The United States is abandoning global hegemony ambitions

Author: Peng Shengyu

At the Trump inauguration ceremony a few years ago, the newly appointed US President Trump shouted to the world's more than 7 billion people in the world: My foreign policy always puts the American people and the United States first.This will be the basis for me to make every decision.The government I lead, the United States is the main and eternal theme.For the future, we must first review the past.History will always remember our actions.Unfortunately, after the Cold War ended, our foreign policy was seriously deviated from the direction.We failed to formulate new policies in the new century.In fact, over time, our foreign policy is becoming more and more useless.Stupid and ignorance replace the original reason, which brings one foreign policy disaster after another.We have repeatedly made mistakes, from Iraq, Egypt, Libya to Syria.All of this began in a dangerous idea, that is, we can promote democracy in these countries, even if these countries have never experienced democracy or are not interested in democracy.We tear up their own government agencies, and then I was very surprised by the institutions we shaped.As a result, civil warfare in the interference area, religious fanaticism, thousands of Americans lost their lives, and trillions of dollars in water drifting.The vacuum state of anarchy was just used by Islamic State.Iran was also in a hurry to get rid of emptiness and obtain improper profit.I want to point out the five shortcomings in foreign policy.First, our resources are excessive.Second, our allies do not bear fair share.Third, our allies began to think that they could not rely on us.Our current president does not like allies, but nodded with the enemy.Fourth, our enemies no longer respect us.In the last point, the United States no longer understands our foreign policy.

Today, a few years later, combined with the United States under the leadership of Trump in recent years, the content of the speech has basically been made.The historic label can marked: the United States is gradually giving up hegemony to pursue hellip; hellip;

First, the United States retreats is dizzy, reflecting the United States who does not want to be this leader.

On January 23, 2017, Trump signed an administrative order and officially announced the US withdrawal from the Cross Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).

On June 1, 2017, Trump announced in the White House that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement to deal with global climate change

On October 12, 2017, the US State Department issued a statement saying that the United States withdrew from UNESCO.

On May 8, 2018, US President Trump officially announced in the White House that the United States will withdraw from the Iranian nuclear issue.

On June 19, 2018, the US Secretary of State Pompeo attended the press conference with the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and announced that the United States had withdrawn from the UN Human Rights Council.

On August 2, 2019, the United States officially withdrew the Treaty of the Central Guide.

On May 22, 2020, the United States officially announced the withdrawal of the Open Sky Treaty 6 months later

On May 29, 2020, the United States announced that it would withdraw from the World Health Organization Hellip; Hellip;

The columns are not complete, and there are many international agreements and international organizations launched by the United States.These retreats in the United States are based on the first priority of the United States. It cannot make the United States good at profit, cannot make the United States great again, and cannot let the United States take back.The US retreat is dazzling, reflecting the United States that the United States does not want to be this leader.The United States is tired and virtual. I don't want to bear too much leadership responsibility. I don't want to be the world police officer hellip; hellip;

The main pattern of today's world is indeed shaped by the United States, and various international organizations are basically produced by the United States.However, today's United States, with its national strength decline, the country's chaos is overwhelming, international leadership has declined significantly, and international prestige and international reputation are gradually declining.The international organizations and mechanisms that the United States dominated by one hand has now become more international organizations and mechanisms that balance the United States.The United States no longer feels that these international organizations and mechanisms that have been created by themselves have used their value to him.As a result, he started the crazy retreat.In recent years, the United States has gone to the United States ’first banner, and has gone further and further on the road of unilateralism. It has repeatedly abandoned its international commitments and international obligations, which has seriously impacted international law and international order.With international order, these international law and international order are also maintained with the former international law and international order. It is broken. It may bring short -term chaos and may bring the current stable and stable order.The gain of order benefits continues to stabilize the benefits, but these will be temporary. Give some time to adapt to this broken order, and everything will restore tranquility and stability.And international order.

Second, the war aggression in the United States is no longer easy to launch, and no longer enters the decision -making considerations. The United States is extremely reluctant to involved in the war, and more just wants to use military threats and deterrence to obtain benefits.

On August 23, 2020, the Trump campaign team announced the core priority of Trump's second term agenda, the theme is Fighting for You.According to the agenda summary of the agenda announced by the Trump campaign website, these core priorities are divided into 10 themes. These ten themes are: employment, eradicating new crowns, and ending our dependence on China, medical insurance, education, and draining swamps (DRAINTHE SWAMP), defending the police, ending illegal immigrants to protect American workers, innovating for the future, and US priority foreign policy.

In the US -priority foreign policy theme, focusing on the withdrawal of troops from other countries, allowing allies to pay money, expanding US military forces, counter -terrorism, and building a strong network security defense system and missile defense system.This theme also reflects the military contraction of the United States.The security of the local natives can not be involved in wars that are involved in all over the world, and avoid being involved in various war quagmires.

In recent years, the war that the United States involved in the United States has owed huge international debt in the United States; secondly, in order to protect its support for its support, the U.S. military cannot be completely out of time in a short period of time, and it is still trapped in the quagmire.Passionate threats and terrorist attacks.It can be said that the global nation's independent and independence and ligrent resilience, and the US military empire bullying a small country is no longer relaxed, which has prompted the United States to realize that the war has not harvested any benefits.The war initiated to some countries is to overthrow the hostile government that is hostile to the United States. Under the occupation of the hostile country, American companies can not get any benefits there.At all, no longer dare to set foot on the territory of the opponent to earn money and seize resources, and the terrorist attack is invincible.A war of aggression was only for the opponent to get huge losses, and he could not get any economic benefits.The war of war is not economic feasible, and the life of the spirit to make the world condemn.

Trump's first term was indeed a war that did not take the initiative.It is more to withdraw troops from various places to end the war that was involved in the previously involved.Trump is also particularly keen on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Recently, some organization nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020. Trump Lotic has 15 Twitter.That point of an ordinary ordinary person cares and pursues hellip; hellip;

Third, the United States is abandoning the pursuit of global hegemony-governing power, reflects the weakening of US national strength and a real understanding of the world's general trend.The United States has been unable to dominate the world.

As the only superpower in the world, only its military forces that really dominate the world are their military forces.However, today, Nuclear countries such as China and the United States and Russia have the ability to destroy enemy countries or even destroy the earth. The risk of nuclear war will be the destruction of the country, the destruction of human beings, and the destruction of the earth.Picking grapes on the edge of the cliff will be a cliff.Nuclear weapons make the world safer.this world,Nuclear weapons will keep China and the United States that will greatly choose the soberness of war and have a great motivation to curb the impulse of war.Under the deterrent of nuclear weapons, the United States provoked by the United States to be greatly stifled for war with nuclear countries.In the era of nuclear weapons, the big country dare not mess with, and the small country is not so easy to fight. The strong military forces in the United States have not launched a war, and it is difficult to make the US military powerful redeem economic benefits.The super -American empire with the strong military power, cannot release his military advantage.Military forces are more useless.The economic power itself is difficult to have global dominance, not to mention that the appeal of the US economy has fallen seriously.In today's world, which is polarized, a country must maintain the total cost of global hegemony, which has completely exceeded the total income.If you put it into force, it will be completely worthless.The United States is abandoning the pursuit of global hegemony-ruling power, which reflects the weakening of the United States and a realistic understanding of the world's general trend.The United States has been unable to dominate the world and cannot rule the world.

Fourth, the United States recognizes its global ally system, and it is more used by allies, not leaders who are truly supported.The fact is true.All allies are exquisite self -reliance.

The United States recognizes its existing ally systems, and is more used by allies, rather than being supported and leading.Because the United States is the most powerful and capable country in this group of allies, other countries are using the strong United States to cover themselves to protect themselves, ensure that they are peaceful, and can make less military investment and research and development to invest more energy to invest in economyConstruction and get various benefits.

Trump believes that first, over -expenditure in the United States.Second, the United States allies did not bear fair share.Third, when the American allies discovered that the United States had strategic contraction and did not want to be the lead, they clearly identified that they could not rely on the United States.

In fact, it can be counted as a account contributed by the United States to global allies.The proportion of total amount.Second, in the US fiscal expenditure, it is used in matters related to allies, accounting for the proportion of US fiscal expenditures throughout the year.Third, the proportion of fiscal expenditure in military forces, military resources, military personnel, military expenses, and cooperation with the United States.It is difficult for us to count these data, but the United States should be clear.The account calculated by the United States must be able to calculate that it is unjust.The account that the United States can calculate is what Trump said. The United States is using its own military power, military resources, military personnel, military expenses, and huge finances to protect dozens of global allies to let these dozens of alliesLying on a peaceful warm bed to develop themselves, let these dozens of allies use all the resources of the United States to enjoy it. The United States itself, the railway is difficult to build, the road is disrupted, the rust is everywhere, the country is not available, and poverty can be seen everywhere.Without creating any economic benefits for themselves, the country has been abducted by global responsibilities, the allies are not grateful, and the enemy is more and more HelloP; hellip;

5. Many current behaviors of the United States have hegemonic thinking, more about the short -term behavior of pursuing short -term interests and suppressing opponents. It is not a long -term behavior of long -term strategic considerations that pursue the global hegemony as the starting point.

On September 22, 2020, an article written by Brown, a scholar of Truman National Security Project, published an article written by the US Foreign Policy official website. The United States needs a new strategic thinking.The article believes that for a long time, the United States lacks overall, macro, and long -term strategic layout, and most of them are considered short -term interests of the country.This is also the judgment of the author's previous article.This is caused by the four -year presidential election system in the United States.It is difficult for the country to formulate a macro -in strategy that can be implemented for a long time.It is not the ability of Americans to formulate, but Americans have clearly knew that it did not get long -term execution and was formulated for nothing, so no one was formulated.

The current US policy that pursues U.S. priority, the author believes that no matter who the president is, the probability will continue to implement it, that is, Bayeng came to power, and the United States will continue to adhere to the United States.Because this direction is deeply accepted by most people in the United States.Many of the current US -dominating behaviors are more of short -term behaviors that pursue short -term interests and suppress opponents. They are not long -term behaviors with long -term strategic considerations that pursue global hegemony as the starting point.

Some people are worried that the United States will lock the country. In fact, the United States does not lock the country.The closure blockade involved is more for the behavior of our individual areas in China.The United States is unwilling to lead the world, is unwilling to pay responsibilities and responsibilities, and is unwilling to bear the obligation he used to bear. This is the right of the United States. In fact, there is no right to require the United States to pay for this world.Extra move.Everyone used to do what he did before, not that he didn't do it now, and he was wrong.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty in China, Sheng Ji was the strongest in the world. After the Qianlong, China followed the ostrich policy. As a result, we all knew.If the United States wants to be an ostrich now, it is the U.S.'s own business. As he goes, if this is not good for the United States, you don't need to worry about it. If this is not good for the world, it may be what the United States wants. He only needs to treat himself nowIt is good at the current advantage. The long -term in the future is not the most concerned hell; hellip;

In the end, the finishing touch must be: After decades of hard work in the United States, I finally realized that they could not dominate the world. Now they have recognized the reality and abandoned the global hegemonic ambitions and pursuits.China must also recognize this reality. Do not invest too much internationally internationally, so as not to step in the United States. To prevent the United States today, it will become China's tomorrow hellip;

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher at Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the International Financial Forum (IMF) Research Institute