Source: Journal of Science

Author: Ke Xiaoping

Recently, some self -media published a web post on the Chinese Academy of Sciences into a list of scientific research tasks on the list of scientific research tasks, which caused some discussions on the Internet.

These articles and network reviews are very similar. It is nothing more than that technology, technology, and engineering are different concepts, and have different organizational models.The problem of stuck neck is a technical problem. It should be solved by enterprises. The Chinese Academy of Sciences mainly engage in basic scientific research. It is not reliable to turn the card neck list into its own scientific research task list.

This view seems reasonable, but it is not very able to withstand the scrutiny.

Because the theory of supporting this view has lagged behind innovation practice, the arguments are rough and biased.

Why is the theoretical support lagging behind innovation practice?We know that the science, technology, and engineering system originated from the science of Wannoval Middot; Bush: Endless cutting -edge reports.

In this report, Wannoval Middot; Bush proposed a linear innovation model caused by basic research, applied research, engineering separation, and leading to each other, and believed that differentiated support policies should be adopted.

The report released in 1945 laid the cornerstone of the post -war US scientific and technological policy, and had an eternal and abstract effect.

However, over time and the deepening of practice, more and more people realize that the ideas of artificially splitting science, technology, and engineering have restricted the development of innovation.

Some scholars have objected to Bush's theory from different aspects.

In 1997, Tox proposed the famous BAASD quadrant, pointing out that in addition to pure basic research (Bool quadrant) and application research (Edison quadrant), there is also a basic study generated by solving application problems.Virtue quadrant.

Bastel's basic research can not only produce new knowledge, but also enhance the ability of humans to transform the world.

In 2016, Harvard professor Wentchat Middot; Naranamuki published invention and discovery: reflect on the frontier that has not stopped, further criticized linear models, and proposed to invent MDashResearch (invention) is an interrelated whole, and the relationship between them is recycling.

This model better explains the inherent relationship between science (discovery) and technology (invention), and is more in line with the reality of scientific and technological innovation.

In fact, after the 1970s, with the development of information technology and biotechnology, the model of technological innovation has changed a lot.

The transformation of basic research into practical applications is getting faster and faster, and the boundaries between science and technology are becoming more and more blurred. It is difficult to say that many key core technologies are scientific achievements or technological progress.

For example, the quantum Hall effect, the invention of integrated circuits, and the development of optical fiber technology related to the semiconductor industry can be said to be scientific (discovery) or technology (invention), which is difficult to strictly distinguish.

For another example, in 5G technology, Huawei's core technology Ploar polarization code is completed by a mathematician.

Today, many of our so -called stuck neck technology are actually stuck brains, which are caused by lagging basic research.

For example, we discuss a lot of light carvings technology. Its development has undergone a long process. From the contact -type light machine in the 1960s, near the light carvings, to the projection light carved machine in the 1970s, the steps of walking in the 1980sThe type of light engraved machine, then to the subsequent step -by -step scanning light machine, immersion light carved machine, and now the EUV lithography machine, behind the improvement of equipment performance is accompanied by the development of basic science such as optical, chemistry, and materials.

China Optical Carving Technology was basically consistent with the world's advanced level in the 1960s and 1970s.

Today's backwardness is the lack of subsequent investment, and more importantly, the lag of related basic research.

Therefore, Ren Zhengfei also pointed out that mathematics and basic research are the lighthouses after Huawei entered the technology uninhabited area. Facing the chip problem of the stuck neck, it is not possible to smash the chemist chemist.

Why is the experience of these articles rough and biased?For example, the author believes that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is good at scientific research on dots, and it is not working on systemic high -tech issues.

In fact, as long as you understand the situation a little, you know that the Chinese Academy of Sciences not only has a partial basic research institute such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, but also a number of high -tech research institutes such as optics, materials, and information.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences not only produces the first prize of the National Natural Science Sciences, which represents the highest level of basic research in China, but also produces many national technology invention first prizes and national science and technology progress prizes, first -class prizes, first -class national science and technology progress.The prize, etc., also incubated listed companies represented by Zhongke Shuguang, Cambrian, etc., and other listed companies.In major national scientific and technological projects such as two bombs and one star, manned space, Chang'e lunar exploration project, and Beidou networking, the main role of the main force has been played.

Therefore, the biggest advantage of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is that there is a complete system of discipline category, and it can quickly organize strength around key issues to form a systemic ability to tackle.

For another example, in the past, we used to imitate foreign technology products and draw tigers according to cats, but it is difficult to achieve the quality and efficiency of similar foreign products.In the process of manufacturing, it also involves the scientific problems behind many technical and technological issues.

Therefore, engineering projects also need scientific researchers with strong basic research capabilities to participate.

In the 1970s, China began to attach importance to the research and development of the optical carved machine, but due to national policy support intensity and other reasons, it did not meet the expected goals.

For enterprises, it is necessary to consider the balance of net profit, and it takes a lot of power to develop. In the end, it cannot be profitable. The input -output is not proportional. Enterprises are unwilling to do such things.

As a national scientific research institution, the Chinese Academy of Sciences can exert its own advantages and contribute in the national core technology research.

Of course, this is not to say that scientific research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences can do everything.

In fact, the author also noticed that when answering related questions from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences also specifically proposed that as a scientific research institution, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is not very strong in terms of engineering and industrialization.The work of industrialization must also form an innovative consortium with enterprises and localities to form an innovative chain and industrial chain, and even the financial chain can effectively connect to form a joint force.

However, these important expressions have not been reported in a complete and comprehensive report, and some web authors have not read the original text carefully.

In fact, General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at a scientist seminar has been deeply explained by this issue.

Xi Jinping pointed out that many of the technical problems faced by China, root is the basic theoretical research that cannot keep up, and the source and bottom things are not clear.

Therefore, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and universities should play an important role in key core technologies around the stuck neck.

Recently, Ren Zhengfei visited the Chinese Academy of Sciences and some well -known universities in a row, and should also want to strengthen cooperation with these institutions in basic research and talent training.

In fact, a more valuable discussion is how scientific research institutions deepen their reforms in the process of key core technologies, thereby further improving the effectiveness of innovation.

Converting the stuck neck list into a task list is not a strategic idea to solve this problem.

First of all, this idea has strengthened demand and problem -oriented. It can focus limited resources to the most urgent and authentic needs of the country, use good steel on the blade, and truly solve the real solution.Intective problems, change the resource allocation model of pepper -sprinkled pepper -like resource allocation in the past, and improve the efficiency of resource use.

Secondly, this idea is conducive to removing Siwei and establishing a new evaluation mechanism.

Taking the results of the problem as the measurement standard, the market competition mechanism stimulates the vitality of innovation, transforms soft assessment into a hard assessment, guides the adjustment of evaluation and evaluation concepts and trends, and truly cracks the four only problems.

Third, this idea is conducive to truly capable and level scientists who stand out.

Unveiled the list, regardless of the source of the hero, whoever has the ability to unveil the list, which can break the old frames of generations, produce catfish effects, enhance the overall innovation vitality.The talent competition mechanism of talents and mediocre.

Converting the stuck neck list into a task list is essentially the reform and exploration of new bureaus and new machines in crisis.In this regard, we might as well give some patience and confidence.

Because, at the turning point of history, we don't have too many opportunities to hesitate and stagnate.