01 Weekly

Writing: Yi Wenjian

After Trump was elected as the President of the United States in 2016, his opponents had determined that the title of century -old democratic store in the United States was at stake. If he could defeat Democratic candidates Biden for four years in November this year, the situation was even more unimaginable.Even so, democratic politics is still dead, and David Runciman, a professor of political science at Cambridge University, described in the book how democracy Ends, and today's democratic politics has fallen into a middle -aged crisis.Langsman estimates that by January 2053, the United States can still hold an inauguration of presidential presidents.If the Democratic country in the United States has not died, other democratic countries believe that it will not fall down.

The middle age of democracy is like a middle age, and the burden on the body has become heavy. Without the teenager's strength, it is a bit powerless to change or innovate thinking.Middle -aged democracy wants to catch up but cannot catch up.However, middle -aged is not equal to the end, the future of democracy is still changing, it may be a turn, or it can turn well. It may even be as old as human beings.Even if you eventually die, you can have different ways of expression, and the process can be very long.However, it is necessary to emphasize that democratic death is not the same as human death. Beyond democratic politics, human beings can still have other models that allocate power and organize society.

There is a little hope for technology

Specifically, the most obvious signs of democratic middle -aged crisis are that they failed to take into account the interests of the people and not be recognized by the public.The party is originally a adhesive of society, but now many countries and regions are no longer prosperous. The political parties are either an old -fashioned or only understand the short checks.

In Langsman's eyes, coup, disasters, and scientific and technological takeover are the three major challenges faced by democratic politics.

If democratic politics is mdash; strictly speaking, it is the agent of democratic MDASH; so unsuccessful, what kind of medicine does Langsmann have to treat its middle -aged crisis?He denied the time when he returned to the past Athens direct democracy, because the socio -economic structure was very different.He also opposes the knowledge of knowledge elites (EPISTOCRACY), and people who know the most determine where we should go, such as the person with the highest level of education; or such as anti -democratic author James Buchaanan, borrowingWriting the test sieve away the fool.Langsman's biggest criticism of the elite governing the country is that elites are also people and can make mistakes. The democratic system can avoid the worst situation of society and can correct problems.Furthermore, the knowledge elites are easily degraded into technical bureaucrats, and they are led by machines and systems.

Langsman agrees with various democratic experiments in various countries around the world, such as Iceland's collection of national opinions to formulate a new constitution (although not being recognized by Congress), urban launching participation budgets, and political parties using software and programs to determine policies.However, the scale of these experiments is too small, and this place is not necessarily feasible. The urban travel is through, and the countryside may not be; the technical bureaucrats believe that it is possible, but the workers do not agree.

In several future imaginations, Langsman originated from an example to oppose elite governance of the country and pragmatic authoritarianism. However, out of unknown, he is optimistic about science and technology and believes that the development of science and technology is still very large, and he has the opportunity to lead humans to liberate.Science and technology may make the anti -Utopia day, but human beings can think of all kinds of future scenarios, and the wisdom of civilians to prevent sadness from appearing.Perhaps citizen hackers will become the guardians of human future.

Only in owing economic analysis angle

Langsman's Rui see is that today's democratic crisis is different from before World War II. Science and technology accelerate social evolution, as if the appeal of the public during the war weakened, and the democratic system itself grew a lot.Although it was a good teacher today, politicians and people shouted back to the past and made the country strong again. If they were not lacking imagination, they were self -coaxing.He believes that it is more useful for exploring new democratic forms, and do not exclude referring to other non -representative democratic systems.However, although this book discusses political democracy, technological transformation, and disaster threats, it has been broken at the economic level.Langsman noticed that there was almost no king's management in the technology giant, and mentioned that in the past, it was the only way to strengthen labor and welfare guarantees to strengthen the democratic system and future practice participation budget, but that's all.

History tells us that democracy should not be limited to Congress, nor is it supported by the freedom of news and freedom of speech.The wave of new liberalism, which has been popular in the 1970s, brought privatization of public services, tax reduction and exemption of large enterprises, and scattered positions, and the middle class was under inferiority.Economic policy errors, people are naturally disappointed with the government and democratic systems, and sowing for populism.

Of course, there are many benefits to agency democracy, including helping to negotiate and seek consensus, but in the era of rapid technology, it loses its former halo, and the number of politics for agent democracy in the future is difficult or even reduced.Any political system must also ensure economic democracy to help people's power, reduce the sense of alienation and atomicization of the people, and unite society.Many scholars provide forward -looking suggestions. For example, workers have corporate shares, participate in decision -making power, and regard the basic income of the entire population as rights rather than relief, and ensure collective negotiations, which are worth trying.The country lacks economic strategies, and any system will eventually be pleasing to the people.

After this century of disease and the global economy were impacted, it was expected that Langsman would add discussions on the influence of science and technology and the economic impact on politics to review the future of the democratic system.It is also hoped that the democratic politics in various places can aware of the middle -aged crisis, learn lessons, and move towards a more exciting future rather than decline.