Ming Pao News Agency

Hong Kong's unemployment rate from June to August this year is 6.1%, the same as the number from May to July.The unemployment rate has not risen, and the employment situation is not better. In fact, the unemployment rate is a lagging number, and the latest unemployment number has also increased, indicating that under the new crown epidemic, the labor market is still very severe.In addition, the new crown epidemic situation may change some economic links and economic structures. While the government adopts rescue measures to protect employment, it is advisable to have a forward -looking perspective and put resources in the new economic field to ensure that competitiveness does not cause environmental changes due to environmental changes.Weakening is to create conditions for new industries.

The number of unemployed people increases 5800

Less than 17 years of new high

According to the number of statistics office, the total number of employment in Hong Kong from June to August increased by about 3400 to about 3.64 million. Although the unemployment rate has not increased, the number of unemployed people has increased by 5,800 to about 248,000.0.3 percentage points to 3.8%, which is a new high after SARS 17 years ago, and the number of people increased by about 13,000 to about 149,000.Seen from the number of unemployed people and employment, the employment situation in Hong Kong has actually deteriorated.

Hong Kong's third wave of epidemic began in early July, and the government tightened social distance measures, and the operations of each industry were hit again.The second slightly rising to 10%to 10.9%is a high position after SARS. The employment of multiple other industries has deteriorated, especially the transportation industry, insurance and education industry.The number of employment markets is generally lagging, especially the new crown epidemic is lingering. Yesterday, there were 6 local diagnosis cases in Hong Kong. There were 3 unknown sources. It was when the epidemic relies on the relaxation of the social distance.The impact of the market should not be taken lightly.

Since the new crown epidemic, the government has invested about 300 billion yuan to save people. This huge sum of money is equivalent to about 11%of Hong Kong GDP. Among them, the three rounds of anti -epidemic funds have invested more than 100 billion yuan to support the heavy -duty industry.Or layoffs, combined with other measures, have a certain effect on the stable employment market, otherwise the unemployment rate will not stay at the current level.However, the second phase of employment plan compared with the first phase. About 7,000 employers no longer apply for salary subsidies. Whether they can't stand the failure, or avoid being regulated, prepare for layoffEssence

The economic prospects are closely related to the employment situation. Even if the new crown vaccine is put into use at the end of the year or the beginning of next year, it may take several years to completely get rid of the possibility of the epidemic. Therefore, in the middle and long termInvest in resources.The government had a financial reserve of about 1.1 trillion yuan, and now the remaining 800 billion yuan is left. It tests how the government can make good use of resources to make the greatest benefits, so that Hong Kong has passed the difficulty this time, and even seize the opportunity in crisis.It is expected that in the next few years, Hong Kong's fiscal revenue and expenditure will not be abundant. Under limited resources, the government needs to pay attention to two aspects.

First of all, in order to keep the employment plan for fast and easy, the application threshold is very low, and it is prone to disputes with unfairness. The government -funded industry target needs to be accurate to prevent abuse. If some employers take the law to take the law, they should follow up seriously.Secondly, the government should have forward -looking thinking, invest in resources in the new economic field, and grasp the economic situation that may occur after the epidemic.

Epidemium reveals science and technology importance

New Economy Seedy has appeared

The government has launched a three -wheeled employment plan to make the enterprise try not to fail and lay off for layout. It is absolutely necessary. If the government does not intervene, a large number of citizens have unemployment in a short period of time, impacting social stability. This is a negligence.However, this urgent funding can only reach one effect, that is, preventing the unemployed army from increasing rapid increase, keeping the employment figures from excessive deterioration, and no value -added effect on the industry and migrant workers.In fact, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of the new crown epidemic. After the restoration of economic activities, it is a question whether some traditional industries and types of work will exist.

Similarly, the influence of the new crown epidemic is that the technology of technology has so far been practical, such as reducing contact between people and people, the demand for remote meeting facilities has emerged, and online shopping and other businesses have increased sharply. Similar phenomena revealed that the epidemic was ended.Some jobs, industries, and even industries will rise and become a new economy.The new crown epidemic highlights the importance of application technology. If it fails to grasp, the competitiveness will be behind.Looking at the current investment in the investment market, it can be seen.

In recent years, Hong Kong's competitiveness is lagging, and it is related to the failure of the science and technology field.Taking the smart city or Smart City as an example, the Chief Executive has proposed in the 2015 administrative report and piloted it with Kowloon East to study feasibility. However, 5 years have passed.Went?The new economy is the future. Even if the traditional economic field is under the impact of science and technology, it is necessary to change the strings to survive.The new economy and application technology urgently need new infrastructure, the mainland responds to the epidemic, and regards the new infrastructure as the focus of investment. For example, to accelerate the laying of 5G base stations in full, it is to carry out new economic deployment.In the middle of next month, Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e will put forward her fourth policy report to lead Hong Kong out of the epidemic.Hong Kong must master the future, otherwise it will be even more lagging.