Liao Jianyu

Recently, the problem of the Communist Party of Indonesia (the Communist Party of China) has been making up in Indonesia.This shows that September 30, 55 years ago, still plagued Indonesian politics.Indonesian soldiers leaders, especially those who are old or anti -President of Zako, as well as radical Muslims. The lapels of the 930 movement are the problems of the Communist Party of India, and the consumption has long disappeared.They claimed that the Indian Communist East Mountain came back.

However, Indonesia's political circles are not consistent with this issue.On the one hand, the group of the Suhado regime still exists, and they form a joint front with the forces of radical Muslims to fight against the Zako regime; but on the other hand, the young generation does not seem to be nostalgic for the Suhado regime, but in Su in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Suhado, but in Su in Su, in Su, in Su, in Suhado, but in Su in Suhador, but in Su in Su, in Suham'sThe left -wing people and their children who were killed during the Hardo period also believed that the 930 movement was a struggle between soldiers, and even the coup of Suhado. It should be re -investigated the truth and asked to vote.

Looking back at 1965, the political situation in Indonesia at that time was very unstable. The two major domestic forces, namely soldiers, and India, competition, attempts to strengthen their respective forces, so as to obtain power after Sakano did not.Sucano stood between these two forces and strived to balance.However, the strength of soldiers is growing, and the Indian Communist Party has gradually relying on Sukano.In August 1965, it was rumored that Sucano's kidney was weak, and it may be unexpected, and the soldiers had organized the General Committee to prevent it.

DN Aidit is also actively prepared.Through the special bureau of the secret establishment, he talked with the left -wing officers of underground party members and non -party members, and was preparing to make a pre -initiative when necessary.In the early morning of September 30, 1965 (in fact, it was October 1), the 930 Movement Headquarters led by Wen Dong, headed by the Chief Guard of Sucano, kidnapped six right -wing generals and the deputy of General Nasu Dianan.General Su Dian escaped.These generals and deputies were shot shot.However, General Suhado, who was the commander of the Army Strategic Command at the time, did not on the abduction list.

After General Nasuidian escaped, he quickly combined with Suhado to fight back.They accused the India launched a coup and arrested the Indian Communist leader.Sukano intentionally prevented Suhado from grasping military power and assigned his officers as the Chief of Staff of the Army, but was rejected by Suhando and Nasu Di'an.The leader of the soldiers headed by Suhado was in control and launched an unprecedented massacre in the history of Indonesia.It is estimated that at least 400,000 to 1.1 million people who have been slaughtered, pro -Communist Party, and suspected of being communist.The President of the Indian Communist Party fled to Central Java after the victory failed, was arrested soon, and was subsequently executed.

A total of 930 exercises in India

Who is the launch of this so -called 930 movement, and it is still confusing.In summary, there are five sayings: Indian Communist Party, left -wing soldiers, Sukano, Suhahdo and the US Central Intelligence Agency.Each statement is quite one -sided, but the characters and groups above are involved.

What role did the Indian play in this movement?

Canadian scholar John Middot; John Roosa pointed out according to the American decrypted archives that Ai Di personally led by SJAM Kamaruzaman, a Biro Chusus, is indeed the chairman.Order to assassinate the right wing general.However, Cham's identity is very mysterious and may be the dual spy of the Indian Republican military.

John Middot; Lu Sha believes that the 930 movement seems to be a coup launched by Cham, and Aidi is implicated, allowing Indonesian right -wing soldiers to start an unprecedented massacre on this pretext.Although the US Central Intelligence Agency did not participate in the planning of the coup, it gave the detailed list of members of the Indian Communist Party to Indonesia's right -wing generals.The recent decryption files also show that the US government has not stopped the massacre.This has led to some people that the 930 Movement was planned by the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Most of the leaders of the Indian Communist Party and its subordinates seemed to be unaware of the coup in advance, and there was no action, prompting this coup to cover up mysterious colors.As a result, members of the Indian Communist Party became a lamb who was hunted with others without resistance.Therefore, some people say that the Indian Communist Party is not a motion of coup and has nothing to do with the coup.

However, Dr. Zhou Taomo's immigration in the revolutionary age published in 2019: In the book of China, Indonesia, and the Cold War, according to the documents that have been decrypted by the CPC Central Committee's Archives, Aidi did participate in the 930 movement.The book revealed that Ai Di discussed the situation in Indonesia with the CCP leaders such as Mao Zedong in Beijing on August 5 of that year.Aidi also proposed his idea of taking action and will establish a military committee composed of the underground party, and this idea Mao Zedong did not oppose it.However, the CCP's actions of Ai Di did not know.Some scholars believe that Aidi has secretly planned this coup with progressive officers through the Special Bureau, and only a few people in the party know.

It is undeniable that Aidi is a key figure in the 930 movement.Shortly after Ai Di was executed, Mao Zedong wrote a busaton in December of that year: the words of Comrade Aidi, which mourn the internationalist warrior, and the last two sentences: the flowers of the flowers, and the next year.Think of intriguing.

After the 930 movement failed, the Indian Communist Party of China and the Politburo published five self -criticism articles within two years in 1966 and 1967. The Communist PartyOnly through armed struggle can obtain regime, indirectly criticized the coup, the 930 movement, made an adventure mistake, but did not mention Aidi's name.These five documents were published by the Delegasi CC PKI in 1971.It does not indicate the publishing house, but its book is similar to Indonesian documents from Beijing Foreign Language Press.

The political utility of the Indian Communist Ghost

The 930 incident is a watershed in the history of Indonesia.Indonesia after September 30, 1965 has become a country where soldiers are in power.The Indian Communist Party was destroyed, and Sukano stepped down. The soldiers headed by Suhando began the 32 -year -old right -wing military rule.

Although Suhado had the military power after 930, he could not be in power immediately, and the legal president at that time was still Sukano.Nasu Dian and Suhado began to eradicate the forces of India and supported Sukano. It was not until March 11, 1966 that Suhahdo seized power from Sukano and served as the second president of the Indonesian Republic.After the president, Suhado officially announced that the Indian was an illegal organization.

In 32 years of power, Suhado completely eliminated the forces of the Indian Communist Party.After his fall, the Indonesian People's Council Council (Indonesia's Supreme Legislative Conference) passed the prohibition of communist doctrine and the regulations on Communist Communities, and it was still not revoked.Recently, some Indonesian elites have also claimed that the Indian Communist Party has come back.

In Indonesia's politics, the ghosts of the Indian Communist Party still play some role.When Zoko was running for the president in 2014, anti -Zoko's old forces once accused Zoko who was born in 1961 as the Indian communist and almost pulled him down. In 2019, Zoko sought re -election.Revised, but still failed to succeed.

Although Zoko was re -elected, his political forces were not great.He is a presidential candidate launched by the Indonesian struggle Democratic Party, but he is not a party leader, nor the inner circle of the leadership of the party, and cannot control the party.In order to be able to manage, he traded with other alliance political parties, and finally asked his political opponent Plaboor into the cabinet and served as the Minister of Defense.

Zoko was restrained, causing his reform plan to be affected.However, Zokko insisted that Pancasila (the five principles of the founding of the People's Republic of China) has not changed the conviction of founding the founding of the People's Republic of China and opposing the establishment of a Muslim country.Anti -Zoko's power was unwilling to continue to create various issues to weaken Zok's regime.

On August 18 this year, Ding Middot, Chairman of the former Murhamedia Association; Sansuding announced the establishment of the Save Indonesian Action Alliance (Kami), and members were all leaders and intellectuals of various organizations of anti -Zoco.They claim that Indonesia is now facing a big crisis, especially in the fairness of morality and social, so they have to organize to save Indonesia.<<<

Most of the main leaders of this alliance are elites who have had a holiday or failed to get benefits with Zako.San Su Ding is one of them. In addition, there are former commander of the army, Card Duo, and former economic coordinating minister Lanli.These people have said that if the people ask them to serve as president, they will go all out.The Indonesian struggle Democratic Party Chairman Michaveti teased: I did not expect so many people to want to be president.

Indonesia will hold the presidential election in 2024, but now someone has begun to prepare.One of the characteristics of saving Indonesia's organization is that it is not only anti -communist, but also cooperates with extremist extremists.

The former commander of the National Army, Ka Duo, was the propaganda who came back to the Communist Party.While he was the commander of the National Army, he proposed a collective video of the 930 sports seal, and cleverly arranged Zoko to watch with the soldiers in 2018.In fact, this promotional video produced in this Suhador era has been not as promoted for many years.But Kado believes that the ghost of the Indian Communist Party must be vigilant.

Cado had done a lot of preparations before retirement in 2019, including closer to radicals, talking about social justice, and actively participating in the activities and politics of Muslim organizations.On this year's 930 Movement anniversary, he re -applied his skills and proposed a collective watching the 930 Movement India Promotional Micro.He also gave a conversation that Zoko led his duty because he watched the film collectively.

For a moment, the topic of the Indian came back was lively.When people asked him what evidence he had, Kuduo pointed out that some people wanted to overthrow the Indian and rebellion, and Indonesia was facing a crisis of restoration of India.

In fact, the government and many intellectuals feel that the Indian Communist Party no longer exists, and the 930 movement has become history.but.Right -wing generals and vested interest groups have caught the 930 exercise/coup and tried to use this historical event to fish political capital.On the other hand, in order to achieve national reconciliation, Zoko did not want to have a national division again. It was a big solidarity, but the ghost of the Indian Communist Party was lingering.

Zakko participated in the Bangchara sacred day ceremony to commemorate the 930 Sports India on October 1.This reflects that after 55 years, Indonesia's old wounds cannot heal.

The author is Yusov Isa, Singapore

Senior visiting researcher at the Southeast Asian Research Institute

Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajele South

International Research Institute part -time professor