Early North to read

Han Yonghong

The latest 14 national tunes released by the Pew Research Center in the United States showed that China's image has fallen to a new low in more than 10 years.In the spring of this year, the folks have claimed that the mountains and rivers are exotic, and the neighbors of Japan on the same day, the top of the negative evaluation of China, topped the list. The Japanese people evaluated China a little negative or very negative ratio of 86%, Sweden (85%) and Australia in Australia.(81%) followed closely.

Looking at it, the 12 major European and American economies and the people of Japanese and South Korea in Asia are generally poor. The perception of China is generally not good. The ratio of people in 12 people in 12 countries has exceeded 70 %, and the remaining two countries.Mdash; MDASH; Italy and Spain, the ratio of the people's negative reviews of China also has more than 60 %.

Among them, the ratio of Australia's negative reviews in China has increased by 24%this year, Britain has risen by 19%, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany have risen by 15%, and the United States has risen by 13%.Relatively speaking, the proportion of Japanese people's negative reviews of China has only increased slightly by 1%, which is valuable in 2020. It can be seen that the warning of Sino -Japanese relations is not vivid.

Regarding the above survey, Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of China Global Times, couldn't help but ask Mdash; mdash; did China do something wrong?He unexpectedly pointed out that China has neither a war nor interference in any country's internal affairs. It is Western politics and public opinion elites that have created various gimmicks to attack China and constantly poison the Western public's understanding of China.

This is not the first time Hu Xijin issued such questions.In July of this year, he also asked himself on Weibo. What did China do wrong?The Trump administration completely opened the Cold War to surround China?

His answer is: the United States is super sensitive to any potential challenge for its global hegemony. China is regarded by the United States as a dangerous opponent. Therefore, the United States will decompose with China and draw allies to curb China.

It is true that the competition between the China and the United States is an important reason for the rapid deterioration of China's external environment, but this only explains some of the reasons and is the reason for the American family.The relationship between other major economies and China has become worse. In addition to being affected by the United States, each has its own cause and effect.At the rise of China, international strength has disappeared, trade frictions, and controversial controversy related to intellectual property rights and national security are originally sharp enough;It becomes more prominent; the crown disease epidemic has exacerbated the distrust of China and foreign countries; and the method of dealing with the problem in China often moves towards the opposite direction of the contradiction, and eventually forms today.

For example, Australia's diplomatic relations with China declined, and the fuse was the United States and Australia, Australia's counterattack on the source of crown diseases, and China ’s counterattack. However, China Australia had previously had contradictions such as agents penetration.As for the poor relationship between China and Sweden, it is directly related to the arrest and sentence of the owner of the Causeway Bay bookstore in Hong Kong. Both China and Sweden claim that Gui Minhai is the citizen of its country.

In Europe, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong issues, they are increasingly occupying the perspective of public opinion. Even European companies in China have been under pressure because of the Xinjiang Education Center (known as a concentration camp in the West).For European countries' negative historical experiences that have suffered authoritarian oppression and even the Communist Party, it is inevitable to look at China's governance with deep doubts.China underestimates the psychological impact of human rights issues on Western society.As a result, 39 countries led by Germany criticized the current status of human rights in Xinjiang this week, and expressed deep concern for the changes in Hong Kong.The cross -border league of the China Policy Council consisting of members of the Eight Kingdoms is brewing to promote the cancellation of the eligibility of the Beijing Olympic Games to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

From trade to human rights, from Xinjiang to Hong Kong, China's hostility has continued to rise.Did China do something wrong?

In fact, this question cannot be answered in simple and unilateral right or wrong.Leaving aside the national interests and the wolf -style statement, as far as the subject of Hong Kong and Xinjiang is concerned, China's concern has its rationality, but the strong means of responding to domestic challenges in China obviously exceeded international expectations and impact international mainstream values.Without the understanding of developed countries, the gap between Beijing's concept of China and foreign countries is not very sensitive.

China's reality and historical experience are very different from developed countries, and the methods of dealing with problems cannot be the same as the West. The more sharply facing domestic challenges, China must first take care of domestic political needs, social reality, and mainstream public opinion.International view.Therefore, when China goes to the center of the international stage, when the outside world pays attention to China, and imagine that China will apply a set of domestic issues to the world, the tension and anxiety of these countries is not difficult to imagine or even inevitably.Moreover, in the sovereignty dispute in the South China Sea, China ’s strong posture has also disturbed some Southeast Asian countries in the past 10 years.

How can this situation be reversed?To put it, you still have to rely on communication and build mutual trust through action, but it is difficult to know if it is easy to do.Ideally, the world needs to accommodate the rise of China. China also needs to understand what the outside world is concerned about, but as a large rising country with a vast hinterland, domestic development and stability will inevitably have always been a consideration of China overwhelming everything.Therefore, it is not easy to resolve Chinese and foreign gaps. It is the current needs and practical expectations to restrain the relationship from worsening the relationship.