Current affairs perspective

On the afternoon of October 4th, US President Trump took a special car and left Walter Middot; the Reed Medical Center, and waved his hand to supporters outside the hospital.

According to a reporter from the United States CNN (CNN), Trump was wearing a mask and sitting in a Sports RV (SUV) at the time. The car was slowly driving on the street. He waved to his supporters in the car.His supporters seemed very enthusiastic.

Before traveling, Trump updated a video of 1 minute and 13 seconds on Twitter.He said in the video that it was a very interesting journey since he got a good report from the doctor and said that since he was infected with the coronary virus, he learned a lot of knowledge about crown disease.At the same time, Trump said in the video that he would have a surprise visit to supporters outside the hospital.

Trump is indeed a super performing artist, and he briefly left Walter Middot; the Ride Medical Center was a surprise interview with outside hospital supporters, which means long.Trump was not forgotten to the show. The sense of existence was great. The straightforward interpretation was to say to his supporters that he lived stubbornly and was working for the country.

The presidential election is a intellectual game with a highly eye -catching ability. Whoever can be poured by voters has more attention, and who has the possibility of winning.As a result, making a variety of news hotspots and even gimmicks attracted the attention of voters, teased the interests of voters, and captured the voters' hearts to get the votes in the hands of voters.

At the critical moment of the presidential election, Trump dropped the chain and stained the coronary virus, which was coincidental and helpless.God seems to be interested in arranging a special episode to test Trump's ability to respond.We have to admire the wisdom of the Trump campaign team and quickly formulated a series of crisis public relations strategies for Trump.The news hotspot, tightly grasped the attention of voters, raised the attention of voters to him, and did not allow the candidate's opponent Biden to take advantage.

Unlazy, no abandonment, no shrinking, and moving forward at the critical moment. Trump insists on campaign, like a fighter who holds a spear, and Yu Yonggai.This is also a display of Trump's limit capabilities.This was unexpectedly stamped, maybe it would be bad to do things badly, adding points to the Trump campaign.

However, sympathy does not fully replace the support rate of voters.If the traces of Trump's performance are too public, such as leaving Walter Middot for example; the Reed Medical Center is another scene of foolish voters, maybe it is counterproductive.The votes in your hands may still be voted for Biden.

It depends on Trump's subsequent performance at a critical moment and comedy flopping.

The author is a Chinese financial media columnist