As of the day before yesterday (28th), a total of more than 33.3 million confirmed cases of crown diseases in the world have started, and recorded death cases have exceeded the 1 million mark.So far, the worst U.S. in the United States has exceeded 7 million in accumulative diagnosis cases, and more than 200,000 cumulative death cases have been accumulated.Many American experts pointed out that this shows that the United States has defeated in the battle of crown disease.

Experts say that, if you are the president of the United States, what else can you say?Admitting that the facts will definitely increase the bullets to political opponents, not admitting is equivalent to play, and will also be attacked by political opponents.However, President Trump has his way.He said that if he was not as president, the number of deaths may not be 200,000, but two or three million.It is really amazing to change the defeat into a victory in a few words.Such politicians are not the blessing of the country.

This is the best sophistry of American politicians.There is a special word in English called the POLITICAL SPIN. Some people translate it as a political makeup, which is actually a sophistry.Some people in Western countries are engaged in this kind of work, called spin doctor. The main job is to act as a political party or a political spokesman to guide public opinion orientation. Of courseFor good things.

It is believed that in the eyes of Singaporeans, there is no doubt that the US resistance failure.It is necessary to analyze it carefully. The reasons are complicated, but in the final analysis, the culprit must not help but say that it is a political chaos, that is, the political illness of the United States.Trump can become a US president, that is, the symptoms of political illness in the United States, just like a person has bone pain and fever, and symptoms such as high fever occur.

Of course, political diseases in the United States are not just as simple as bone pain fever, and can be written as a monograph.The senior journalist of Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Nick Bryant, in its new book as the U.S. stopping the United States, has an in -depth analysis, which can be referred to.

According to Briant's view, the United States' political disease is not a cold, but a accumulated Shen Yan. It is a broken politics. The economy is the economy of faulty operation.These two are the cause and effect.Over the past 50 years, income has been polarized, and politics has also been polarized.The increasing phenomenon of inequality has led to the unable to continue to keep the midflow, and the positions of voters have become increasingly solidified.Political dualization has led to a situation of political stalemate, which in turn makes income inequality worse, and it is more difficult to seek consensus in policies.

After World War II, the United States was a world leader.However, after the outbreak of the crown disease, the United States was lost, and the deserted cavity was fully exposed to the excellent characteristics of its past.In the United States, the United States, politicians are busy with internal fighting, and the interests of political parties have survived everything, making the federal government have been in a dilemma that has not been able to advance and retreat for the past 25 years, and cannot operate normally.From 1958 to 2015, people's basic trust in the government fell from 73%to 19%.

In the face of the crown disease epidemic, what we see is not a government that solves the problem, but a government that constantly shakes the pot to the Chinese and the World Health Organization, and constantly politics the epidemic to transfer the voters.Bryant said that like a person, a country shows a real face at the time of crisis.In such a major emergency situation, as long as it is a short time, you can see whether a president can carry such a moment.

Obviously, Trump can't carry it, because he can't carry it, he must perform political operations.When everything becomes political operation, we see many ridiculous things that are ridiculous.This can be said to be a Trump -style red or not.Of course, red refers to the red revolution, but the red of Trump's personal red, that is, the red of the Internet celebrity.Similarly, politics overwhelms everything, and everything serves the president.Therefore, in the face of the epidemic, medical experts have become foil.Trump often favored the female yellow, and Anthony FAUCI, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, who accompanied him, often came forward to extinguish the false remarks of the president.

Because the presidential election in November is imminent, Trump also uses a doctrine, hoping to raise the polls of his opponent Biden's polls again; therefore, he has worked hard on the vaccine topic recently, claiming that the American people may be as soon as October this year.It can fully vaccinate the coronary vaccine, although senior health officials predict that it will wait until March next year.

Bryant said in his book that Trump is Performative Presidence, which means that he treats the president as a TV show. He is both the government leader and the only director of the TV show.We look back at Trump's performance in the past four years, and it is indeed a wonderful political show.If you think about it, even the two times with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un (Singapore and Vietnam) are just an Internet celebrity performance, and we may have been played as a living prop.

In 2016, Trump was nominated for the presidential election. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the newly died of the Supreme Court of the United States, was asked about the incident in an interview with the media at the time.Falunian (Faker) then apologized quickly.The judges are indeed improperly political, but if she rushed out, it should be her true view.

US political diseases, the political concessions based on solving problems are given to the battle -based politics.American society is also sick, and more and more people use opium to anesthetize themselves. No city is spared.In 2018, about 70,000 Americans died of abuse of opium (mainly for pain relief).From 1199 to 2018, the total number of deaths exceeded 750,000.This is reminiscent of the history of British and American countries that open the gate of the Qing Dynasty with opium.The American firearm was flooding, and the shooting caused frequently, but the government was helpless.

In the face of the epidemic, Americans are also chaotic, and there are policies in various states in various states, depending on whether the governor is Democratic or Republicans.Today's Americans cannot reach a consensus even if they should wear masks.Some think that they must be worn, and some are opposed.Many people also say that forced wearing masks violates personal freedom and individualism covers socialism.

The so -called thing must be rotted first. In 2018, John O. Brennan, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), criticized the Trump administration on Twitter to describe it as the Kakistocracy.And it is falling apart.

After Trump entered the White House, he adopted the personnel policy of Ren Ren Wei (only understands), and continued to be easy to get away, and to expel people who did not like, including intelligence heads, Secretary of State, National Security Consultant, etc.It is the current stream of State Pompeo.It is not surprising that such a mediocre government is a miserable defeat, but it is not surprising, but it is sighing.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)