Whether Trump is suitable to be president is completely different from Trump if he will be elected president again.Shang Shu has a saying: The gentleman is in the wild, the villain is in office.There are too many such examples.Li Yu, Zhu Youjian (Chongzhen), Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong have all worked as emperors, but they are not equal to them suitable for being emperors.

As for whether Trump is suitable for presidents, different ideas have different answers.Those ethnicists and populists who are only individual and short -term interests in the United States, of course, think that he is suitable for presidents, and the most personality and most popular.However, from the perspective of the long -term interests of the United States, the United States and humans, Trump is not suitable for being president because he has many serious shortcomings.

Trump's five disadvantages

Trump's first disadvantage is to refuse to face the real problem.Although the United States is a superpower, it also faces many domestic and international issues.What is the real problem he should face?Among them, the most important problem is the issue of the rich and the poor in the United States.Trump did not face this problem and did not contradict it as the number one in the United States.

There are some data that the US government, especially Trump, must admit and face it. These data are actually a problem of the United States, which has nothing to do with any country.Over the past 50 years, GDP in the United States (GDP) increased from US $ 1.05 trillion in 1970 to US $ 2.143 trillion in 2019, an increase of about 20 times, excluding the profit of US companies in foreign countries and other asset expansion.However, Robert Shiller, an American economist, pointed out that the growth of the US economy is mainly to make 1%of the rich and wealth more concentrated.Another economist Paul Krugman also revealed that the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States has intensified since the 1970s.

Since 1973, although the average income has increased significantly, the number of real number income in the family has only increased slightly, and the biggest benefit has fallen into the extremely rich.According to the Federal Reserve's research, the average income of the US CEO, compared with the salary of ordinary employees, has expanded from 40 times in the 1970s to 367 times in the early 21st century;Less, that is, 10%of people account for 90%of social wealth.The latest data and research show that in 2015, 95%of household income in the United States is still less than 2007.However, 1%of the wealthy wealth continues to grow.

George Soros, an investor, commented on globalization: Winners rarely or even never compensate the losers, but potential winners have made enough money to preach globalization to everyone's wealth.This sentence is entirely applicable to the United States.American capitalists have gained huge benefits from globalization, but the domestic distribution is seriously uneven.However, Trump did not face this problem.

Trump's second major disadvantage is to transfer contradictions and shirk responsibility.Although the problem of the United States is mainly domestic, especially the rich and the poor, it has nothing to do with other countries, but he dare not point his finger to the interest group, and he cannot solve the problem of disparity between the rich and the poor.The first country he wanted to blame was China.

Trump believes that China has stolen jobs in the United States and earns too much money in the United States. MDASH; MDASH; the United States is losing losses.

Is this really true?no.First of all, the global economic division of labor is not other countries, it is the United States.In 2005, the famous writer Thomas Friedman was flat in the best -selling world: In the 21st century brief history, he praised globalization and global division of labor, and described India's replacement of low -end industries in the United States.Note that this book first emphasizes India's replacement prospects for the United States, but the actual ending is that China has developed more and low -end industries.Therefore, the current international division of labor is completely the strategic design of the United States.

Secondly, it is even more contradictory to say that China's work opportunities to stole Americans.In 2019, Trump also claimed that the unemployment rate in the United States was the lowest in 50 years.If so, how can we say that China and India have stolen work opportunities for Americans?Even if India and China have joined globalization, it has led to the loss of mid -to -low -end work opportunities in the United States, which is also an early thing. Its impact has already decreased to micro, otherwise how could the U.S. unemployment rate drop to the lowest in 50 years?You know, China has not joined globalization 50 years ago.Therefore, Trump's accusations on China not only lack an basis, but also reflect his confusion.In fact, India has also undertaken many industries in the United States and stole many job opportunities in the United States, but why did Trump blame India?The reason is simple, because the United States believes that China is more threatened than India, so it wants to curb China.

Third, Trump believes that the United States is suffering from the Sino -US trade surplus, which is not in line with the facts.China does get huge benefits from globalization, but these benefits are not cheated from the United States, but the huge price of China to pay the environment, resources, etc., and the global wealth increase generated with the United States and other countries.At the same time, not only did the United States not suffer, but the GDP increased by more than 20 times in 50 years, and the profit head of Sino -US trade was obtained by the United States.As mentioned earlier, the biggest problem in the United States is that the distribution of wealth increment is seriously imbalance.

Trump's third disadvantage is the lack of credit to make the world be at a loss.False and good changes seem to be a common problem of politicians. It is especially true when dealing with international relations under an anarchy.It is not surprising that Trump is suffering from this disease, but he seems too serious.No matter what the boss, the brothers must feel direction, strategy, and confidence.Trump's clouds and rain make the world have no confidence in the world, and the world's anarchy is getting higher and higher.

Trump's fourth major disadvantage is the lack of great powers.It is not difficult to understand that Trump will give the United States again and even pursue the United States priority, which is acceptable.The key is how to understand great and priority.You know, the United States is not an ordinary country, but the world's largest power, and bears international responsibilities that should not be shown.However, Trump narrowly understands greatness and priority, and it is almost the same in international exchanges.He loses in the mouth of the United States, but can he face up to the huge benefits of the US dollar as international currency to the United States?The rich interests obtained by the United States today are inseparable from the US hegemony and leadership.

At the same time, Trump has continued to dump his hands on global public affairs, such as withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Paris Climate Agreement.This has undoubtedly exacerbated the degree of anarchy around the world, leading to damage to global military security, geopolitical security, and economic security, and the international leadership of the United States has also been affected.The most direct evidence is that in the global crisis of the crown disease, Western countries have not asked the United States for help.This is the first time in a century.

Trump's fifth disadvantage is to break the old world but cannot build a new world.Since Trump came to power, it has made great movements.If it wasn't for the United States that had basically put power into the real cage, I wouldn't know what Trump would toss the world as it would look like.Although he rely on the strength of the first powerful country to call the wind and rain, there is nothing clever.He wanted to break the old world, but he did not propose a new plan; exacerbated the risk of the world, but did not let the world see hope.

I even think he has the intellectual crisis.His speech was not much profound, wonderful and unique, and even lack of necessary logic.His talk show is wonderful, but it may not be suitable for governing the country.I also saw his ethics and spirit from his somewhat scattered eyes, and often occurred in the situation where the preface was not matched.He is likely to lose the physical energy and physical fitness of continuous thinking, and continuous thinking is an important condition for strategic thinking and decision -making.Of course, Trump has passion, personality, frankness, and even willfulness. Many people may like it, but these features may not be good for governing the country.Politics is very rational and calm.

Therefore, Trump is not suitable for being president.

Can Trump be re -elected?

Some people may say that after all, Trump has been a president or elected. Do you want to deny democracy and the people?

Of course, I don't want to deny the people, but the people are a concept of serious lack of reflection in ancient and modern times.What is the people?The father of the people is the people, the mother of the people is the people, and the peopleThe sons of the people are the people, and the people of the people are the people hellip; hellip; In human history, all people add up to only two words mdash; mdash; the people; however, Albert Middot; Einstein occupies alone,8.5 (translated by Chinese).French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon (1895) said the people, and American historian Richard Hofstadter's anti -intellectualism in the United States (1963) saidIt is also the people, and it is also the American people.For the people, there are never lack of wrong cognition and choice. They often shatter a bad world and create a worse world.

In recent decades, the people of the American people have indeed been not very good, and they have not risen, and some people's living standards have even declined.However, there are several issues worth torture: First, the problem of the life of the American people should blame the internal distribution of the United States, or should other countries such as China and India?Some Americans blame other countries to steal the job opportunities in the United States, but have other countries adopting illegal means?If not, should you blame another country or a capitalist in the United States?Americans can't even restrict their own capitalists.Is this bullied and afraid?Is it rational at all?

Second, can Trump make the United States and the world better?If certain problems have never been effective, Trump will make the problem worse?For example, human beings have never solved the effective plan for the disparity between the rich and the poor, and Trump cannot solve it. Blindly supports Trump if it will lead to a worse ending?

This can be compared with Chinese history.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, he was welcomed by the king and incited, and the people who were rebelled with Li Zicheng were the people of Wuhe.Imagine that in the agricultural era, if there is no grain, the most important tax, what is the country's operation?Therefore, if you welcome the king, you must be a scam.However, there are many people in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Reflecting the people's cognitive ability can generally predict whether Trump can be re -elected.If it wasn't for the epidemic, Trump would be re -elected.Today, due to Trump's misconduct (especially the former), more people have realized that he lacks a real crisis and ability to govern the country.Some of the previous Trump's political achievements were largely the blessing of the strong national strength in the United States. It is the gameplay of the second generation of officials and the second generation. It is not his true ability.However, the coronary virus that does not talk about class, politics, and regardless of the country and nations has tore a lot of camouflage, so that more people can realize Trump, especially its ability to govern the country.

However, Trump is still likely to be re -elected because it mainly depends on the people.The key to prevent Trump from being elected is to change the people.However, it is difficult to change the people. I don't think how much the people of contemporary people have changed and improve their people in the era of Li Zicheng, the Boxer era, and the French Revolution.Wuhezhong always defends the idols in his heart, because Wuhe people never reflect on and deny themselves, and denying idols is to deny themselves.Therefore, a large number of Wuhe people are Trump's strong backing. They are supporting the stubbornness and disruption of the world, and there are no winners' elections and re -election.

(The author is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of International Relations in Sichuan University in China)