Early Jingqiang Xinyun

Yang Danxu

After the Chinese Ministry of Commerce officially announced on Saturday, after the provisions of the unreliable entity list, some Chinese peers described in private: the pistol was carried.

Who will the muzzle aim, and when to deduct the trigger is now the biggest suspense.From the news quoted by various media in the past few days, the first winning bid may not be an American company, but the HSBC Bank in the UK.

HSBC in the game between China and the United States, which is not a dilemma on both sides.After being arrested in Canada in Canada, Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, who plays an important role in the case, has long been the target of Chinese public opinion attacks.In July of this year, Chinese official media condemned HSBC to participate in the construction, maliciously worked as a bureau, put together materials, fabricated evidence, and played a very unpleasant role in the case.

Although on the issue of Hong Kong, HSBC actively shows Beijing, but Meng Wanzhou's account, Beijing may have to count.HSBC's stock price fell to the lowest day before yesterday. Among them, HSBC was exposed to money laundering, but the market was obviously worried that HSBC was included in the blacklist.

The Global Times, which disclosed HSBC that may enter the blacklist, also mentioned another American company Federal Express.

The Federal Express sent Huawei from Japan to China to the United States due to sorting errors last year.Chinese public opinion states that its accurate mistakes are to combat Huawei to cooperate with the Trump administration.At the time, Chinese official media had paved the way for sanctioning Federal Express. CCTV wrote in a comment in a comment: Federal Express, unreliable physical list?

It has become a new strategy in the international geopolitical game without saying a word.In the past two years, the United States has repeatedly used blacklist tools to sanction many Chinese companies for national security and human rights reasons. There are more than 150 blacklists who have entered the United States because they have business exchanges with Huawei alone.

China ’s blacklisted blacklist is obviously imitated in the United States, allowing the future to fight back in the United States.However, with this new tool, how to use it still hurts.A large number of companies in the United States do business in China. If you find several American companies to sanction, there are many objects that can be selected, but no matter how you choose, it may be a rats.

At the same time, China has to weigh the United States, while ensuring irreversible impact on the country's economy and industry, and avoiding the hearts of foreign companies in China.

Taking Apple as an example, in the recent storm of banning Tiktok and WeChat in the United States, there is a voice on the Internet from time to time to call on the official to fight against this company.It is not impossible to put Apple in the blacklist, and it will definitely hurt the United States, but it will be a nuclear option.Unless it is a last resort, China, with a large number of Apple foundry business, should avoid killing the enemy by one thousand and damage 800.

For some American companies that have a greater difficulty in technology, Beijing also has to take too harsh measures.Some scholars have pointed out that China now needs technology urgently and is high -tech enterprises, especially American companies that do not competition with Chinese companies, should invite them instead of bombarding.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce also placed foreign companies the next day, saying that the regulations were only aimed at foreign entities that damaged market rules and violated Chinese law.

More importantly, Beijing must consider how to respond to the pressure of the United States, while not actively pushing Sino -US relations to collapse.

In the past two years, Sino -US relations have deteriorated from the trade war. The dramatic nature is that economic and trade can still maintain the bond of Sino -US relations.Although the United States is pressing in step by step, it is necessary to cut into contact with all aspects of China, but the high dependence of the two countries in economic and trade has made it difficult to decompose between China and the United States, and it is also difficult to imagine.Actively cracking down on Chinese companies to accelerate them to leave China and lose weight to Sino -US relations.

Of course, the blacklist is definitely not a show. Beijing believes that it will use it to kill chickens and monkeys.Michael Hirson, the head of Political Risk Consulting Eurasian Group China and Northeast Asia, judged that China will at least put one American company on the blacklist before the end of the year, but this tool will be very targeted, and the risk is higher.It will be a US company that competes with Chinese companies, and companies involved in selling weapons to Taiwan.

In addition, it remains to be discussed whether Beijing will announce the sanctions list before the US election.The American President Trump, who stimulates the Chinese brand in the campaign, may continue to upgrade China and the United States.Waiting for the United States to be more stable in China, avoiding Sino -US relations completely in the current sensitive period, it will not cause Sino -US relations to completely lose room.Therefore, the pistol has been carried out, and it is best to move the trigger or slow.