The Black Storm tried to launch the riots again on National Day and finally ended.The action of the day can be divided into two parts: one is the illegal assembly and parade in Causeway Bay in the afternoon; the other is the assembly and troubles in the afternoon to the evening in Mong Kok, Tsuen Wan, Huang Daxian and other places.

At the illegal parade site, there are basically only few reporters and anti -police officers who are difficult to distinguish between true and false.Of course, some young students have continued to be incited on the street, but overall the so -called parade was endlessly ended.

Mobilize the whole thing and the wishes violate

As for the so -called moon and evening operations, the participants were pointed to Tsuen Wan by the so -called Datai, and they fingred to Mong Kok for a while. Finally, they were pointed to the Lion Mountain.Claring, but he couldn't do anything. As soon as he violated the law of crossing the border, he was immediately arrested by the police officer who was waiting for.The so -called struggle all day is that a group of hands and feet are always gone by the big stage.The most ridiculous thing is that there are still a group of people obey these so -called large Taiwanese words, but they are all sold by the large platform. Is these hands and feet poor or ridiculous?

The Black Storm has not paid much attention to the riots. Datai had been speculating on the topic a few weeks ago, using 12 fugitives to make articles, and jointly pushed the speculatory members of the parliament to propagate., Constantly provoking the people's conditions.Black storms are more organized to reconstruct the illegal Lennon Wall in the region, and post the announcement of inciting riots.The mobilization of police and even alarm operations on the mobs social networking sites show that the black violence forces have put all capitals in this riots, trying to create a sensational incident, and lift the black violence and low morality.Obviously, this is a chief mobilization of the Black Storm. Regardless of the degree of attention and the propaganda mobilization, they are far better than the previous two illegal parade, but in the end they are defeated.Do you know how to do it?

Of course, Black Storm hopes to lift the low momentum by turning through the commotion, but in the end it is contrary to his wish.Mainly because black riots have come to the end.At the beginning of the outbreak of the black storm, the SAR government adopted a passive attitude. Some people even thought more delusional to negotiate with the thugs. Only the police team fought alone in the lone army, so that the riots could not be fully stunned when the storm broke out.On the other hand, in addition to the big -Taiwan strategy behind the black storm, there are also foreign forces that transport a large amount of black gold to Hong Kong through various funds, NGOs, and think tanks.With a large number of black gold, you can hire mercenaries to shake the police at the front line. There are equipment, meal coupons, octopus, and even cash distribution at the riots, allowing riots to attract a large number of young students to participate.

To put it bluntly, the reason why the Black Storm became a momentum last year was not only the government's riot strategy mistakes, but also sufficient financial resources, manpower, and material resources.The more arrogant, and even publicly tore the face of Hong Kong independence.

However, the situation came over a year, and the situation was the same.The National Security Law was introduced, and the SAR government firmly stimulated riots and vigorously rectified the civil servant team. The police's strategy was more active.On the other hand, the court has recently tried riots. Although some judges' too light judgment caused social uproar, many judges still punished many riots.It will be difficult to get scared, and the riots will fall down, which has caused a lot of psychological pressure on the criminal thugs.

Black gold cutting hands and feet are abandoned

On the outside, the black storm also became an abandoned son who was abandoned when the anti -China forces were used up. Instead of not being graceful to the thugs, the Taiwan Cai Yingwen authorities were seized to the local hand and foot, and the whereabouts have been unknown to this day.Foreign think tanks have recently withdrawn, and it is obviously related to the previous delivery of black gold, which reflects that the black gold chain has broken.As for the so -called support that foreign forces are not good, it is not even mentioned.

Now that the black storm is facing a team with a team, will, and determination, it is faced with the police force that has undergone the trial of the black storm.No one, to capture the firing politicians also scratched the line, so it is necessary to continue to chaos. This is not a fight but a moth fluttering.

But it is strange that, as the command platform of the black storm, how can I not see that it is now the time when the flags are stunned. Continue to use unnecessary difficulties will only consume their own forces.In the following, the continuous mobilization is not only unknown, but also a self -harm strategy.Is such a large platform dealing with the SAR government, or to deal with hands and feet, and pushing hands to death?Isn't such a large table suspicious?

Or, the current platform is not the past. In the online discussion area, the publicity is posted, or the people who have launched a schedule and the act of fighting actions, but no one knows the background.I was still in the drum!