The helm team determines the direction in a scientific way, and then judges the posture and rhythm with a wave of epidemic.Then take the waves.

Every year at the end of the year, there are always various gatherings of Zhang Luo, calling friends, and dinner for about time.This year, you can finally restore normal Christmas dinner and plan to worship the New Year of the lunar calendar. These very sense of ritual work are particularly excited and moved.For calculations, we have not gathered well for three years.

Think of the past two years, in order to reduce contact with epidemic, avoid large -scale infection, and implement various restrictions.The Lunar New Year can only receive up to eight visitors a day in the Lunar New Year, and each person visits only two households every day as much as possible.Last year, the situation was better and you can go to the restaurant, but a table of food cannot be more than five.

From fear of crown disease, to coexistence of habits and crown disease, Singapore has taken a path of resistance to epidemic.At the beginning of this year's spring to the river, accompanied by a minister to visit, an old gentleman stepped forward to propose to the minister enthusiastically that Singapore should learn from China.At that time, the number of infections in China was only tens to 100 people daily, and their lives were roughly returned to normal. Ten thousand or 20,000 people infected every day. People who came here could not return home in the Spring Festival."" ".

Anyone who has experienced that period of time knows that in fact, Singapore is busy receiving vaccines for the whole people, sending antigen self -service detectors, etc., because knowing that each wave of epidemics always has a peak.Make sure the hospital has enough bed to give patients with symptomatic patients and try to protect life.

The helm team decides the direction in a scientific way, and then adjusts the posture and rhythm with a wave of epidemic. Before the storm is coming, it is about to make a strategic deployment. Some crises cannot be touched.Forward.

Recently reading the topic of Taiwan Business Weekly, "Singapore, the more the world is, the stronger it is", re -understand our country from the eyes of outsiders. On the one hand, we are constantly adjusting measures to resist the disease.Exercise for us, accelerate digital transformation, strengthen blockchain applications and financial innovation, Internet talents, attract more world -class companies to set up headquarters, and so on.

This special report is the most attractive chart: "50 years and 5 degrees of leap forward!", Which lists the five reorganizations of world order since the 1970s, and Singapore has grown.

In the Chinese Cultural Revolution and Vietnam War in the 1970s, Singapore launched a 10 -year development plan, which shifted from labor -intensive industries to high -tech industries, while building industrial areas and financial centers.

During the global economic recession in the 1980s, reforms were promoted, and tax cuts were reduced to attract foreign investment. It launched the second 10 -year plan and changed from the end of the four small dragons in Asia.

In 1997, the Asian financial turmoil, Singapore, who has a certain strength, has expanded regional influence by assisting in Southeast Asian countries and expanding its regional influence.

In 2008, the US subprime mortgage crisis set off a global financial turmoil, and the Singapore economy was severely frustrated again.The government has launched the largest economic stimulus plan, and civil servants have reduced their salaries.One year later, Singapore jumped from 10th to fourth in the 10th place in the World Economic Forum Financial Center.

In 2020, the formulation of the new crown epidemic and the formulation of the National Security Law of Hong Kong, the crisis has also spawned the opportunity to change the regional economic and financial pattern. Singapore actively attracts multinational enterprises to set up headquarters and encourages innovation.Due to the stable policy and the regularity, in the past three years, in addition to the quiet "moist" in the Chinese rich, the rich Southeast Asian rich has also looked for opportunities to immigrate to the wealthy people's taxes in order to deal with the expansion of the Russian and Ukraine's expenditure for the expansion of the Russian and Ukraine's expenses.Singapore.

I do n’t know the true face of Lushan, and I just fate in the mountains.What happened around us, we used to think that it was often unclear. After watching the special report of the Business Weekly, the theme of the 2021 fiscal budget: together with the together, the more and more brave.Vice Premier and Minister of Economic Policy Wang Ruijie repeatedly emphasized when issuing a budget statement that while dealing with the epidemic, Singapore will continue to vigorously promote sustainable development. "When we quickly take action to meet the current needs, we must not stop thinkingfuture".

Let's flatten and wider the road of "coexisting with crown disease". However, the crisis of the world will "variant" like a virus, and it is a multi -crisis at the same time. There is no reason to "lie flat".

Singapore has made a layout in new opportunities such as sustainable energy and food. In the semiconductor industry of geographical political conflict, Singapore is also actively attracting large international enterprises to set up factories while attracting cutting -edge talents.One of them interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao more than two months ago and returned from Taiwan TSMC to Yang Yujia (Innovation and Enterprise), the executive director of the Science Engineering Research Council from TSMC, to the Singapore Science and Technology Research Bureau (A*Star).He has guided more than 40 doctoral students at the National University of Singapore to play the role of whale with small fish.

For generations, Singaporeans have transformed external crises into DNAs, and potential crises within our internal internal need to be transformed.

As mentioned earlier, high -end talents and super wealthy people who have been attracted in recent years, although their number is not much compared to the entire Singapore population, it will inevitably increase the income gap and the tension between the rich and the poor.The work that narrows this gap may be more difficult than flattening the epidemic curve.The government has repeatedly emphasized the joint sharing responsibility, and the capable people have more burdens to help those who are more disadvantaged, such as levying higher real estate tax and stamp duty to a larger house at a price, which are equivalent to the "rich tax".

In addition, the consumption tax will be raised from 7%to 8%a week later, and it will also be a more tax tax on the rich with greater expenses.The government has transformed consumption tax into part of a highly progressive overall fiscal system through various rebates, subsidies and benefits.

In the next wave of development, Singapore attracts foreign investment and rich people to continue to open source, and there is no need to save the establishment of a fair society; while lowering the gap between the rich and the poor, the quality of the living quality of the rich and the poor can be improved.It will be a higher state of "moving forward".