Source: Xinjing News

Author: Tao Short Room

On December 21, local time, Ukrainian President Zeleziski visited the United States in the case of no preview in advance.This is the first visit to the United States since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's military conflict on February 24.

For this visit, no information was not disclosed in the United States or Ukraine in advance. When the news of the visit on December 21 was announced, Zerrenzki was on the road to the United States.

At the critical moment at the Russian -Ukraine military conflict for more than 300 days and the situation of the battlefield is still stuck, Zeleiski seemed to "visit the United States" in a hurry, and there was no "clues" in advance.There are also concealed intentions and the idea of avoiding interference of other factors.

"Visit in War" has the intention of war

Zelei Sky's visit to the United States is positioned as a "wartime visit". The itinerary is limited to a short day, and there is no gaze ceremony, helping activities, and diplomacy.Diplomatic occasions.

At noon on December 21, Zerenzki met with the US federal government and administrative team led by President Biden Biden in the White House. At night, he appeared in the Parliament Building to attend the joint meeting held for him for him.Zelei Sky, who is still in a uniform, delivered a speech to the US Congress in English in English.

Zelei Sky and the Biden team's talks closed behind closed doors. The main achievements of the known achievements were gained by the US government to increase $ 1.85 billion in military assistance, of which about 1 billion US dollars were US inventory arms, and the rest were included in the industry existing."Ukraine Safety Aid Plan" framework.This is a comprehensive aid framework including ammunition, military materials, military personnel training, and technical support.

The appearance of Zelei in the parliamentary building has the functions of practical, public relations and etiquette.In the Congress Building, Zerrenki gave the Ukraine flag to the US Congress.This is a Ukrainian flag that had just taken the Basbach Bakhmmut battlefield from the fierce battle and signed a frontline soldiers from the fierce battle.Perlis, Speaker of the House of Representatives, returned to the US flag that had just taken from the roof of the Congress of Congress that day.

On December 22, Zeleiski has announced the end of the visit, returned to Ukraine, and told Poland during the return journey to meet with President Duda.For the "new hatred and old hatred" of Russia and the cold lips, Poland has always been supporting and assisting Ukraine's most positive country.

Therefore, Zelei is "visiting", of course, it is far from the "accidental arrangement" that it publicly publicized.

Since the start of the war, Zelei has been visiting abroad, not just because of the lack of skills and safety considerations of the war, but also the news of Russia's propaganda offensive at the beginning of the war.Rehabilitation is "fake visits out of actual escape", which shakes the military heart.

Nowadays, military conflicts have lasted more than 300 days. Ukraine has initially stabilized the foot, and from the middle of the winter, the front of the front tends to be silent.After being deeply thoughtful.

Due to the influence and damage of military conflicts, Ukraine has only about $ 1 billion in domestic fiscal revenue since the start of the war, and the monthly expenditure requires at least 6 billion US dollars.The United States is the biggest source of assistance.

Bynden government acknowledged that since the outbreak of military conflicts, the US government has provided more than $ 65 billion in assistance to Ukraine, including the "Hemaras" rocket launcher, air defense and anti -tank missiles, artillery investigation radar, high high, high highThe accuracy business satellite graphic and other graphics so that the disadvantaged Ukraine can get an active "combat power multiplier" on the battlefield.

But before, the United States and its allies were afraid to stimulate Russia too much, so that they were involved in a direct military conflict that was in danger of dangerous between the nuclear power.It also refuses to provide offensive heavy weapons that are sufficient to provide fighter jets, remote strike firepower, etc.

Therefore, Zelei Siqi has a strong purpose of "fate", and not only in terms of funds -whether it is to launch a new round of rehabilitation of large -scale loss of land in the future, or to support Russia to resist the foundation of Russia's basis for the foundation.The military aid of the United States is crucial.

Both Meiwu "be careful"

The opinions of the two parties in the United States are inconsistent with assistance to Ukraine.Compared with the Democratic Party, some members of the United States Republican Parliament, especially members of the Republican, are significantly conservative and hesitant to assisting Ukraine.

In May this year, as many as 57 Republicans of the House of Representatives had voted against Ukraine with a $ 40 billion of a package to assist, and even the House of Representatives McCarthy, the highest status of the House of Representatives, provided so many and so long to whether to provide such as so on Ukraine to varying degrees to varying degrees.Time assistance has questioned.

Especially, more and more signs show that the Russian -Ukraine military conflict may fall into a long -lasting battle -on the same day when Zelei visits the United States, Russian President Putin made a speech in the Ministry of National Defense, "We are not doing it."Russian military funds set up", insisting that Russia will eventually win in Ukraine, expressing its determination to continue fighting.

Although the Republican Party did not win a schedule in the US midterm elections, it also seized the majority of the House of Representatives.In early January 2023, the House of Representatives will change hands, and McCarthy will replace Pelosi as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.At that time, it is a question of whether U.S. assistance to support Ukraine's "resistance" to the "resistance" of war is a matter of life and death.

Because of this, Zelei Sky selected his first visit to the United States for the first time after the war, and placed the highlight in the US Congress Building.It is not to be charity but invest for you. "At the same time, reminded these American dignitaries that the war came to Japan, and assisted the tiger and snake tail.

To some extent, Zelei Sky also achieved a considerable main purpose of this trip.For example, the U.S. State Department announced the new reinforcement black weapon list a few hours before he started visiting the United States. The "Patriot" regional air defense missile system and JDAM air -to -place combination of ammunition that had been provided before was listed.

At the same time, a huge budget plan of 4155 pages and a total of 1.77 trillion US dollars is passed in the Senate, and plans to rush to break through the House of Representatives before the end of the year.$ 44.9 billion.The purpose is naturally to avoid the Republican House of Representatives, and for the party's struggle, it will be constrained by assisting Ukraine.

From the current situation, because Trump, the most opposed to the biggest assistance in Ukraine, has been hit hard in the midterm elections, and the current key transfer of special military operations in Russia, the reason for the "fate" of Ukraine is more fulfilling. The Republican Party is on this issue.The intensity of the use of questions is weakening.

In fact, since the outbreak of the Russian -Ukraine military conflict, there are many high -level interactions in the United States and Ukraine.As early as March, Zerrenzki delivered a speech in the U.S. Building in the United States.Ukraine.

Of course, all this is obviously far less influential than Zelezzky's "first visit to abroad".Because of this, Russian officials quickly made accusations of "Ukraine's move showing their wanting to war" for Zeelianzki.

It is worth mentioning that it should be more important, more noticeable, and more transmitted and professional White House closed -door meeting, and there is no enough details.

This seems to indicate that one partyOn the face, the United States does not want to disclose more details; on the other hand, the rumors such as "Bayeng get angry with Zellezki on the phone" and "Bayeon calls on the phone on the phone., To the high -level governments of the United States and Ukraine, especially Biden caused tremendous pressure and damage, prompting them to "be careful" and silent this time.