The Sounds

Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua passed the motion of trust in the Prime Minister in the lower House of Congress on December 19th. The candidates for the Son of House and Deputy Speaker of the House of House of Houses and Councils, which are united by the government, were also selected smoothly. Anwar can be described as the first test after the Prime Minister.

However, this time the motion of the trust of the Prime Minister did not vote, but passed the voting in a sound and waves.disturbed.

People have no doubt about the stability of the Anwar government. When Anwar was still in the wild, they repeatedly claimed that they had sufficient number of people to support any appearance, but in the end, it was not available.Everyone cares about and curious.

The unity government led by Anwar can be said to be a temporary government. In particular, the Sarawak Political Party Alliance was at the beginning to support the National Alliance. Later, the head of state stated that he wanted to form a government that covers all religions, races, and regions.Only to support the hopes.As for the National Front, internal support and no support of Anwar are clear. Finally, the Barisan Nasional and UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi walked alone.Essence

The Anwar government was born in this context, and it was impossible to propose how much support they had to master in the Congress of Congress's trust in the trust of the Prime Minister.People are suspicious.

The President of the Democratic Action Party of the Pakatan Harapan of the Pakatan Harapan proposed that whether the government can survive the five -year term and depends on whether Anhua can pass the six major tests within one year, including the passing of the President of the House of Commons.Selection and trust in the trust of the Prime Minister.

As the united government's party has signed a co -organized government cooperation agreement, the test that must be passed in Congress is generally not a problem. Today, the bigger problem is that Anwar's difficult to control the UMNO party choice, and it is expected that it will be on next year.Penang, Selangor, Sammeilan, Jedie, Ji Langdan and Dengjialou held in Penang, Selangor, Samimalan, Jedie, Jeedo, Ji Langdan and Dengjia.

UMNO party election is regarded as the main variables that affect the unity government, because after the deficiencies of the Barisan Nasional and UMNOs in this election, many Barisan Nasional members and UMNO leaders have publicly stated.The party.

Most of these leaders are the previous "official positions", including Hishan Mu Ding and Kelly.Although they do not have official positions at present, some of them have not won the seats such as Kelly, but they have performed well when they serve as ministers. In addition, the Umno Party, especially the grassroots, still conflicts with the Anwar and the DPP party.When the party was elected, he put pressure on Ahmad Zahi.

Although Ahmad Zahi, who served as the deputy prime minister, has increased the chance of defending the Umno Party's chairman because of the official duties, but if the grassroots are dissatisfied, it will cause UMNOSupporting the government's support.In case Ahmad Zahi cannot reigning the party chairman, whether the new chairman will withdraw his support for Anwar is a great concern of Anwar.

Furthermore is the election of the Pakatan Harapan and Islamic Party ruling. It is regarded as the "referendum" of whether the people support the cooperation between Pakatan Harapan and BN.After the integration of the unity government, the Pakatan Harapan repeatedly threw out the focus on the overall situation, and strived for supporters to identify with the "enemy" Barisan Nasional joint governance.However, the political figures of Malaysia used to play the banner of "saving the country" in the past, but after giving up the principle, they did not do it, which was disappointing. Therefore, how much acceptance of supporters of the two parties in the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional.The election can give the answer, and this answer will directly affect the continuity of the unity government, which is another concern that Anwar cannot control.

In the face of these uncertain factors, Anwar's priority is to fulfill the declaration of campaign and implement his promise after the implementation of his prime minister. Especially in terms of boosting economy, reducing the burden of people's lives and greed.In the good governance of the unity government, it is the best strategy to ensure the long -term stability of the united government.

(The author is Lian Morning News International News Group senior reporter [email protected])