Ma Haiyun

Since the 1990s, the Arab countries and Israel's secrets of the Persian Bay have been well known, but the Arab Emirates and Israel announced the establishment of diplomatic relations on August 13. Although it was not surprising, it was quite shocking.Scholars from various countries in the Middle East generally believe that the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Middle East and Africa in the Middle East and the African and Ayi reconciliation relations has been fully given to Ah Mdash; the hostile issues of MDash; the United States Group and Iran.

The news of the Jianjian diplomatic relations was announced shortly. It is reported that the South Line of the military website with Moscow background revealed on August 28 the UAE and Israel's SUQUTRA on the island of Yemen, and established the news of the joint spy newspaper.For a while, the British Arabia, Israeli media, Turkey and even Iranian media all scrambled to reprint and controversy the accuracy and potential impact of this information.Behind Ayi and Iran in the Persian Gulf's Mingxiu Board, this news revealed that the UAE and other Persian Bay countries in the Gulf of Persians in the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea coast and Africa are dark.

Sonkutra is Sanskrit, which means Eden or Paradise. It consists of four islands and two islands and reefs.With the outbreak of the Yemen Civil War and the Herhay armed forces captured Aden in 2015, the Yemen government requested the Arab coalition forces such as Saudi Arabia for armed intervention.Although the war between the Arab coalition and the Houthi armed forces was concentrated on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, the UAE focused on penetrating and controlling Sokitra.On the occasion of the Hassas armed forces, it is said that the central government of Hady leased Socotra to the UAE for 99 years.

In the second year, the UAE began to establish a military base on the island, claiming to support the military operations of the Arab League in Yemen.Since 2017, the Yemen Central Government has continuously accused the United Arab Emirates of the United Arab Emirates, the southern split forces of Yemen, to try to occupy the island, and establish a so -called Peace Island or Forbidden War Zone on the Island of Soctera, which is far from the war.In May, the Southern Tribe and regions supported by the UAE, especially Machra and Haydramao, and the tribe, established the Southern Transition Commission to directly confront and split the Hadi Central Government that Saudi Arabia supported.

In April 2018, the UAE sent the small stock airborne troops suddenly landing in Soccra, quickly controlled the main facilities of the island, and began to form a militia and police force, build prisons and factories, built a grid, registered the population, opened Abu DhabiTo the route of Sokotra, we will strengthen the shipping connection between Dubai and the island, encourage local residents to go to the UAE for medical treatment, and even call for local division referendum to become the eighth chief of the UAE.

The UAE's military behavior in Sokotra immediately caused Saudi Arabia to respond.Two weeks later, Saudi Arabia also sent small stocks to land on the island, and even restored the jurisdiction of the Hardy Central Government to some extent, and mediation between the island between the UAE and the Yemen Central Government.In June 2020, the Southern Transition Commission supported by the UAE expelled the Saudi Army. Since then, Soccra is placed in the hands of the UAE and its supported southern government.

Shortly after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the UAE and Israel, the two countries were working on the island to build a spy center on the island, and the UAE's tried to obtain a report from the US F-35 fighter through Israel.According to the disclosure of the US media, it was Trump's Jewish son -in -law Kushner pushed the United States to sell martial arts. This strange manner caused criticism among US government agencies and parliamentarians.After Kushner pushed the sales of martial arts and Israel's Prime Minister Neyhho against the sales of martial arts, Israel actually claimed not to oppose the United States to sell martial arts to Afghanistan.

According to UAE officials, the UAE's efforts to seek the F-35 fighter have begun a few years ago.In other words, the Arab Allied Armed Forces Intervention Yemen, the UAE colonial Kotra, and Ayi conspired to obtain the advanced US fighter aircraft almost at the same time.Ai Yijian has only unveiled these behind -the -scenes transactions that have been operating for many years, as well as the strategic layout of the UAE in the Gulf of Aden.As early as the Yemen War, the UAE conducted strategic control on the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

In addition to Sorkatra, the UAE obtained military bases (Somalland recently established diplomatic relations with Taiwan) by supporting Somali division forces.In addition, through the aid of Eritrea and the Sudan military government, the UAE has established a port pearl chain from Sorkatra and Somalland to Eliteria and Sudan.Relying on these strategic fortfrings, the UAE tries to build a compound maritime trade and military power of Athens and Sparta.

To achieve this, the military cooperation between the UAE and Israel is imperative.Regardless of experience, technical equipment, networks, and organizations, Israel's cooperation and assistance are indispensable.It is reported that the UAE has already cooperated with Israel to collect intelligence in Eritrea.The UAE and Israel make the spy center in the island of Sokotra, which is in line with this cooperation model.

However, for the UAE, the most important achievement in cooperating with Israel is to deepen A. -American relations through the latter to obtain US political support (the United States has not criticized the UAE's behavior on the Island of the UAE in the IslandAdvanced weapons and even military support.Like Saudi Arabia in 2017 to curb the influence of Russia and China in the Middle East (especially Syria) as an excuse, the Arab NATO plan, which is advocated, has a similar investment in the UAE and Israel's precise cooperation in the Gulf of Aden.According to reports, the Emirates and Israel established an intelligence center in Sonkatra Island to target Iran, Pakistan and China.

In the long run, these strategic fulcrum connected by the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean via the Red Sea and the Mediterranean is launched for the United States and Japan. Australia, India participated, and the Indo -Pacific strategy of Asians, Germany, and France made some clear boundaries and locking edges.And link.These strategic strongholds in the UAE, with the Indian waters and the Daggaria base in the United States, constitute a solid Indian Ocean Triangle to control the horns of the Red Sea, Aden and Africa, as well as a larger West Indian Ocean.

Only in the context of this change in strategic changes can we deeply understand the relationship between the UAE and Israel / the United States.This also explains a series of new relationship trends of the seemingly abnormal and normal Indian Ocean North Shore, such as the Persian Gulf Arab countries, Israel, Turkey, and even Iran's competition along the Red Sea coast, the Arab monarchy and its economic control of Eritrea and Sudan.The sharp heating up with Israel / American relations (and even Somali split forces, Somalland, also called for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel), mainly the Bay of the Persian Arab monarchy India, the distant Pakistan's anti -bonus behavior, and the bright fight between Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea region.

The author is the chairman of Zheng He Forum, Associate Professor of History of Frostburg State University, Maryland State University