【Ming Pao Society Review】

Chinese President Xi Jinping went south to Guangdong last week. During the inspection of Chaozhou, he talked about a higher level of self -reliance. At the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Memorial Conference, it was necessary to promote reform and opening up at a higher starting point.It is now we have experienced a great change in a century.

In recent years, the United States has curbed China in all aspects. With the chaos formed by the new crown virus epidemic and the fierce competition of the American election, Sino -US relations have fallen into the valley for decades, affecting the international situation.In general, because of China's rise, it has destroyed the international order led by the United States. The United States wants to curb China's ability to participate in the establishment of a new international order. This is a great change in a century.

The top -level design service is a strategic situation

Implementation across the country without exception

In just 40 years, Shenzhen has transformed from vicissitudes of vicissitudes into an international metropolis. It does not need to be repeated. However, in the current international change, how to go before the road is worthy of attention, because the development of Shenzhen, benefiting from the national reform and opening up policy. In the future, in the future, in the future, in the future, in the futureThe way to nature has become a vane of the national reform and opening up policy.

Xi Jinping's speech at the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone celebrated the conference. Kai Zongyi said that when the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was established, Deng Xiaoping's instructions were that the central government could give some policies.At the beginning, no one could clearly foresee the specific strategy of the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, but came over step by step in the direction of continuous reform. Today, Shenzhen has developed to an important turning point, especially at the juncture of the international change. Xi Jinping gave it toThe instructions came out is that they must insist on crossing the river and strengthen the top -level design.The so -called top -level design is the policy of the central strategy to obey the national strategic layout. Even in Shenzhen, which has achieved fruitful results, it is necessary to start from the overall situation and not be alone.The strategic intention of this central government is not only the requirements for Shenzhen, but also the requirements of all local governments in the country, including Hong Kong, and the fourteenth five -year planning that is about to implement, as well as the strategic layout of the medium and long term.

According to the requirements of this strategic layout, Shenzhen must not only do a good job in economic development, democratic the rule of law, and improve people's livelihood, to demonstrate the whole country, but also actively promote the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.Implement the basic policies of one country, two systems, and promote the integration and development of the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macau.This is the central government's requirements for the future development of Shenzhen. I believe that the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Government will continue to play its due role, because the country's regional development layout, the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei capital economic circle, and the Yangtze River Delta economic circle.The development plan of the urban circle, the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area not only faces the competition in the development of domestic regions, but also competes in the international place.

Shenzhen has become the fifth largest city in Asia. Xi Jinping asked Shenzhen to focus on strategic emerging industries and cultivate strategic scientific and technological talents with international levels. These measures must be further reform and opening up.Xi Jinping said in Chaozhou that China is undergoing a change in a century -old change in a century, and it is necessary to take a higher level of self -reliance.At first glance, it seems that there are contradictions, and they are actually convinced the reform and opening up policy.

Self -reliance is forced to move

Independent innovation is active strategy

Self -reliance does not rely on foreign factors literally. This slogan is seen on the slogans on the streets and alleys during the Cultural Revolution, and it can't help but make people Lenovo China reject foreign factors in the future.In fact, Mao Zedong was mentioned as early as an article on August 13, 1945 as early as August 13, 1945. At that time, the background was that the Anti -Japanese War was about to end. Under the premise of the National Government, the Chinese Communist Party obtained during the War of Resistance Against Japan.The results not only do not get the due protection, but also the possibility of a comprehensive outbreak of civil war, emphasizing self -reliance, because we can rely on the strength of our own organization to defeat all Chinese and foreign reactionaries.

Xi Jinping talked about the premise of self -reliance in an electronic factory that enterprises must develop, the industry must upgrade, and the economy must develop high -quality development, instead of discussing the situation of Sino -US confrontation or China in international relations. MoreoverThis slogan was used during the Cultural Revolution because the Chinese and Western blockade were blocked by the capitalist and Western in China at that time.

Xi Jinping's expectations for the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone are to promote reform and opening up at a higher starting point.The so -called higher starting point is the economic situation of poor and two whites when the reform and opening up 40 years ago, and the situation of not knowing business management at that time, and the technical level was relatively backward. NowadaysIn some countries to resist and curb China in science and technology and economy, they need to rely on the spirit and skills of independent innovation.This requirement is not only effective for Shenzhen, which is to be more upright. For local governments that have not found independent innovation and economic transformation so far, there is even more expectations of hate iron and steel.