Ming Pao News Agency

The epidemic cracks down on the global economy, and the international situation is weird. To overcome the epidemic situation in Hong Kong, it is necessary to inject more development momentum. Looking at the Greater Bay Area is a practical choice.Because the current situation is near the distant map, entering the Greater Bay Area is a major direction.Guangdong governor Ma Xingrui recently said that the province will promote the construction of the Greater Bay Area. The Macau authorities are also actively planning, but Hong Kong has not seen much actions. In addition to the impact of the epidemic and the people, the Hong Kong government's driving force is also obviously insufficient.The Mainland and the Macau epidemic are controlled. Hong Kong has not yet got rid of the mud. The Hong Kong Code has not yet communicated, which has hindered the people of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. However, the authorities still have many jobs to do it at the policy level.The Hong Kong Government must speed up negotiation with the Guangdong -Australia departments, open up various levels of levels, and formulate specific development strategies to deepen cooperation.

Guangdong's power of the province

The Hong Kong Government has not seen a big deal

The Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area has been included in the national development strategy for more than 3 years, and it has gradually become actions from concepts.The central government has announced a number of policies to disassemble the wall, including expanding the scope of mutual recognition of professionals, residents of Hong Kong residents to apply for the Mainland Residence Permit, and other cities in the Greater Bay Area of Hong Kong people to enjoy the same treatment of locals.The construction of the Greater Bay Area is like duck water paddish, which drives changes in all aspects. With the relaxation of real estate purchase restrictions in the Mainland, Hong Kong people have increased significantly in recent years.In the post -repair era, Hong Kong society has intensified, and more people want to immigrate to Taiwan or other countries. Also, more people consider living and work in the Greater Bay Area. Although the epidemic hinders Hong Kong and mainland personnel, as long as the people of the two places gradually recover,It is believed that it will only be more obvious.

The infrastructure of the Greater Bay Area is connected to the Shenzhen Airport to the Qianhai section of the interstellar railway from Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Shenzhen. The construction ceremony was held not long ago, and the pace of regional economic integration continued to accelerate.The Guangdong Provincial Government proposed the Bay Area Plan at the beginning of the year, which aims to promote mutual recognition, rules, and policy interoperability in public transportation, communication charges, and electronic payment.The provincial power and promote the construction of the Greater Bay Area. Guangzhou will also launch more measures to facilitate Hong Kong and Macau people to live and enjoy medical services in the local area, and support Hong Kong and Macao youths to start a business.The Greater Bay Area is brewing to launch cross -border financial management, and Macau is also actively planning.In contrast, Hong Kong has not moved much in the Greater Bay Area, and the epidemic has fallen into a state of stagnation.

There is a lot of immature movements. You must do pragmatic things before exploring.The struggle between China and the United States has intensified, and the impact of the epidemic on the global industrial chain and the economy has caused the development environment in Hong Kong.Taking the development of Chuangke as an example, the country's unblocking city is blocked in many places around the world, which hinders the exchanges of the founding industry, and also affects the business expansion of some Chuangke SMEs or startups.The new normality of the epidemic, the online video conference is popular, but business investment cooperation must always be inspected on the spot.Many new startups in Hong Kong are ambitious and look at the world. However, when the global epidemic is unknown, it is difficult to open up the market in the short term. Chai Chai, chairman of the board of directors of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Company, described it.Look at the Greater Bay Area.

The Mainland's epidemic is controlled. Other cities in the Greater Bay Area are close at hand. Both Chuangke and business are operated.The Hong Kong Science and Technology Park is currently preparing a plan to assist Hong Kong enterprises to develop in the Greater Bay Area. Zha Yichao also believes that it is adapt to the cause of the epidemic.It should be temporarily marching and waiting for environmental permission before considering.

Epidexiakuka Far map is near

Playing joints depends on the government

The objective reality of the epidemic is not shifted by personal subjective will, and the international situation also affects the development prospects of Hong Kong.The United States has tried to curb the development of China's high -tech, and the policy of Hong Kong has also changed from economic and trade to China. In addition to cracking down on Hong Kong manufacturing, it has tightened high -tech transmission.In order to avoid the core technology of the United States, the Mainland is intended to accelerate the development of scientific and technological. The governor of Guangdong Governor said to talk about the development of the Greater Bay Area, and proposed that future strength should be concentrated to solve the problem of the card neck, including joining the Hong Kong and MacauThe construction of a strategic industry, actively developing emerging industries such as the digital economy, etc. All of these provide opportunities for the founding of the founding of Hong Kong.In the past, Hong Kong manufacturers relied on the US market too much. Now Washington is no longer friendly to Hong Kong. The Mainland proposes the concept of dual -cycle development in the international and domestic dual -cycle. Hong Kong merchants can focus on expanding the domestic domestic sales market. The Greater Bay Area is a springboard.

The importance of the Daxia Greater Bay Area to Hong Kong is greater than before the epidemic.Hong Kong tourism and retail industry used to absorb a large amount of labor, and experienced anti -repair storms and epidemic impacts. It can be seen that the future of the Old Greater Bay Area is difficult to recover in the Greater Bay Area.In the international situation, the Greater Bay Area has the most opportunity to become the way out of Hong Kong. However, the Hong Kong government's work in this area is obviously not as positive as the Guangdong -Australian authorities.Although the Hong Kong Government has the Greater Bay Area Office, the actual power is limited. If you want to speed up the pace, it must be promoted by Director Si; there is no health code and political resistance, and you cannot become an excuse.

Hong Kong overcomes the epidemic situation to rely on the Greater Bay Area and accelerate the specific advancement.Large companies in Hong Kong are capable of entering the mainland market, but small and medium -sized enterprises have encountered many practical problems, such as commercial registration, cross -border funding, commercial disputes, credit data, etc.Payment of water and electricity is a matter of concern to small and medium -sized enterprises. Many specific arrangements depends on the government in the district to open up.The development of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is obviously backward, the issues of taxation, welfare, insurance, and labor that Hong Kong people work and live in the Mainland are still to be resolved.Specific goals, you cannot talk about the concept of concept to continue to sigh.