The first debate of the US presidential election in 2020 appeared in Cleveland, Ohio on the evening of September 29. He sought a re -elected Republican presidential candidate Trump and Democratic candidate Biden to perform the same goal.The tail grabbing talked, even if the host was stopped, I was still because of my time, and almost every time I spoke, Biden once scolded Trump clown and shut up.The New York Times pointed out that the debate scenes are chaotic and spicy, and they have never seen in the history of modern American political history.

Biden can hardly answer the question

The debate was hosted by Fox News Anchor Wallace.At the 90 -minute debate, the six major themes of Trump and Biden, including the two people's respective politics, the Supreme Court, epidemic, economy, race and violence, and election justice.

Trump, who is backward, obviously wants to actively attack the situation, but he constantly intervened and grabbed his words, making Biden almost unable to answer the question, forcing the host to stop Trump multiple times, Mr. President, please let him finish.According to CBS TV statistics, Trump intervened at least 73 times; Bayeng was angry and told Trump that you can shut up and have this clown next to him. It is really difficult to speak.The worst president.

Trump's speech is full of misleading

Trump's speech was still misleading. For example, he claimed that the new crown virus vaccine was about to go public, which was different from American health officials.Biden said that Trump knew that the new crown virus was in danger, but he did nothing, allowing more than 200,000 U.S. people to died in infection. He also quoted that Trump said that the Easter virus that Trump said would disappear.Disappearing and injection bleaching water ridicule Trump.

Trump also mistakenly proclaimed that reducing automotive fuel standards will not increase air pollution, and insist on condemning the extreme right -wing groups that advocate white first.Trump also claims that the election is full of disadvantages. I am afraid that there will be no results for several months, and the ending will not be good.

Talking about the epidemic, the two are temporarily raised

When the two talked about the epidemic, they were one of the few issues that were more like exchanges.Trump was dissatisfied with some epidemic prevention restrictions, while Biden accused Trump of not rejecting measures such as masks and social distance.Biden said that if we wearing masks from now to January next year and maintaining a social distance, we can save 100,000 people's lives.Trump has reiterated that the restrictions on epidemic prevention should be resumed as soon as possible to restore life, and the state where the Democratic Party is in charge of the government is open quickly.For Trump said that the public wants to restart, Biden responds to the public's wanting to be safe.

60 % believe that Biden performed better

However, such an opinion statement quickly became mutual scolding.Biden said Trump was irresponsible during the campaign during the epidemic. Trump said that Biden could also do it. If you have the ability to call on the masses.

The American media instant polls show that most voters believe that Biden is a winner and is annoyed by the two candidates' quarrels.The US Cable Television News Network visited 568 voters who watched the debate after the first debate. 60 % of them believed that Biden performed well, and only 28 % thought Trump took advantage.CBS polls show that more than 80 % of the respondents believe that the atmosphere of the debate is very negative.