01 Viewpoint

On Saturday (10th), the 75th anniversary celebration of the Workers' Party of Korea staged a rare scene. Kim Jong -un, who once used dogs to deal with political opponents and ruthlessly implement autocratic rule in China.Tears surprised the outside world.Many people speculate whether Kim Jong -un burst into tears, or the crocodile tears that saved the hearts of the people, or is it a tears that self -blame?

Dictators of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, such as Hitler, Stalin, etc., even if they are causing troops and disasters, charcoal, and hungry, it is difficult to see that they will cry like Kim Jong -un.Even if it was a contemporary strong man, the US President Trump knew that his indifference was ultimately infected, and he still had to support his rehabilitation speed. He continued to persuade the people not to worry about it. He always refused to show weakness.

Foreign Economy Encounter adversity

However, Kim Jong -un said on the podium: I took over the great responsibility of leading the country from the great leaders (grandfather Kim Il Sung) and the general (father Kim Jong Il), but because I did not work hard, the people still lived hard.EssenceKim Jong -un inherited the great cause less than 30 years old, and obviously had the intention of creating a career to become the Lord of ZTE.However, in the 75th year of the Kim dynasty, North Korea's disappointment was not difficult to understand.

Under Kim Jong -un's biggest achievements, he had to mention the ice breaking with the leaders of the United States and South Korea, and created the world's attractive special gold associations.Trump used Vietnam's reform and opening up as a bait, promising that North Korea's peace and prosperity made Kim Jong -un extremely exciting.However, the two have always insufficient trust in abandonment of the nuclear, and eventually made the negotiations fail.At present, the Trump regime is already a yellow flower tomorrow. The process of negotiations in the US North Korea may be pushed down again, which has also caused Kim Jong -un to be passive.

The new crown epidemic was coming, and the border between China and North Korea was closed, which also worsened the Korean economy.In addition, North Korea faced an apology for decades. The grain distribution was reduced to half, and the floods caused by the heavy rain this summer caused more than 16,000 houses in the country to damage, which caused the living standards of the Korean people to be trapped in the Great Famine in the 1990s.The lowest level.In the situation of being trapped here, Kim Jong -un has no conditions to be stubborn, and it has repeatedly displayed its flexible side to the outside world.

At the end of last month, Chaofang Tian apologized to South Korean President Moon Jae -in for killing a South Korean fisherman who came to the end of his last time.Now that Kim Jong -un choked and criminals on such an important occasion, of course, there are many public relations techniques to express his humanity to the outside world, get rid of his ruthless dictator image, and also fight for flexible means to fight for national and foreign countries and foreign countries.Sympathy, but to put down the body at the same time, it is also because of its different characteristics of the dictator.

Kim Jong -un's blame for rejuvenating Jin's rivers and mountains can be regarded as like the Emperor Hanwu's next round of sin that year, but there are not many examples of the sin of the emperor in the long history of the river.Trump has not been guilty to the people of more than 200,000 diseases so far. The Lin Zheng government has led to the turbulence of society, and he still has no regrets of reform. At a certain angle, it is better than Kim Jong -un.What is the greater of the official is also a test of human nature to a certain extent.