Trump announced yesterday that he and his wife Melania Crown Virus test was positive and began to beolate himself.Associate Professor Diao Daming, Secretary -General of the American Research Center of Renmin University of China, Chen Qi, director of the China -US Relations Research Center of Tsinghua University, and Gong Jiong, a professor of the Department of Economics and Trade at the University of China, expressed their views on the impact on the incident on the incident.Among them, Gong Jiong mentioned that after the first television debate, the presidential debate committee responsible for organizing the debate stated that the rules would be amended. Trump immediately expressed his opposition and criticized the committee.The field debate, but now the Trump infection, the second television debate is likely to disappear.

According to the Hong Kong 01 news report, Diao Daming believes that it is difficult to determine how much the effect of Trump's diagnosis will have on the election under the circumstances of uncertain factors.

However, it is unclear whether Trump's isolation will affect the second presidential candidate TV debate on October 15.According to the guidance of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anyone who has close contact with the diagnosis patients should be separated at home for 14 days.If Trump began to be isolated from October 1, it happened to be the second TV debate after 14 days.

Will the time of the second presidential candidate television debate will be delayed due to Trump's condition or change the form (such as the method of online video connection).Therefore, it is certain to change more or less. Trump is suitable for face -to -face debates. If the second debate is changed to online videos, the two sides can speak alternately, and even during the speech process, you can watch the libraryriner.The prompt board given by the staff may not be a bad thing for Biden.Chen Qi also said that regardless of the time or form of the second TV debate, this change itself is an October surprise.

On the other hand, Gong Jiong believes that the second television debate may be canceled directly. After the first TV debate, the presidential debate committee responsible for organizing debate stated that it would be amended the rules.Criticism, I feel that I don't want to conduct the next debate anymore.In fact, Biden is not good at debate. It is just that Trump is diagnosed with crown disease, so the second TV debate is likely to disappear.

If you only consider Trump's confirmation of crown disease, both Diao Daming and Gong Jiong believe that the election is unlikely to be postponed.Diao Daming said that whether the election time is delayed is eventually determined by the House of Representatives of Congress. It is difficult to imagine that the House of Representatives is delayed because of the Democratic Party.

However, Chen Qi believes that the presidential candidate cannot fulfill the special circumstances that the procedure of the general election prescribed because of the diagnosis of crown disease. It is a very difficult thing for the United States to go down step by step.EssenceChen Qi said that the Trump team may be completely claimed that Trump has to continue to vote now, which is simply an unfair election.Trump's fans also have excuses for trouble.What kind of consequences will be on this way, I am afraid that no one dares to say.If Trump's condition is relatively serious in the future, should the Republican Party be replaced?Or Trump had a disadvantaged election. Will he simply retreat?These have caused huge problems for the election, and this is exactly the effect that Trump wants to achieve.

In addition, another problem that the outside world cares is whether the crown disease will become a new Trump Strategy, such as using sympathy to attract votes?

In this regard, Diao Daming said that in the face of the objective facts that have occurred, any campaign team (even if it is not the Trump team) will follow the trend, and the on -site materials are set up to make the situation as much as possible to the favorable side of themselves.Therefore, the Trump team has a probability that there will be lsquo; tragic cards RSQUO; LSquo; strong card rsquo;, but how to develop Trump in the future still requires medical professional judgments, so the Trump team subsequently follow -upIt is difficult to say how to update the agenda settings.

There are no similar situations in the history of the US presidential election. In the previous Congress elections and governor elections, when one candidate had an emergency and could not continue the campaign, the other party generally reduced the election door to decrease to reduce it to reduceThe so -called negative campaign, that is, the attack on the opponent will be reduced.

Diao Daming believes that in the future, Biden will preach his political opinions and claims more, and may have declined with Trump's attacks. After all, he is currently being sick.It will cause the infamous infamous infamous in American society, and even cause the effect of the rebellion. For the Bayeng camp, this is a sudden situation. When you go to attack the opponent in the future, the sense of weight is indeed more difficult to control.

However, Gong Jiong believes that Trump can get too much sympathy.Those who oppose Trump will still be resolutely come out (vote for Biden). Most people should still invest, so I think (Trump's confirmation of crown disease) will not be too big for this electionImpact.

Chen Qi believes that the sudden situation of Trump's confirmation of crown disease is not only to bring new uncertainty to the Biden camp, but also challenged the entire American election.Trump's current situation has actually caused a special state in a non -war state. Now he can't understand this presidential election according to conventional ideas.