Ming Pao News Agency

The U.S. government banned TIKTOK, and once reported that the cooperation agreement reached by TIKTOK's parent company and Oracle complied with the requirements of the parties and submitted the White House for approval.WeChat and TIKTOK were completely removed on September 20, leaving their tails at the same time. The Ministry of Commerce said that if it can meet all requirements before November 12, TIKTOK still has the opportunity to continue to operate in the United States.The ban is really intriguing, but exposure to China completely suppressed China. The White House has always been regarded as a free economic principle that Guizheng.

Protection of national security

The technique seems to be puzzled

Trump prohibit WeChat and Tiktok from operating in the United States on the grounds of protecting national security.The ban is in harmony with Trump's approval of Chinese technology companies. In 2018, it was first sanctioned ZTE, prohibiting American companies from selling sensitive products to ZTE, fined US $ 1 billion, and then paid $ 400 million in margin and accepted the U.S. government to supervise personnel.Later lifting the ban.Next is the comprehensive ban on Huawei Communications. These are understood as China Communications Technology, especially 5G technology that threatens the economic interests of the United States, and according to the United States to comprehensively fight against China's policies and logic.way of doing.

WeChat and TIKTOK are social media, which do not involve high -tech. It is more aimed at market demand and design marketing strategies. It is just a creative implementation. It is not listed in the United States to restrict the development of Chinese science and technology.Trump uses Chinese social media to collect personal information of users and may cooperate with the Chinese military, which will endanger the personal privacy and national security of American users and file a ban.

The U.S. government should protect national security. However, in accordance with the principles of the free market, specific requirements for compliance should be put forward. As long as it is regarded as the same as the same, any enterprise, whether it is the country or foreign capital, has responsibility and obligations to obey.However, Trump ’s ban on WeChat and Tiktok has repeatedly mentioned threats but has never had substantial evidence. The ban is to prohibit the downloading WeChat and Tiktok applications and update software, but users are not allowed to use it.Use WeChat to transfer transactions in the United States, but it is not forbidden to use the payment function of WeChat outside the United States. What is even more unpredictable is that Tiktok can also have another 53 -day wide limit to complete the White House selling agreement that satisfies the selling selling agreement to the White House.Essence

Trump has threatened that Tiktok's parent company will continue to become a major shareholder operating in the United States, which means to force Tiktok to transfer controlling equity to American buyers, and can get a huge sum of money from the equity transfer.Although the US government's deficit is full of deficit, I believe that the US president will not make money for the US government in this way, but whether it is selling or not, the administrative order is not clear, whether it is legitimate and doubtful, and at the same time, it has no inevitable relationship with the protection of national security.According to reports, the agreement reached between Tiktok and Oracle and all information of American users is processed by the storage library provided by Oracle, and accepting third -party audits should meet the White House's requirements for protecting national security.Oracle only occupies a small amount of equity of the cooperative company, while introducing Wal -Mart Supermarket as its shareholder.The specific terms of the agreement have not been disclosed, but Trump is still a big shareholder of Tiktok's major shareholders of the byte. Whether this is the reason for the White House's ban on both the ban and retaining the wide limit period, it is intriguing.

Tiktok young users of more than 100 million people

Affects the selection of election and the ban has a wide limit

The current width limit of the White House was extended until November 12. Trump said that the last period of September 15 will not be extended, and this time it will be used to make the slingshot.Tiktok has become the largest download social media in a short period of time. It is estimated that there are 100 million active users, and they are very popular among young people. The voting intentions of these young people are easy to swing.In Trump, the election of the voting day on November 3 may be affected. This is the pain that Trump cannot withstand, so it has been banned from downloading new users from now on, but there is no restriction on the existing users to continue using it. The purpose isTo keep the votes.This is reasonable inferring.

WeChat and Tiktok began to operate in the United States in 2014 and 2017 respectively. If the charges of the White House are really harmful to US national security, they should have long been under strict monitoring.The United States has always opened up the market. Capital of any country can participate in competition in accordance with market laws. At this time, the White House suddenly raised serious allegations against these two social media companies.U.S. companies investing in investment may also be retaliated.

Chinese companies, which are treated unfairly, should fight for their own interests according to legal channels. In particular, social media involves the United States that the United States is regarded as a sanctuary to be protected by the Constitution.In the fierce competition market, it is too long to stop for a day.However, WeChat and TIKTOK are not individual examples. The U.S. government will do everything possible to suppress China's policies. Chinese companies that have already operated in the United States and intend to invest in the United States will become the next goal at any time.