01 Viewpoint

The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently ended the selection of the Director-General under the round, and was shortlisted by Yu Mingxi, Minister of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce, and Nigeria's former Vice President of the World Bank.No matter who he finally won, it will be the first female general officer in the 25th year of WTO.As the international situation is shocking, and the Sino -US trade disputes are tight, as the largest arbitration agency with 164 member states and is a global trade, the World Trade Director -General will maintain a long way to maintain the international multilateralist system.

For China, the world's second largest economy, both candidates are beneficial and disadvantaged for their interests.Despite the Iverala, which is preferred by Beijing's preference for African -American, Iveora was found to hold American passports and worked in World Bank in Washington for many years.And because to ensure a balanced participation in the region, except for one person as Americans, the rest of the four deputy officers will be in turn by Eurasia, Africa, Latinarian representatives.Once Yu Mingxi is elected, the current deputy director of China on behalf of Yi Xiaoyun will be replaced.

However, no matter who the WTO is ultimately, it is difficult to unilaterally change the current Sino -US trade war, and the WTO mechanism is paralyzed into the reality of paralysis.Although the World Trade Expert Group ruled last month, the United States levied tariffs to US $ 234 billion on the grounds of unfair trade on the grounds of unfair trade.The arbitration mechanism has long been named, and its ruling has also been faked, and it does not have any impact on Sino -US trade disputes.

WTO criticism has a long history

The United States' dissatisfaction with the WTO was far before Trump launched a trade war.In 2016, the Obama administration made a decision with South Korean representative Zhang Shenghe repeatedly exceeded its authority, and rejected his renewal of the judge of the appealing agency, causing a stir.The United States believes that members of the mechanism often have not formulated various rules on their own in accordance with the principles of the establishment of the WTO in 1995. The arbitration process is extremely slow.Other main stakeholders have disappeared about the complaints of the United States.

The United States also often criticizes Beijing in the name of developing countries in the name of developing countries to give it a preferential treatment in trade, and also accused China and other countries that are not transparent in the processing of subsidized export goods, and the World Trade has not been able to in terms of intellectual property and mandatory technology transfer.Take accountability to Beijing.Lytechizawa, who has been arguing for the US steel industry for many years, even rebuked Beijing to use unreasonable pricing and subsidies to combat American competitors with unreasonable pricing and subsidies.Trade war in China.

In fact, since its establishment in 1995, the last World Trade has been struggling with major interest sectors, and no new World Trade Treaty Rules have been formulated.All countries started negotiations in the Doha round in 2001. After four years, they still failed to reach a consensus. In 2007, the negotiations were briefly restarted, but the next year broke the situation again.Since then, the revision of the WTO has been stagnant, and arbitration members have continuously rewritten the rules of trade, which has made the United States dissatisfied.In the end, Trump launched a trade war and refused to appoint the judge to order the appealing agency to stop. It was just the last straw on the camel.

To reduce economic inequality

At the same time, the World Trade has also been criticized as a wealthy country club, and multinational giant companies have also used the open market to enter the market of developing countries, destroying and even destroying its local economy, culture and environment.In 2005, Hong Kong held a major meeting of the Ministry of Trade. The Hannong Army of the Hannong Army, who was hit by the WTO's livelihood, staged a continuous battle on the streets of Wan Chai.In addition to the rituals, there are also brave and martial arts along the blood to laid seeds for Hong Kong's localism.

In recent years, localism in the United States has risen rapidly, and Trump has successfully captured the support of the central and western manufacturing workers with the support of trade issues to enter the White House, which has made the international anti -multilateral direction develop rapidly.When the World Trade Appeals agency is paralyzed, the economic inequality caused by the trade deficit and dumping of various countries has exacerbated political turmoil and social instability, and the international situation of rapid deterioration of the Sino -US trade war.The liberal system is unsustainable, and the WTO is also facing unprecedented challenges, just like the United Nations, WHO and other organizations.

In this situation, leaders of various countries and new liberals supporting the WTO, bitterly said that they should propose a substantial method to maintain and promote the fairness of trade in various countries. On the basis of free trade, fair trade must be proposed.Reducing international and domestic economic inequality, otherwise it is just a slogan of emptiness and win -win results.At this moment of storms, how the female general officer in the coming of the next female general is a major test in how to make the WTO in China and the United States.