Current affairs perspective

Middot; Black, the young Black of Jacob, who was fired by the police behind him, fired seven shots behind him. His mother Julia Middot; Jackson was right: Only when we were decent, the United States would be great.Sadly, in the past four years, President Trump has been leading the United States in a completely opposite direction.

When Trump faced voters again on November 3, the entire history of the country seemed to be at stake.The United States has tried to resolve the original sin of African slavery for 160 years.At that time, President Lincoln issued a famous warning: there was no restaurant for split houses.But under the leadership of Trump, all the differences in the United States have been expanded.

Given that Trump often judges the overall performance of the US economy based on the stock market, it is not surprising that the rich becomes richer in his governance, and 10%of the richest Americans hold 92%of stocks.Although stock prices continue to reach a new high, the United States has insufficient employment and unemployment rate.

At present, about 30 million U.S. residents live in families without enough food, and the vast majority of Americans in the lower half of the income distribution are moonlight.In this country that has been splitted due to inequality, Trump's Republican Party not only reduces taxes for billionaires and enterprises, but also implements a policy that will increase the tax rate of most middle -class levels.

Little Martdot; Luther Middot; Gold pointed out more than half a century ago that in the United States, racial and economic unfair issues are inseparable.57 years ago, I participated in the march in Washington. At that time, he delivered a heartbreaking speech that I had a heartbreaking speech. We sang us one day to defeat everything.As a 20 -year -old innocent boy, I can't imagine that this day will be so far away. After a short progress, the pursuit of race and economic justice will stagnate.

However, the Kerner Commission report on the 1967 racial riots has been released for more than 50 years, and racial inequality has not decreased.The ultimate conclusion of the report is still important: our country is split into two society, a black, a white mdash; mdash; these two society are isolated and unequal.Perhaps Biden as the president, the United States can eventually embark on a new path.

At the same time, the 2019 coronary virus disease epidemic will continue to expose and exacerbate existing inequality.Coronatte virus is not only a pathogen with equal opportunities, but it constitutes the biggest threat to those who have poor health. In the United States, which still does not recognize medical services is a basic right, there are many such people.

In fact, during the President Obama's administration, the number of Americans without insurance decreased significantly, while under Trump's governance, this group increased by millions;Life is below the mid -2010 level.

Without a healthy labor, it is impossible to have a healthy economy.Needless to say, a country where the people's health is getting worse. If you want to be great, there is still a long way to go.As I wrote in January, even before the epidemic outbreak, Trump's economic record was lacking, and it was expected.Trump's unwise trade war not only did not reduce US trade deficits, but increased it by more than 12%in just three years.

During the same period, Trump's employment opportunities were less than the last three years of the Obama administration.In addition, after the rejuvenation of tax cuts in 2017 brought an exciting climax, the economic growth was weak, and it had shown signs of fading.Trump's large reduction not only did not bring more investment, but caused the federal budget deficit to climb to more than $ 1 trillion.

With the support of the Republicans of Congress, Trump's reckless governance led the United States to not prepare for the next crisis, but the crisis came instantly.In 2017, when the Republican billionaire sponsors and corporate allies were seeking for alms, there were still a lot of funds available.But now, family, small enterprises and basic public services are urgently needed, but the Republican Party claims that the family has been emptied.

If the fight against the epidemic is like mobilization in war, then the United States has been trapped by a commander who only focuses on personal interests. He refuses to accept science and professional knowledge, which will endanger the health of everyone else.No wonder the United States is one of the worst -performance countries in terms of controlling diseases and management economic impacts.Americans's monthly mortality is now three times that of World War II.

At the beginning of Trump's president, the writer Middot; Michael Lewis warned that Trump and his attackers launched by the relatives of the administrative country will make the United States completely prepare for the future impact.Now, it is affected by the (foreseeable) epidemic disease, and it is also completely trapped in the imminent climate crisis, socioeconomic crisis, and the crisis of democracy and racial justice, let alone cities and rural areas, coastal, inland, young, youngThere are differences between people and the elderly.

Trump aimed at the two key elements of the country's greatness: social unity and public trust.Countries with these characteristics have better control the epidemic and its economic impact.How can the United States that lag behind in other countries in the world in this respect?

Now, the biggest hope of the United States is Biden. His biggest advantage is that he may unite the split people.Although the cracks in the United States have become too large and cannot heal overnight, it still makes sense to cure all trauma.

However, healing does not happen by itself.This will depend on whether Americans accept the national rejuvenation plan.Fortunately, a large number of young people are eager to meet the challenges.Only by giving full play to their enthusiasm, unity, and re -devoting their long -term principles and ambitions can the United States become great again.

Author Joseph E.Stiglitz is the Nobel Prize winner, a professor of Columbia University, and currently the chief economist of the Roosevelt Institute.His latest works are the people's, power and profits: PEOPLE, Power, and Progressive Capitalism for An Age of Discontent, which are dissatisfied with the times.

English Title: Reclaiming American Greatness

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020