Early North to read

Han Yonghong

A wave of twists and turns, confusing.TIKTOK, which is mainly content with young people singing and dancing short videos, has recently trapped the vortex of China -US wrestling. Is there a future in the United States?This problem fell into a huge Luo Shengmen.

Earlier, US President Trump signed an administrative order on August 6 to aim at MDash, the parent company of TIKTOK and WeChat; MDash; Chinese technology companies' bytes beating and Tencent, which stipulates that American companies and individuals and characters will be prohibited after the 20th this month.The reason for the beat and Tencent transactions, the reason is that Tiktok and WeChat threatened US national security.

For Tiktok, which has 100 million U.S. users, this is a calamity of life and death. There are only two ways left in front of you: either selling the US business or withdrawing from the United States.Since August, Tiktok has negotiated with American buyers, first talks with Microsoft, and then the Oracle and Wal -Mart alliance.

As we all know, Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, is the main executive committee of the Trump administration transition team in 2016.Now Trump is forcing Tiktok to sell, while supporting Oracle acquisitions, is considered to be Turli's own political ally.

This transaction has just experienced roller coaster reversal.On the eve of September 20th, Trump announced that principles agreed to transactions sold by Tiktok to Oracle and Wal -Mart, but the plot turned sharply within two days. The parties contradict each other and staged a Luo Shengmen expressed by the transactions: Oracle BoneByte beating will not have the ownership of Tiktok International; byte beating claims that 80%of the equity will still be owned; Trump warns that if Oracle has no fully control, he will not approve the transaction; Chinese official media subsequently speak out and clearly indicate suggestions.The Chinese government will not approve this dirty, bullying and extortion transactions.

Tiktok was stuck. How did it threaten US national security?

According to Trump's administrative orders, the threat of Tiktok and WeChat mainly comes from two aspects: one is that these two applications automatically collect a large amount of user information, while the Communist Party of China will obtain private and proprietary information from American citizens; the second is that they cooperateThe CCP's review requires that deleting political sensitive information may become a tool for the CCP's unreasonable information movement.

The Chinese government has also blocked a variety of foreign applications and software, and has always been criticized for this. For example, it is forbidden to log in to China in China, such as prohibiting Facial Books, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, etc., and they are accused of incompleteness.However, the non -peer is not the wording in Trump's administrative order. Trump has not issued conditions. It is promised that as long as China is open to foreign social media, Tiktok will allow TIKTOK to develop freely in the United States.

In the final analysis, Tiktok's fault is because it has too influence on American youths and has entered a mobile phone that has entered too many young people. The US government cannot control the operation of Tiktok, especially its core algorithm that pushes videos to young people.As a result, the skills are not as good as anyone, and it is blocked. There is also a fisheries in addition to blocking, which is to sell related enterprises for sale.

TIKTOK is the first Chinese application that truly occupies the international market. It shows that China's Internet application skills have been caught up to the United States, and it may become a quasi -soft strength and directly challenge the United States.

First of all, the scientific and technological capabilities itself will enhance the image of the country. Second, the concept of soft power comes from the summary of American experience, that is, it affects the strength of others with culture, ideology, and political systems.Through the democratic system and cultural products, the United States has successfully preached the American story, promoted the concepts and systems of American democracy, personal freedom, and private property rights, and formed American soft power.In contrast, telling stories internationally is never the strengths of China, but Tiktok, as mobile applications, does not tell stories, does not produce content, but use algorithms and push to guide users' attention.It may even compete with the information that the United States wants to emphasize.Of course, Facebook also use algorithms to affect users, but it is an American company, and the United States will not think it is a threat.

People have dreamed of connecting people around the world to the people of the world and the minimum cost exchange information, social and trade.The United States was originally an advocate in this regard, but under Trump's governance, the premise of supporting the United States in support of interconnection is that the United States must take absolute advantages. When the United States does not have an advantage and does not respond to competition, the original rules can be possible.give up.Obviously, Tiktok is not a strategy to deal with the Chinese science and technology competition, but instead highlights the lack of strategies in the United States.

UN Secretary -General Gutres warned this week that countries must do their best to avoid a new cold war.He said: Our world cannot withstand such a future. Two largest economies divide the world into two halves, leading to huge faults. There are their own strengths of trade, financial rules, and artificial intelligence on both sides.

Unfortunately, this may be the future.If the United States cannot face the complex challenges made by China, and there is no basic mutual trust between China and the United States, it will choose the path of division.