
Double Festive

Sino -US highest leaders gathered again after half a year of New York this week, and accidentally splashed sparks.

U.S. President Trump local time on Tuesday (22nd) at the United Nations General Assembly opened, China ’s firepower was fully demanded that the United Nations held accountable to China on the global outbreak of the crown disease.Chinese President Xi Jinping is not willing to show weakness. It is not named to remind the US power more about it. The cracks that the competition between China and the United States exacerbate the relationship between the relationship between Xi in China and the United States will be exposed at the meeting.

The last phone call of Xi was on March 27 this year, and the crown disease epidemic spread in the early days of the United States.As the U.S. epidemic was out of control, and later the strategic confrontation between China and the United States broke out, the relationship between Xite went straight down.

Trump has admitted several times during this period that his relationship with Xi Jinping has changed.He disclosed in an interview with Fox Sports in August that after the global outbreak of the epidemic, his relationship with Xi Jinping had cracks, and the two had not spoken for a long time.

As a result, the general debate of the United Nations Conference, which was confronted on the front of the same stage, was particularly concerned about the outside world.

Under the epidemic, the conference was held for the first time in the 75th year.Trump named China 11 times in the pre -recorded video, saying that China must be responsible for release the epidemic.Although Trump's allegations are not too new, it is the first time to spread the pot to the 193 member states of the participating meeting.

The number of deaths in the US crown disease has exceeded the 200,000 people on Monday this Monday, more than doubled more than 88,000 people in India, which made Trump's faceless face, and it was urgent to transfer the sight of American voters.The poor resistance to resistance also made Trump's re -election on November 3 full of thorns, and the Democratic candidate Biden continued to fall into a tug -of -war. The anti -Chinese card has become the only strategy in Trump's hands to save the election trend.

Compared with Trump's aggressive, Xi Jinping's pre -record video speech is much restrained. For example, emphasizing that China has no intention of fighting the Cold War with any country, and insisting on the dialogue with dialogue, it has a clear intention to cool down the current highly tense relationship between China and the United States.

However, Xi Jinping also does not forget to be soft and hard, saying that the competition between the country must keep the moral bottom line and international norms, and not to the name to remind the big powers of the United States.Responsible.

At the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Trump's absence of the previous day, Xi Jinping also did not name the U.S. preferred national policy that Trump pursued: no country has the power to capture international affairs, dominate the destiny of other countries, and monopolize the development advantages.Not to do it in the world, engage in hegemony, bullying, and domineering.Unilateralism has no way out.

Xi Jinping also said: who can't listen to whose fists who can't be big, he should take the lead in the advocates and maintenanceers of the rule of law.After Trump came to power, he had withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian nuclear agreement and the World Health Organization (WHO), shaking the world order, and China tried to shape itself as a defender of the world order.

As for how to show the responsibility of the great power?Xi Jinping performed a crown vaccine and diplomacy at the meeting on Tuesday, saying that many vaccines in China have entered the third clinical experiment in the third phase. After the study and use, it will be provided as a global public product, which will be provided to developing countries.Xi Jinping also announced that China will provide support for the United Nations New Crown Epidemic Plan for $ 50 million (about S $ 68.36 million) to support it; this plan aims to assist the most vulnerable country in the world's anti -epidemic situation.

It is worth mentioning that Trump's speech also mentioned that there are currently three types of vaccines in the United States in the final stage of clinical trials. We will distribute vaccines. We will defeat the virus. We will end the epidemic, but we will not say that the vaccine is distributed.

Xi Jinping did not say a word about Trump's allegations, and refuted Trump's mission to be handed over by the Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.On November 3, Trump is still expected to enter the White House again, the above believes that the above -mentioned relationship is reserved for Xite's future relationship.

Although China seems to be more great than the United States at the United University and continues to bear more international responsibilities, it is still unable to turn around the issue of human rights issues that have been criticized by the West for a long time.At the meeting, French President Macron publicly called for the United Nations to send delegations to Xinjiang to inspect the local human rights situation, showing that China still has a lot of explanation work to win the trust of the West.

At the time of the fierce confrontation between Xi for empty, UN Secretary -General Gutres said to countries at the conference that it must do its best to prevent the world from falling into the new cold war.

The world after the epidemic has been difficult to return to the past, and what Xite showed the differences in the construction of the international community after the epidemic.The decline in the free fall of China and the United States and Xite's relationship has been abducted by the normal operation of multilateral organizations. Before the decision of the U.S. presidential election, I believe there will be no transfer.