Wangbao Society Review

After Jiang Qichen took over the Kuomintang chairman, the relationship between the KMT and the Communist Party of China changed. The civil opinion of the mainland criticized the Kuomintang's firepower than to deal with the DPP.However, Zhang Wensheng, deputy dean of the Research Institute of Xiamen University in the Global Times, wrote that the mainland still wants to fight for the Kuomintang for the peaceful development of cross -strait on both sides of the strait.Reality.Zhang Wensheng's article was published in the official media of the mainland. Although it was scolded by mainland netizens, it had a strong policy blow.

Zhang Wensheng bluntly pointed out that mainland netizens are disgusted with the Kuomintang, and they also noticed that the people of the mainland viewed the influence of the Kuomintang's emotions, but at the same time clarified that the mainland did not deny the Kuomintang and excludes the basic position of the Kuomintang.On the other hand, Zhang Wensheng politely listed the internal contradictions and chaos of the Kuomintang, but also expressed his understanding of the political reality of the Kuomintang.It can be seen that this article reiterates the consistency and stability of the peaceful and unified route of the mainland. It will not be regarded as the opinions of netizens. It is not only for the Kuomintang, but also for the DPP.

The Kuomintang does face the dilemma of cross -strait routes, especially with a series of political frustrations since the beginning of this year, it has become more sensitive and fragile.Originally, at the Kuomintang National Conference, it was originally thought that Jiang was expected to re -condense the consensus on cross -strait routes within the party. As a result, a peaceful incident, and the Kuomintang's cross -strait discussion returned the passive original shape.Not only that, the Kuomintang's contradiction when dealing with Taiwan -US relations is unknown in the face of the Taiwan Strait and war issues.relation.

At the bottom, we can see that the two doses on the cross -strait routes come from two groups on the cross -strait routes: one is a group that has election pressure and requires grass -roots public opinion support, and the other is a group that has no election pressure and is not easily influenced by public opinion and public opinion.The former advocates abandoning the long -term thinking methods, inertia words, and established policies of the Kuomintang on cross -strait issues.The latter stands at the height of peace and the Chinese nation on both sides of the strait. I hope that the Kuomintang will adhere to the existing route and make a difference in cross -strait relations.

The original intention of these two factions is not wrong, and both are the political goals that the Kuomintang needs.After all, the Kuomintang is a field party under the political system of election in Taiwan. Of course, it is the goal to seize the regime. Practicing the concept is also the goal. Both must not be abolished.From the six months of Jiang Qichen's office, Lin Weizhou and others led the Legislative Council ’s Kuomintang Group's offensive and defensive strategy, the Kuomintang’ s new generation of leadership elites have more focused on compromise with Taiwan ’s political reality to win votes.For example, the Kuomintang does not send a regiment to participate in the Straits Forum, the mayor of the party directly under the jurisdiction of the Green Camp protests the dwarfing, the response to the continental army is fierce, the Party Central Committee hosted the Democratic Salon to invite the old anti -Communist Hong Kong Star, and the Legislative Council party group proposals to fight for Taiwan and the United States.U.S. military cooperation.

But the question is. After the above series of political actions, the Kuomintang really is really harder in the relationship between mainland China?Does the DPP buy it?Do voters believe?Unfortunately, the Kuomintang can still avoid the fate of being wiping red.The Kuomintang, who has been in the wild for nearly 5 years, does not seem to have stepped out of the role of the vested interest groups from the ruling party and the cross -strait exchanges, so that it has produced a little daughter -in -law mentality when dealing with cross -strait issues.

Of course, the word Chinese daughter -in -law does not conform to the equality value of modern men and women, but the vocabulary reflects the grievances of being suffering from qi and suffering. It can completely describe the dilemma of the Kuomintang's current and retreat when dealing with cross -strait issues and do not know why.This mentality derived two more thinking: First, the Kuomintang has a idea of giving up braking skin in both the issues of cross -strait issues in both the issue of cross -strait issues.Secondly, the Cross -Strait cards that the Kuomintang has been proud of for a long time now become a burden, so it is not possible to see the willingness and efforts of other people to improve cross -strait relations.

However, the CCP actively invited Wang Jinping to participate in the Straits Forum and arranged to meet with the CPPCC Chairman Wang Yang. Zhang Wensheng was in the official media.In this case, the Kuomintang's new generation of leaders must find a way to break the dilemma.

The cross -strait system, concepts, and values are different. Most people still have doubts about reunification, but most people also understand that the mainland is so close to Taiwan, and the comprehensive national strength is growing rapidly.This is a reality that must be faced with blue and green.In the face of reality, Taiwan is best to keep an open attitude towards the future. From the mutual dialectical and competition of the two forces, we can create the maximum well -being for 23 million people.The Kuomintang should not give up the brake skin character. Instead, it is necessary to improve the discussion and supervision capabilities, supervise and check and check the green camp. Taiwan's road may bump, but it will not lose its direction.