Author: Matthias von Hein

Source: Voice of Germany

The original plan was a three -day meeting. It was held in Leipzig: This was originally the first time that Chinese leaders and the leaders of all 27 countries in the European Union gathered together.If the European Union China Summit can be held from September 13th to 15th according to the original plan, and Prime Minister Merkel will be the host, it will be the geopolitical highlight of Germany as the EU's rotating chairman's term.

And now only those who protest demonstrations will go to Leipzig.Because the European Summit has been changed online, and the meeting period is shortened to one day.On September 14, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chairman of the European Union Council Charles Michel, European Commission Chairman Ursula Von Der Leyen, and Merkel, as a rotating chairman, will be held in a virtual conference hall.talks.

In early June, when Berlin announced the cancellation of this large summit, the reason given was the new crown epidemic.But the political factors behind this are the key.Recently, China's reputation has plummeted in the government circle of various European countries.These practices have also caused a lot of protests in the Uyghur high -pressure policies and tough wrists of Hong Kong.In an interview with the Voice of Germany, Lucrezia Poggetti, a scholar who studied European -China Research Center (Merics), a scholar of European -China Research Center, pointed out that especially China ’s opaque in dealing with the new crown epidemic, as well as so -called mask diplomacy.It has caused serious dissatisfaction to European countries: this is regarded as a public relations offensive that has no shame, because China even label the exported medical supplies in many cases.

In Europe, people are re -thinking about the relationship between China.Facing China's increasingly aggressive foreign policy and the continuous space for freedom of speech and human rights to constantly suppress the freedom of speech, the European Union expressed dissatisfaction with official channels in March 2019.At that time, the European Commission announced a strategic document for China in Brussels. The first page clearly stated that for the European Union, China is not only a partner to protect the climate, but also not only competitors in the economic field, but also the competitors in the economic field.It is an opponent in the system, because China implements another governance model that is different from the West.To put it bluntly, Beijing tries to promote its own authoritarian rule in the world as an alternative to replace the European -style democratic system.

The EU Foreign and Security Policy Senior Representative Joseph Borrell once again emphasized this in an interview with the Journal Le Dimanche in early May this year.It is too naive, and now we need to take a more realistic route.

Correspondingly, Brussels began to adopt a new, tough tone when facing China.At the end of June, Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Ursula Von Der Leyen, chairman of the European Commission, held a video conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang.The wording of them reflects this new attitude towards China-although Michelle also emphasizes that the two parties have the economic existence of mutual dependence, as well as cooperation in climate protection and anti-resistance, etc.There is one but we must also realize that the values, political systems, and understanding of multilateralism of our (EU and China) are different.We will invest in cooperation with a clear perspective and confident attitude, while strongly defending the interests of the EU and adhering to our values.

The European Commission Chairman Feng Delin's argument is roughly similar: if European -China relations continue to develop forward, you must more comply with the rules and pay more attention to the principle of peering.

When it comes to rules and equivalent, there should have been a European -China Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI) to take on this responsibility.The negotiations between the two sides have lasted for six years.Its goal is to expand market access, enhance fair competition, reduce investment thresholds, weaken the role played by state -owned enterprises, and promote sustainable development.From the perspective of the European corporate community, if an agreement is to be reached, China needs to make obvious concessions.The European side has clearly stated that it will not compromise China, and Jouml, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview with the German News Agency.Because Chinese companies can enjoy an open market and a fair competitive environment in Europe, European companies cannot be in China.Therefore, it must be Beijing to fill this vacancy.But Wudk is not optimistic about whether it can be realized.

When China Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Brussels in December last year, he emphasized again that Europe occupied a high position in Beijing's 2020 diplomatic agency schedule, and pointed out that the European -China Investment Agreement is the most important economic policy issue.However, Reinhard Buuml, chairman of the EU Parliament from the German Green Party, believes that no progress has been made in this regard.A briefing of a Makato China Research Center quoted his words that there was no breakthrough on all critical dispute issues.

Two weeks ago, in order to prepare for the European Summit, Wang Yi visited Europe again.Prior to this, the Secretary of State of the United States just visited a number of Central European and Southeast European countries, and Germany Mirror Weekly called this trip as a trip to China.Makato's European -China relations expert Lu Kerei believes that the Chinese government intends to prevent the formation of a cross -Atlantic anti -China front.She also added that the 5G network construction intention signed during Pompeo's visit to the Middle Eastern Europe also caused Beijing's concerns.Because before that, the United Kingdom and France just announced that before 2027 and 2028, all mobile communication devices provided by Huawei were removed.

How to treat Huawei, Europe has not yet formed a unified solution.In the past few months, the United States has continuously suppressed allies, urging them to exclude Huawei outside the construction of 5G networks.Washington warns that the world's largest network equipment supplier will perform spy operations through its products and may destroy key infrastructure.The German government has not given clear answers on this issue.

As the first visit during the new crown epidemic, Wang Yi came to Europe this time, and it should have been to show charm.However, due to the changes in the EU's attitude towards China, he did not get expected results.When German Foreign Minister Marce received him in Berlin, he also clearly put forward the point of view of Beijing's recovery of the National Security Law of the Hong Kong District, because the law actually ended Hong Kong's independence of rule of law.In addition, he also asked the United Nations Observer to go to Xinjiang to investigate the Uighurs.In addition, Mas also made a clear refutation on the previous threat remarks of the Czech Republic of Speaker's visit to Taiwan.

At the same time as Wang Yi visited, the German government issued a policy guidance of Indo -Pacific policy.This reflects the diversification of Berlin's hope to seek cooperative relationships in Asia, that is, to broaden the scope of cooperation, sign more free trade agreements, and reduce its economic dependence on China.When introducing this policy document, Mas also pointed out: We want to strengthen our understanding of the multi -polarized world, that is, no country should be forced to make choices between the two major powers.The meaning is self -evident, and he refers to the United States and China.

The geopolitical conflicts of the two major powers of the United States and China will also play an important role at this European and China Summit.