Author: Chen Shunxie

Source: Hong Kong 01

The Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen proposed the Cross -Strait Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy on the National Congress of the Kuomintang on September 6, emphasizing that based on the 1992 consensus of the Constitution of the Republic of China, the eight -point claims to become the principle of the Kuomintang and Beijing interaction. The Republic of China or the Republic of China orIt is the only pursuit of a Chinese party with democracy and freedom to anchor a Chinese party in China. At the same time, he is also a reply from all walks of life how to lead the Kuomintang out of the unification and independence.

However, although the existence of the Republic of China is the status quo, the existence of the Republic of China is also the largest equivalent of 23 million people in Taiwan, but the reason why Jiang Qichen will be blurred and clearly blurred in the 1992 consensus. In addition to the internal factors that need to remove the labels in the election, in response to the election, the internal factors of the label in the relatives are removed.Another key reason is that the external situation of the political confrontation between the United States and Mainland China and the economic seeking to be decoupled. It is believed that the geographical strategic location of Taiwan and the key position of the global technology industry chain at this stage.The Republic of China ignores it.At least the current situation of the current inconsistency of the two sides of the strait is not unified and unique, and even the strategic strategy of the normalization of Taiwan -US relations that the independence is unique has taken a big step.

In other words, Jiang Qichen's strategy of abandoning the 1992 consensus was blurred and changed to a Chinese position in the 92nd Constitution. His confidence mainly came from the United States.The DPP government exploded, and then made a chance to return to governance.

Whether the Constitution can make the Kuomintang no longer be stained in this way. Whether the proposition of the third road can win the majority support is still waiting to be proved to the election results.However, abandoning the cross -strait to discuss a China way, and build the confidence to believe in the United States. Is its foundation reliable?Can Taiwan and the United States have the same value concept to promise 23 million people a better future?Debatable.

The first discussion is that Trump has recently sent the State Council Keith Krach and Minister of Health Alex Azar to visit Taiwan., Improve the quality of military weapons sales, build the same value concept of the United States and Taiwan at present, can the United States be equal to the United States to guarantee Taiwan's security painting?In other words, can Taiwan believe in the United States?

As everyone knows, Trump claims that his foreign policy is a principled Principled Realism, which uses the banner of democratic freedom and human rights to use Hong Kong chaos and Xinjiang issues to construct a call for anti -tyranny and use it.For the standard, a moral camp in the name of the same country in foreign policy is cut. However, Trump said more and do more, and did not go out of the old road of national interests and the great realism of the United States.

In fact, from Trump's constant requests to NATO countries, South Korea, and Japan to increase the proportion of the US garrison, and bluntly cannot be protected, and it is cheap to know the so -called concept of democracy and freedom. It has always been Trump's primary consideration.Furthermore, although anti -China is the United States consensus, the US Congress has continuously passed the support of Taiwan and the Friendship Act, and sent the levels of non -political and national security in the field of non -politics and national security fields to be raised.It also disclosed the secrets that the U.S. military and the Taiwan Army coordinated exercises.Recently, the United States plans to increase the news of Taiwan's military sales, and it has expanded to seven major weapon systems in one breath, including mines, patrol missiles and drones.The pressure of the mainland.

During this period, the United States' small movement in this period has exceeded the reputation of fame, but in fact, it will help to enhance Taiwan's democracy and the freedom of international freedom.Support is very helpful.

It is unspeakable that Azar and Claric visited Taiwan successively carrying the expectations of many Taiwanese. One hoped that Taiwan would get new crown pneumonia vaccines as soon as possible, and the second was that the high -level Taiwan -US high -level economic talks were launched.Or some people say that history has proved that the Republic of China has to survive the wind and rain, create an economic miracle, and establish a democratic system. The United States contributes to the United States. Even if the six guarantees actually guarantee the dedicated monopoly of the US arms sales, the payment point protection fee may not be possibleIntersectionAfter all, Taiwan never wants to be the next Hong Kong.

This is another questioning question. Has Jiang Qichen's third way to consider the complete determination of Beijing's maintenance sovereignty?

It is undeniable that the advent of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the one country and two systems that are still waiting to be proven not only let Taiwan's anti -China public opinion suddenly rise sharply. Western countries led by the United States and Britain have also said that they should punish Beijing to support Hong Kong.The thunderous and raining were small. One Beijing showed the determination to exclude foreign forces' intervention and at all costs.

In fact, opening Beijing to eliminate the history of foreign forces intervention, including the Korean War, the Sino -Indian War, the Treasure Island incident, the Sino -Vietnamese war, etc., how much the cost is considered by Beijing, but the Chinese government has always considered not just who the opponent isAnd whether you can fight, there is a question of whether you should fight. In the past, the founding of the country was less than a year, and the national strength was weak and fashionable and dared to fight against the United States on the Korean Peninsula.

What's more, Richard Bush, former chairman of the United States Association, accidentally broke the two sides of the United States in Taiwan in a recent seminar in the United States.He said that the United States and Taiwan continued to develop bilateral relations and received strong support from the U.S. Congress, but whenever Taiwan and the United States talked about the free trade agreement, it would strongly demand Taiwan to concessions.From a strategic perspective, it is not reasonable and puzzling to treat Taiwan in two very different ways.

Clarch's visit to Taiwan made the people of Taiwan have nothing to do, confirming that Bu Ruizhe's words were unreasonable, and it also indirectly proved that the reality and unbelievable in the United States were indirectly proved.Is the foundation of Jiang Qichen's third road reliable? So far, it is quite clear, let alone the United States has betrayed the historical facts of Taiwan's historical facts. If due to the changes in the international treacherous situation, the United States has re -entered the United States.The political parties of the court and the country should take the active replacement, and promised to give the 23 million people a better future to Taiwan.