President Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo, former chief strategist Bannon, and other politicians, as well as scholars such as Michael Pillsbury, who have written a century -old marathon: China replaces the secret strategy of the United States as a global superpower.The decline of the United States and the rise of China are attributed to China's unfair trade behavior.All this only shows that American politicians do not know self -knowledge and lack the ability to reflect on themselves.

Americans consume 70%of drugs around the world.Drugs are full of various corners of American society.Based on the survey data of college students from 19 to 22, the cannabis usage rate in this age is about 43%in the survey data of college students from 19 to 22.In 2019, nearly 200 people died of excessive drugs every day.In the United States, more than 65%of prisoners have drugs.

The place where I taught before had an average of 120 students arrested for drug use every weekend.Some colleagues asked the school to seriously enforce the enforcement at a faculty conference to eliminate the school's drugs.I asked him how to eliminate it?The school eliminates drugs, and there is no school.

Drugs are a social issue. Parents, teachers, and even government officials have drugs, and schools are unable to eliminate drugs.When I was studying, an elderly classmate had worked at the Vice President's Office and was arrested for drug trafficking. After being released from prison, I returned to school to study.According to him, people in the Vice President's Office have taken drugs.Among the students I have taught, there are parents or siblings that almost died of excessive drug use, and they also have similar experiences.

A student I taught before seeing me in the school's gym and said that he had detoxified and felt much better, and said that he wanted to find a fitness coach to help him introduce friends in need.As a result, the next morning, he was found to die excessively in the student dormitory.At his recovery meeting, his parents said that they knew that sooner or later the day would happen, with infinite helplessness and sadness in the conversation.

Drugs bring damage to American society that cannot be measured with money.Seven and 80,000 people are taken away from drugs each year, and countless families are destroyed.However, the US government spent a lot of resources to arrest drug dealers, and then spent more money to judge them, but refused to spend resources on education to help the younger generation overcome drugs.

The gap between the rich and the poor in American society is also the largest among the Seventh Kingdoms Group.The richest 1%of the United States has more than $ 35 trillion assets, which is equivalent to the total assets of middle -class families with income between 50 and 90%.70%of American families do not have $ 500 emergency funds.Based on the 2012 Republican presidential candidate Romney, 47%of Americans did not pay income tax.In order to prevent the poor from being hungry, the U.S. government spends more than $ 1 trillion in various social relief projects every year, far exceeding the US military expenditure.

These poor people who can live by the US government can only be discriminated against in American society. Some people even call themselves white garbage.Labor creates people, and people create their own value through labor.The U.S. government should help the poor find a job instead of only providing them with food.In a sense, US welfare policies have deprived the poor as a human dignity.

The public education system in the United States is obvious to all.About 15%of students failed to graduate from high school.The teaching order of public schools in large cities is chaotic.

In the North Carolina, the government's funding for public education ranks second in the United States.According to a friend who taught mathematics at Charlotte's public school, he took orange to the class as a textbook. As a result, several children were puzzled by him.Breakfast, they asked him because of hunger.Through further understanding, he knew that his school, and students in public schools in the entire North Carolina, with half of the children went to school with an empty belly.

According to the US government's policies, children of low -income families can eat free lunch or lunch at school at school.There is no money for them to buy lunch.A video on the Internet shows that a school restaurant staff seized the food from a student who was not qualified to eat free lunch, which caused fierce controversy.The employee would be fired without doing that, but it seemed cruel to getting lunch from a hungry child, which made employees working in the school restaurant in a dilemma.

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world.The annual military expenditure expenditure exceeds more than 700 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 40%of the world's total military expenditure, which is the sum of military expenditures in 10 countries in the United States.

The US population is less than 5%of the world's total, but 25%of prisoners around the world are located in prisons, and they pay more than $ 50,000 per person per year, and they are not willing to spend money to let the poor children eat.How can a hungry child learn well?

All this is the real reason for the decline of the United States.Can the United States blame these problems on China?Of course, politicians and scholars in the United States will not reflect on the problems of the United States themselves.They will continue to shake the pot in China and deceive the American people.But that way is limited.They cannot deceive the American people forever. Once the American people know the truth, they are troublesome.

(The author is a professor of political science at the University of Wellson University in the United States.