for itTime " -of course, Zeelianzki wants to hear the most.

Biden's sentence continues to have practical support for the time being.Taking advantage of the opportunity of Zeelianzki, Biden announced the new round of military assistance with a new round of total value of 1.85 billion US dollars in the same venue. Among them, the most eye -catching is that the United States has always been unwilling to provide Patriot missile defense defensesystem.Although there is only one set, and the Ukraine personnel have to be trained for a while to use it, this will be the first set of anti -aircraft missiles in the West to the Western aid of the West, which will help hinder Russia's further energy infrastructure in the future in the future.attack.

At the same time, it is expected that the 1.7 trillion US dollar expenditure bill will be passed by Congress, which also includes about 45 billion of the aid of Ukraine, which will allow the total of the total aid to the United States to the 100 billion mark since the start of the war.

Although Biden's assistance to Ukraine has always been careful, so far he has not provided ATACMS missiles with a range of 300 kilometers to prevent Ukraine from attacking the target of Russia and worsening the battle.of.It is possible to shake Congress, especially after January, the House of Representatives will fall into the hand of the Republican Party, and the Republican Party has always tended to question the value of assistance to Ukraine.

Therefore, this time, the US trip to Zeleizki was just a diplomatic customer, the focus is on its speech on the two houses of Congress.

Zelei ’s Congress speeches are targeted at the entire Americans, emphasizing that the battle for Ukraine is free for freedom, and it does not mean to be the United States as one party.In particular, for Republicans' concerns about the use of sufficient supervision of the use of aid for funding, Zelei stated that the US money "is not a charity donation, but for global security and democratic investment. We use the most responsible way". "EssenceHe also called on parliamentarians present to help ensure that US leadership continues to cross the two houses of Congress and cross the United States.It has not been named China, and Zeelianzki also shows that Ukraine's victory will prove to "any potential invaders" that "no one can ... and dominate others against others."

Judging from the attitude of the Republican Congress, support for Ukraine is still the mainstream opinion.Mitch McConnell, a minority leader of the Senate, stated that "the most important thing in the world is to defeat Russians in Ukraine."Kevin McCarthy, a Republican leader in the House of Representatives in the face of the party, is likely to become a speaker in the future, and the speeches of Listening to Zeelianzki in person and standing with other members.And some Republican members who have previously voted against Ukraine also attended. The well -known absent characters who were more exceptional were the Republican Georgia Republic members of the Qinon conspiracy theory Marjorie Taylor Green.

According to the public opinion survey conducted by the Global Affairs Committee of the Chicago Chicago in the Chicago -free think tank, the vast majority of public opinion support in the United States has continued to assist Ukraine at the four levels of military, economic, receiving refugees and sanctions.It reached 65%, 66%, 73%, and 75%, respectively.Four adults support the United States to support Ukraine at the current level, and 27%believe that the United States should make military intervention to make Ukraine more advantages and end the war as soon as possible.However, it is believed that the United States should promote Ukraine to reach peace as soon as possible to peace from 38%in July to 47%.

On the basis of these public opinion, Washington is still relatively stable even if it weaken a little weakened than the past.

Of course, Zeelianzki also knows that it has always been risky to rely on others for a long time.In his speeches, he indirectly set up a period for this war: "Next year will be a turning point." Judging from the upcoming support of Congress, and even the overall willingness of CongressThere is probably no doubt a year.On the other side, the European Union also passed 18 billion euros to Ukraine last week. It can be seen that the European Union also took this long -term combat shuttle bus.

Coincidentally, long -term battle before the new year is not just Bayeng and Zellenzki.On the same day when Zessky visited the United States, Russian President Putin also presided over an annual meeting of the Ministry of Defense.During the period, Putin stated that the government did not have any "funding" restrictions on the army, saying that "the state and the government will give the army all the requests."

At the same time, the Russian Minister of Defense, Shi Yigu, also proposed various expansion proposals, including the establishment of the establishment of the Moscow and the Leninrad Military Region, the establishment of various new legions, increased the number of Russian army to 1.5 million, and the age range of the recruitment.wait.These changes all show that Putin's "special military operations" are further developing in the direction of formal war.

Putin has recently has the shadow of the Ukrainian war in person.On December 17, he rarely visited a combat command center against the Ukraine who did not disclose.On December 20, Putin also instructed the security department to stop the activities of foreign special mobile personnel, and then praised the pro -Russian leaders who had invested in four states in Russia at a ritual, and even Russia's domestic goodwill opinion leaders.

Although Putin has recently acknowledged "extremely difficult" in the Ukrainian Russia -Russian control area, and the implementation of its domestic local mobilization order also had some problems, he obviously would continueCivil criticism and respond quickly.Earlier this month, Putin has stated that the combat in Ukraine will be a "long -term process".

After recognizing that he couldn't make a quick decision on the Ukrainian battlefield, Putin's "Puyi move" was to bet with the West for a long time.After this visit to the United States, the United States and Europe obviously have at least one year of preparation.Therefore, in the foreseeable future, this war will be the tough competition between the West and Putin.

Today's war, especially the war with a nuclear country, will eventually break on the negotiating table.The ideal operation of Western countries and Ukraine is to constantly advance Putin, allowing Ukraine to advance slowly, and worrying that Putin is concerned about the crisis of falling in the Udon base and even Crimea, so he has to take the initiative to seek peace.At this point, Ukraine is likely to officially hand over Crimea and other places for a Putin, which is in Putin, which is in Putin, in exchange for more solid and safe guarantee.

These are actually the trend of the recent Russian and Ukraine war. The US trip to the United States only allows the outside world to see this situation more clearly.