Watching the recent Washington Fengyun, Trump has experienced too much: on October 2nd, the coronary virus test was positive, three -day hospitalization treatment, attending public activities in the White House on the 10th, and went to the central part of Florida on the 12th.He believes that he returns to the king, and the opponent believes that this is just the new costume of the emperor.Through this dazzling information forest, it can be seen that the 74 -year -old old man was using his body to solve himself for re -election.The author sorted out and observed.

First of all, from Murphy's law (if things are likely to deteriorate, no matter how small this possibility is, it will always happen) to see Trump, which is almost inevitable that infection of crown disease.It can be said that he himself is positive (he can't even protect himself), which is his government's biggest irony to treat the epidemic.

In the latest period of the weekly magazine, when Trump saw the staff wearing a mask, he would make a ghost face; his former assistant revealed that when the official wearing a mask speaks, Trump will sayI do n’t understand, so the virus scriptures entered the Olympics. On September 26, a super communication incident appeared at the White House Rose Garden (the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases).

Secondly, the data of various polls are different, but the current basic fact is Bayenden Gao Trone's low. The polls of Reuters/Iposo on October 4 pointed out that the advantages of Biden have expanded to 10 percentage points.In the face of such a disadvantage of polls, Trump obviously detained Bao on the debate. As a former reality star, he is a performance personality.Gao Gao defeated Biden.

Preparing for the second presidential candidate debate scheduled to be on October 15, probably the motivation for his hurry to discharge.In the history of the United States election, in 1960, Kennedy and Nison's first debate, as a television amateur (famous debaters in the broadcasting era), did not receive training in front of the camera in front of the camera, such as the legs when sitting.Cross, make up before the photography.Nison also wore a gray suit, which was contrasting with the background of the black and white TV at the time. His stubble looked dark on the screen, and he kept rubbing his forehead with a handkerchief, as if he had been sweating guilty.

On the contrary, Kennedy, a dark suit, looked heroic on TV. After this debate, Kennedy's polls were slightly better than backward.In the 1980 election debate, Reagan's duel hoped to be re -elected. Reagan, who was once an actor, had many years of experience in the camera, and was more popular than Carter.His mantra, you see, you are more powerful again, and it also makes him win.

Thirdly, because the Bayeng camp questioned Trump's physical condition, the Trump camp was unwilling to accept the second debate and adopt a online form. On October 9thTwo presidential candidates debate; the committee will focus on preparing the last debate on October 22.

To put it simply, Trump's fault tolerance rate has been reduced by 50%, and the three arguments have become the last moment of life and death.In 2016, Trump and Hillary's election debate set a historical record, and about 84 million people watched (excluding online streaming media).It can be predicted that the number of viewers on October 22 may break this record.

Looking forward to the three debates, the point is who can catch the other party's key arguments, simplify, symbolize, and speak complex political issues, and one or two highlights that can be continuously played by television editing appear.In 2016, Trump had four major magic weapons: immigrants, trade, Obama's medical reform and corruption, which made the United States a great slogan again and clearly.Now he has the burden of governance, including 7.6 million people, including himself infected with crown disease, and a huge shadow of 213,000 people.

In the end, Beiden must be highly alert to infection before election, and find a balance in busy campaign and self -protection to avoid extreme complication of the situation.

For Trump, the third debate was the spring of hope or the winter, and the waiting time was announced.If he still trapped the beast with his three arguments, the eight days of Sino -US relations may be the eight days of the eight days of Sino -US relations.

The author is Nanjing Mediaman